require 'active_support/core_ext/module/aliasing' module ActiveFedora module DatastreamCollections extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do class_attribute :class_named_datastreams_desc self.class_named_datastreams_desc = {} class << self def inherited_with_datastream_collections(kls) #:nodoc: ## Do some inheritance logic that doesn't override Base.inherited inherited_without_datastream_collections kls kls.class_named_datastreams_desc = kls.class_named_datastreams_desc.dup end alias_method_chain :inherited, :datastream_collections end end module ClassMethods # ** EXPERIMENTAL ** # # Allows for a datastream to be treated like any other attribute of a model class # while enforcing mimeType and/or datastream type (ie. external, managed, etc.) if defined. # ====Examples # # has_datastream :name=>"thumbnails",:prefix => "THUMB",:type=>ActiveFedora::Datastream, :mimeType=>"image/jpeg", :controlGroup=>'M' # has_datastream :name=>"EADs", :type=>ActiveFedora::Datastream, :mimeType=>"application/xml", :controlGroup=>'M' # has_datastream :name=>"external_images", :type=>ActiveFedora::Datastream, :controlGroup=>'E' # # Required Keys in args # :name - name to give this datastream (must be unique) # # Optional Keys in args # :prefix - used to create the DSID plus an index ie. THUMB1, THUMB2. If :prefix is not specified, defaults to :name value in all uppercase # :type - defaults to ActiveFedora::Datastream if you would like content specific class to be used supply it here # :mimeType - if supplied it will ensure any datastreams added are of this type, if not supplied any mimeType is acceptabl e # :controlGroup - possible values "X", "M", "R", or "E" (InlineXML, Managed Content, Redirect, or External Referenced) If controlGroup is 'E' or 'R' it expects a dsLocation be defined when adding the datastream. # # You use the datastream attribute using helper methods created for each datastream name: # # ====Helper Method Examples # thumbnails_append - Append a thumbnail datastream # thumbnails - Get array of thumbnail datastreams # thumbnails_ids - Get array of dsid's for thumbnail datastreams # # When loading the list of datastreams for a name from Fedora it uses the DSID prefix to find them in Fedora def has_datastream(args) unless args.has_key?(:name) return false end unless args.has_key?(:prefix) args.merge!({:prefix=>args[:name].to_s.upcase}) end unless class_named_datastreams_desc.has_key?(args[:name]) class_named_datastreams_desc[args[:name]] = {} end args.merge!({:mimeType=>args[:mime_type]}) if args.has_key?(:mime_type) unless class_named_datastreams_desc[args[:name]].has_key?(:type) #default to type ActiveFedora::Datastream args.merge!({:type => "ActiveFedora::Datastream"}) end class_named_datastreams_desc[args[:name]]= args create_named_datastream_finders(args[:name],args[:prefix]) create_named_datastream_update_methods(args[:name]) end # ** EXPERIMENTAL ** # # Creates the following helper methods for a datastream name # [datastream_name]_append - Add a named datastream # # ==== Examples for "thumbnails" datastream # thumbnails_append - Append a thumbnail datastream # TODO: Add [datastream_name]_remove def create_named_datastream_update_methods(name) append_file_method_name = "#{name.to_s.downcase}_file_append" append_method_name = "#{name.to_s.downcase}_append" #remove_method_name = "#{name.to_s.downcase}_remove" self.send(:define_method,:"#{append_file_method_name}") do |*args| file,opts = *args opts ||= {} add_named_file_datastream(name,file,opts) end self.send(:define_method,:"#{append_method_name}") do |*args| #call add_named_datastream instead of add_file_named_datastream in case not managed datastream add_named_datastream(name,*args) end end # ** EXPERIMENTAL ** # # Creates the following helper methods for a datastream name # [datastream_name] - Returns array of named datastreams # [datastream_name]_ids - Returns array of named datastream dsids # # ==== Examples for "thumbnails" datastream # thumbnails - Get array of thumbnail datastreams # thumbnails_ids - Get array of dsid's for thumbnail datastreams def create_named_datastream_finders(name, prefix) class_eval <<-END, __FILE__, __LINE__ def #{name}(opts={}) id_array = [] keys = datastreams.keys id_array = {|v| v =~ /#{prefix}\d*/} if opts[:response_format] == :id_array return id_array else named_ds = [] id_array.each do |name| if datastreams.has_key?(name) named_ds.push(datastreams[name]) end end return named_ds end end def #{name}_ids #{name}(:response_format => :id_array) end END end end # ** EXPERIMENTAL ** # # Accessor for class variable for hash that stores arguments passed to has_datastream calls within an # ActiveFedora::Base child class. # # has_datastream :name=>"audio_file", :prefix=>"AUDIO", :type=>ActiveFedora::Datastream, :mimeType=>"audio/x-wav" # has_datastream :name=>"external_images", :prefix=>"EXTIMG", :type=>ActiveFedora::Datastream,:mimeType=>"image/jpeg", :controlGroup=>'E' # # The above examples result in the following hash # {"audio_file"=>{:prefix=>"AUDIO",:type=>ActiveFedora::Datastream, :mimeType=>"audio/x-wav", :controlGroup=>'M'}, # "external_images=>{:prefix=>"EXTIMG", :type=>ActiveFedora::Datastream,:mimeType=>"image/jpeg", :controlGroup=>'E'}} # # This hash is later used when adding a named datastream such as an "audio_file" as defined above. def named_datastreams_desc self.class_named_datastreams_desc ||= {} end # ** EXPERIMENTAL ** # # Returns array of datastream names defined for this object def datastream_names named_datastreams_desc.keys end # ** EXPERIMENTAL ** # # Calls add_named_datastream while assuming it will be managed content and sets :blob and :controlGroup values accordingly # ====Parameters # name: Datastream name # file: The file to add for this datastream # opts: Options hash. See +add_named_datastream+ for expected keys and values def add_named_file_datastream(name, file, opts={}) opts.merge!({:blob=>file,:controlGroup=>'M'}) add_named_datastream(name,opts) end # ** EXPERIMENTAL ** # # This object is used by [datastream_name]_append helper to add a named datastream # but can also be called directly. # ====Parameters # name: name of datastream to add # opts: hash defining datastream attributes # The following are expected keys in opts hash: # :label => Defaults to the file name # :blob or :file => Required to point to the datastream file being added if managed content # :controlGroup => defaults to 'M' for managed, can also be 'E' external and 'R' for redirected # :content_type => required if the file does not respond to 'content_type' and should match :mimeType in has_datastream definition if defined # :dsLocation => holds uri location of datastream. Required only if :controlGroup is type 'E' or 'R'. # :dsid or :dsId => Optional, and used to update an existing datastream with dsid supplied. Will throw an error if dsid does not exist and does not match prefix pattern for datastream name def add_named_datastream(name,opts={}) unless named_datastreams_desc.has_key?(name) && named_datastreams_desc[name].has_key?(:type) raise "Failed to add datastream. Named datastream #{name} not defined for object #{pid}." end if opts.has_key?(:mime_type) opts.merge!({:content_type=>opts[:mime_type]}) elsif opts.has_key?(:mimeType) opts.merge!({:content_type=>opts[:mimeType]}) end opts.merge!(named_datastreams_desc[name]) label = opts.has_key?(:label) ? opts[:label] : "" #only do these steps for managed datastreams unless (opts.has_key?(:controlGroup)&&opts[:controlGroup]!="M") if opts.has_key?(:file) opts.merge!({:blob => opts[:file]}) opts.delete(:file) end raise "You must define parameter blob for this managed datastream to load for #{pid}" unless opts.has_key?(:blob) #if no explicit label and is a file use original file name for label if !opts.has_key?(:label)&&opts[:blob].respond_to?(:original_filename) label = opts[:blob].original_filename end if opts[:blob].respond_to?(:content_type)&&!opts[:blob].content_type.nil? && !opts.has_key?(:content_type) opts.merge!({:content_type=>opts[:blob].content_type}) end raise "The blob must respond to content_type or the hash must have :content_type or :mime_type property set" unless opts.has_key?(:content_type) #throw error for mimeType mismatch if named_datastreams_desc[name].has_key?(:mimeType) && !named_datastreams_desc[name][:mimeType].eql?(opts[:content_type]) raise "Content type mismatch for add datastream #{name} to #{pid}. Expected: #{named_datastreams_desc[name][:mimeType]}, Actual: #{opts[:content_type]}" end else label = opts[:dsLocation] if (opts.has_key?(:dsLocation)) end opts.merge!(:dsLabel => label) ds = create_datastream(named_datastreams_desc[name][:type], opts[:dsid], opts) #Must be of type datastream assert_kind_of 'datastream', ds, ActiveFedora::Datastream #make sure dsid is nil so that it uses the prefix for mapping purposes #check dsid works for the prefix if it is set if !ds.dsid.nil? && opts.has_key?(:prefix) raise "dsid supplied does not conform to pattern #{opts[:prefix]}[number]" unless ds.dsid =~ /#{opts[:prefix]}[0-9]/ end add_datastream(ds,opts) end # ** EXPERIMENTAL ** # # Update an existing named datastream. It has same parameters as add_named_datastream # except the :dsid key is now required. # # ====TODO # Currently requires you to update file if a managed datastream # but could change to allow metadata only updates as well def update_named_datastream(name, opts={}) #check that dsid provided matches existing datastream with that name raise "You must define parameter dsid for datastream to update for #{pid}" unless opts.include?(:dsid) raise "Datastream with name #{name} and dsid #{opts[:dsid]} does not exist for #{pid}" unless self.send("#{name}_ids").include?(opts[:dsid]) add_named_datastream(name,opts) end # ** EXPERIMENTAL ** # # Throws an assertion failure unless the object 'o' is kind_of? class 't' # ====Parameters # n: Name of object # o: The object to test # t: The class type to check is kind_of? def assert_kind_of(n, o,t) raise "Assertion failure: #{n}: #{o} is not of type #{t}" unless o.kind_of?(t) end # ** EXPERIMENTAL ** # # Returns true if the name is a defined named datastream def is_named_datastream?(name) named_datastreams_desc.has_key?(name) end # ** EXPERIMENTAL ** # # Returns hash of datastream names defined by has_datastream calls mapped to # array of datastream objects that have been added # ====Example # For the following has_datastream entries and a datastream defined for minivan only would be # has_datastream :name=>"minivan", :prefix => "VAN", :type=>ActiveFedora::Datastream,:mimeType=>"image/jpeg", :controlGroup=>'M' # has_datastream :name=>"external_images", :prefix=>"EXTIMG", :type=>ActiveFedora::Datastream,:mimeType=>"image/jpeg", :controlGroup=>'E' # # Returns # {"external_images"=>[],"thumbnails"=>{#self.send("#{name}")}) end return ds_values end # ** EXPERIMENTAL ** # # Returns hash of datastream names mapped to an array # of dsid's for named datastream objects # === Example # For the following has_datastream call, assume we have added two datastreams. # # has_datastream :name=>"thumbnails",:prefix => "THUMB",:type=>ActiveFedora::Datastream, :mimeType=>"image/jpeg", :controlGroup=>'M' # # It would then return # {"thumbnails=>["THUMB1", "THUMB2"]} def named_datastreams_ids dsids = {} self.class.class_named_datastreams_desc.keys.each do |name| dsid_array = self.send("#{name}_ids") dsids[name] = dsid_array end return dsids end # ** EXPERIMENTAL ** # # Returns the hash that stores arguments passed to has_datastream calls within an # ActiveFedora::Base child class. # # has_datastream :name=>"audio_file", :prefix=>"AUDIO", :type=>ActiveFedora::Datastream, :mimeType=>"audio/x-wav" # has_datastream :name=>"external_images", :prefix=>"EXTIMG", :type=>ActiveFedora::Datastream,:mimeType=>"image/jpeg", :controlGroup=>'E' # # The above examples result in the following hash # {"audio_file"=>{:prefix=>"AUDIO",:type=>ActiveFedora::Datastream, :mimeType=>"audio/x-wav", :controlGroup=>'M'}, # "external_images=>{:prefix=>"EXTIMG", :type=>ActiveFedora::Datastream,:mimeType=>"image/jpeg", :controlGroup=>'E'}} # # This hash is later used when adding a named datastream such as an "audio_file" as defined above. def named_datastreams_desc @named_datastreams_desc ||= self.class.class_named_datastreams_desc end # ** EXPERIMENTAL ** # # Get class variable hash that stores has_datastream arguments. # It is used to initialize the value returned by public named_datastreams_desc method # Deprecated def named_datastreams_desc_from_class logger.warn "named_datastreams_desc_from_class is deprecated and will be removed in the next version" self.class.class_named_datastreams_desc end end end