module Locomotive module Concerns module Account # More information here: module ApiKey extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do ## fields ## field :api_key ## callbacks ## before_validation :api_key_should_not_be_empty end # Regenerate the API key without saving the account. # # @return [ String ] The new api key # def regenerate_api_key self.api_key = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("#{self._id}-#{}-#{self.created_at}") end # Regenerate the API key AND then save the account. # def regenerate_api_key! self.regenerate_api_key end private def api_key_should_not_be_empty if self.api_key.blank? self.regenerate_api_key end end module ClassMethods # Create the API token which will be passed to all the requests to the Locomotive API. # It requires the credentials of an account with admin role OR the API key of the site. # If an error occurs (invalid account, ...etc), this method raises an exception that has # to be caught somewhere. # # @param [ String ] email The email of the account # @param [ String ] password The password of the account # @param [ String ] api_key The API key of the site. # # @return [ String ] The API token # def create_api_token(email, password, api_key) if api_key.present? account = self.where(api_key: api_key).first raise 'The API key is invalid.' if account.nil? elsif email.present? && password.present? account = self.where(email: email.downcase).first raise 'Invalid email or password.' if account.nil? || !account.valid_password?(password) else raise 'The request must contain either the user email and password OR the API key.' end account.ensure_authentication_token account.authentication_token end # Logout the user responding to the token passed in parameter from the API. # An exception is raised if no account corresponds to the token. # # @param [ String ] token The API token created by the create_api_token method. # # @return [ String ] The API token # def invalidate_api_token(token) account = self.where(authentication_token: token).first raise 'Invalid token.' if account.nil? account.reset_authentication_token! token end end end end end end