import { computed, get, observer } from 'ember-metal'; import EmberObject from '../../../lib/system/object'; import { moduleFor, AbstractTestCase } from 'internal-test-helpers'; moduleFor( 'EmberObject.extend', class extends AbstractTestCase { ['@test Basic extend'](assert) { let SomeClass = EmberObject.extend({ foo: 'BAR' }); assert.ok(SomeClass.isClass, 'A class has isClass of true'); let obj = new SomeClass(); assert.equal(, 'BAR'); } ['@test Sub-subclass'](assert) { let SomeClass = EmberObject.extend({ foo: 'BAR' }); let AnotherClass = SomeClass.extend({ bar: 'FOO' }); let obj = new AnotherClass(); assert.equal(, 'BAR'); assert.equal(, 'FOO'); } ['@test Overriding a method several layers deep'](assert) { let SomeClass = EmberObject.extend({ fooCnt: 0, foo() { this.fooCnt++; }, barCnt: 0, bar() { this.barCnt++; }, }); let AnotherClass = SomeClass.extend({ barCnt: 0, bar() { this.barCnt++; this._super(...arguments); }, }); let FinalClass = AnotherClass.extend({ fooCnt: 0, foo() { this.fooCnt++; this._super(...arguments); }, }); let obj = new FinalClass();;; assert.equal(obj.fooCnt, 2, 'should invoke both'); assert.equal(obj.barCnt, 2, 'should invoke both'); // Try overriding on create also obj = FinalClass.extend({ foo() { this.fooCnt++; this._super(...arguments); }, }).create();;; assert.equal(obj.fooCnt, 3, 'should invoke final as well'); assert.equal(obj.barCnt, 2, 'should invoke both'); } ['@test With concatenatedProperties'](assert) { let SomeClass = EmberObject.extend({ things: 'foo', concatenatedProperties: ['things'], }); let AnotherClass = SomeClass.extend({ things: 'bar' }); let YetAnotherClass = SomeClass.extend({ things: 'baz' }); let some = new SomeClass(); let another = new AnotherClass(); let yetAnother = new YetAnotherClass(); assert.deepEqual(some.get('things'), ['foo'], 'base class should have just its value'); assert.deepEqual( another.get('things'), ['foo', 'bar'], "subclass should have base class' and its own" ); assert.deepEqual( yetAnother.get('things'), ['foo', 'baz'], "subclass should have base class' and its own" ); } ['@test With concatenatedProperties class properties'](assert) { let SomeClass = EmberObject.extend(); SomeClass.reopenClass({ concatenatedProperties: ['things'], things: 'foo', }); let AnotherClass = SomeClass.extend(); AnotherClass.reopenClass({ things: 'bar' }); let YetAnotherClass = SomeClass.extend(); YetAnotherClass.reopenClass({ things: 'baz' }); let some = new SomeClass(); let another = new AnotherClass(); let yetAnother = new YetAnotherClass(); assert.deepEqual( get(some.constructor, 'things'), ['foo'], 'base class should have just its value' ); assert.deepEqual( get(another.constructor, 'things'), ['foo', 'bar'], "subclass should have base class' and its own" ); assert.deepEqual( get(yetAnother.constructor, 'things'), ['foo', 'baz'], "subclass should have base class' and its own" ); } ['@test Overriding a computed property with an observer'](assert) { let Parent = EmberObject.extend({ foo: computed(function() { return 'FOO'; }), }); let seen = []; let Child = Parent.extend({ foo: observer('bar', function() { seen.push(this.get('bar')); }), }); let child = Child.create({ bar: 0 }); assert.deepEqual(seen, []); child.set('bar', 1); assert.deepEqual(seen, [1]); child.set('bar', 2); assert.deepEqual(seen, [1, 2]); } } );