module DesignShell # might have to work on net_dav to support curl with put ie implement request_sending_body # # class SiteClient attr_accessor :deploy_status_file def initialize(aConfig) #@context = aContext @server_path = MiscUtils.remove_slash(aConfig[:site_url]) site_username = aConfig[:site_username] site_password = aConfig[:site_password] @dav =, :curl => false) @dav.verify_server = false @dav.credentials(site_username,site_password) @deploy_status_file = '/content/.deploy-status.txt' end DAV_METHODS = [:find] def method_missing(sym, *args, &block) if @dav && DAV_METHODS.include?(sym) @dav.send sym, *args, &block else super end end def full_path(aRelativePath) File.join(@server_path, URI.escape(aRelativePath)) end def ls(aPath=nil,aRecursive=false) result = [] path = MiscUtils.append_slash(full_path(aPath||'')) @dav.find(path,:recursive=>aRecursive,:suppress_errors=>false) do | item | result << item.url.to_s.bite(path) end result end def list_files(aPath=nil,aRecursive=false) result = ls(aPath,aRecursive) result.delete_if {|f| f.ends_with? '/'} result end def get_string(aPath) begin @dav.get(full_path(aPath)) rescue Net::HTTPServerException => e e.response.is_a?(Net::HTTPNotFound) ? nil : raise rescue Net::HTTPError => e e.message.index('404') ? nil : raise end end def put_string(aPath,aString) @dav.put_string(full_path(aPath),aString) end def ensure_folder_path(aPath) path_parts = aPath.bite('/').chomp('/').split('/') last_part = path_parts.length-1 existing_part = nil last_part.downto(0) do |i| existing_part = i if !existing_part && exists?(path = '/'+path_parts[0..i].join('/')) end (existing_part ? existing_part+1 : 0).upto(last_part) do |i| mkdir('/'+path_parts[0..i].join('/')) end end def delete(aPath) begin @dav.delete(full_path(aPath)) rescue Net::HTTPServerException => e e.response.is_a?(Net::HTTPNotFound) ? nil : raise end end def deploy_status s = get_string(deploy_status_file) s ? JSON.parse(s) : nil end def deploy_status=(aObject) if aObject s = JSON.generate(aObject) put_string(deploy_status_file,s) else delete deploy_status_file end aObject end def put_file(aLocalFile, aRemotePath, aEnsureFolder=true) s = MiscUtils.string_from_file(aLocalFile) ensure_folder_path(File.dirname(aRemotePath)) if aEnsureFolder put_string(aRemotePath,s) end def get_file(aRemotePath, aLocalFile) s = get_string(aRemotePath) MiscUtils.string_to_file(s,aLocalFile) end def upload_files(aLocalDir,aFiles,aFromPath=nil,aToPath=nil) aFiles.each do |f| to = f to = MiscUtils.path_rebase(to,aFromPath,aToPath) if aFromPath && aToPath put_file(File.join(aLocalDir,f),to) end end def delete_files(aPaths,aFromPath=nil,aToPath=nil) if (aFromPath && aToPath) aPaths.each do |p| delete(MiscUtils.path_rebase(p,aFromPath,aToPath)) end else aPaths.each do |p| delete(p) end end end def exists?(aPath) @dav.exists? full_path(aPath) end def mkdir(aPath) @dav.mkdir full_path(aPath) end end end