# Copyright (c) 2021 Contrast Security, Inc. See https://www.contrastsecurity.com/enduser-terms-0317a for more details.
# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'contrast/extension/module'
require 'contrast/utils/object_share'

module Contrast
  module Utils
    # Utility methods for exploring the complete space of Objects
    class ClassUtil
      class << self
        # some classes have had things prepended to them, like Marshal in Rails
        # 5 and higher. Their ActiveSupport::MarshalWithAutoloading will break
        # our alias patching approach, as will any other prepend on something
        # that we touch. Prepend and Alias are inherently incompatible monkey
        # patching approaches. As such, we need to know if something has been
        # prepended to.
        # @param mod [Module] the Module to check to see if it has had something
        #   prepended
        # @param ancestors [Array<Module>] the array of ancestors for the mod
        # @return [Boolean] if the mod has been prepended or not
        def prepended? mod, ancestors = nil
          ancestors ||= mod.ancestors
          ancestors[0] != mod

        # return true if the given method is overwritten by one of the ancestors
        # in the ancestor change that comes before the given module
        def prepended_method? mod, method_policy
          target_module = determine_target_class mod, method_policy.instance_method
          ancestors = target_module.ancestors
          return false unless prepended?(target_module, ancestors)

          ancestors.each do |ancestor|
            break if ancestor == target_module

            methods = ancestor.instance_methods(false)
            return true if methods.include?(method_policy.method_name)

        # Return a String representing the object invoking this method in the
        # form expected by our dataflow events.
        # @param object [Object, nil] the entity to convert to a String
        # @return [String] the human readable form of the String, as defined by
        #   https://bitbucket.org/contrastsecurity/assess-specifications/src/master/vulnerability/capture-snapshot.md
        def to_contrast_string object
          # Only treat object like a string if it actually is a string
          # some subclasses of String override string methods we depend on
          if object.cs__class == String
            cached = to_cached_string(object)
            return cached if cached

          elsif object.nil?
          elsif object.cs__is_a?(Symbol)
            ":#{ object }"
          elsif object.cs__is_a?(Module) || object.cs__is_a?(Class)
            "#{ object.cs__name }@#{ object.__id__ }"
          elsif object.cs__is_a?(Regexp)
          elsif use_to_s?(object)
            "#{ object.cs__class.cs__name }@#{ object.__id__ }"

        # The method const_defined? can cause autoload, which is bad for us.
        # The method autoload? doesn't traverse namespaces. This method lets us
        # provide a constant, as a String, and parse it to determine if it has
        # been truly truly defined, meaning it existed before this method was
        # invoked, not as a result of it.
        # This is required to handle a bug in Ruby prior to 2.7.0. When we drop
        # support for 2.6.X, we should remove this code.
        # https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/10741
        # @param name [String] the name of the constant to look up
        # @return [Boolean]
        def truly_defined? name
          return false unless name

          segments = name.split(Contrast::Utils::ObjectShare::DOUBLE_COLON)
          previous_module = Module
          segments.each do |segment|
            return false if previous_module.cs__autoload?(segment)
            return false unless previous_module.cs__const_defined?(segment)

            previous_module = previous_module.cs__const_get(segment)

        rescue NameError # account for nonsense / poorly formatted constants


        # Some objects have nice to_s that we can use to make them human readable. If they do, we should leverage them.
        # We used to do this by default, but this opened us up to danger, so we're instead using an allow list approach.
        # @param object [Object] something that may have a safe to_s method
        # @return [Boolean] if we should invoke to_s to represent the object
        def use_to_s? object
          return true if object.cs__is_a?(Numeric)
          return true if defined?(Arel::Nodes::SqlLiteral) && object.cs__is_a?(Arel::Nodes::SqlLiteral)


        def determine_target_class mod, is_instance
          return mod if mod.singleton_class?

          return mod.cs__singleton_class unless is_instance


        # If the String matches a common String in our ObjectShare, return that
        # rather that for use as the representation of the String rather than
        # forcing a duplication of the String.
        # @param string [String] some string of which we want a Contrast
        #   representation.
        # @return [String,nil] the ObjectShare version of the String or nil
        def to_cached_string string
          return Contrast::Utils::ObjectShare::EMPTY_STRING if string.empty?
          return Contrast::Utils::ObjectShare::SLASH if string == Contrast::Utils::ObjectShare::SLASH
          return Contrast::Utils::ObjectShare::EQUALS if string == Contrast::Utils::ObjectShare::EQUALS
