require 'forwardable' # Delegation module Rley # This module is used as a namespace module Parser # This module is used as a namespace class StateSet extend Forwardable def_delegators :states, :empty?, :size, :first, :each # The set of parse states attr_reader(:states) def initialize() @states = [] end # Append the given state (if it isn't yet in the set) # to the list of states # @param aState [ParseState] the state to push. # @return [TrueClass/FalseClass] true when the state is really added def push_state(aState) if include?(aState) result = false else @states << aState result = true end return result end # The list of ParseState that expect the given symbol. # @param aSymbol [GrmSymbol] the expected symbol # (=on the right of the dot) def states_expecting(aSymbol) return { |s| s.dotted_rule.next_symbol == aSymbol } end # The list of complete ParseState that have the given non-terminal # symbol as the lhs of their production. def states_rewriting(aNonTerm) return do |s| (s.dotted_rule.production.lhs == aNonTerm) && s.complete? end end # The list of ParseState that involve the given production def states_for(aProduction) return { |s| s.dotted_rule.production == aProduction } end # Retrieve the parse state that is the predecessor of the given one. def predecessor_state(aParseState) if aParseState.dotted_rule.prev_position.nil? fail StandardError, "#{aParseState}" else candidate = states.find { |s| s.precedes?(aParseState) } end return candidate end # The list of distinct expected terminal symbols. An expected symbol # is on the left of a dot in a parse state of the parse set. def expected_terminals() expecting_terminals = do |s| s.dotted_rule.next_symbol.kind_of?(Rley::Syntax::Terminal) end terminals = { |s| s.dotted_rule.next_symbol } return terminals.uniq end # Return an Array of Arrays of ambiguous parse states. def ambiguities() complete_states = { |st| st.complete? } return [] if complete_states.size <= 1 # Group parse state by lhs symbol and origin groupings = complete_states.group_by do |st| "#{st.dotted_rule.lhs.object_id}" end # Retain the groups having more than one element. ambiguous_groups = [] groupings.each_value do |a_group| ambiguous_groups << a_group if a_group.size > 1 end return ambiguous_groups end private def include?(aState) # TODO: make it better than linear search return states.include?(aState) end end # class end # module end # module # End of file