class Context constructor: -> @var = 'instance' @x = 0 id_helper: -> "notice" hash: -> a: 'The letter a', b: 'The letter b' show_first: (show = false) -> show define_macro: (name, block) -> @macro ||= {} @macro[name] = block '' call_macro: (name, args...) -> @macro[name](args...) hello_world: (text = "Hello World from @env", opts = {}) -> text + ("#{key} #{value}" for key, value of opts).join(" ") callback: (text, block) -> if block "#{text} #{block()} #{text}" else text message: (args...) -> args.join(' ') action_path: (args...) -> "/action-#{args.join('-')}" in_keyword: -> "starts with keyword" evil_method: -> "" method_which_returns_true: -> true output_number: -> 1337 succ_x: -> @x = @x + 1 person: -> [{name: 'Joe'}, {name: 'Jack'}] people: -> ['Andy', 'Fred', 'Daniel'].map (n) -> new Person(n) cities: -> ['Atlanta', 'Melbourne', 'Karlsruhe'] people_with_locations: -> @people().map (p, i) => p.location = new Location(@cities()[i]) p constant_object: -> @_constant_object ||= {a: 1, b: 2} constant_object_size: -> i = 0 i++ for k, v of @constant_object() i class Person constructor: (@_name) -> name: => @_name city: => class Location constructor: (@_city) -> city: => @_city