module Katello module HostsAndHostgroupsHelper def kt_ak_label "kt_activation_keys" end def using_hostgroups_page? controller.controller_name == "hostgroups" end def blank_or_inherit_with_id(f, attr) return true unless f.object.respond_to?(:parent_id) && f.object.parent_id inherited_value = f.object.send(attr).try(:id) || '' %() end def organizations(host) if host.is_a?(::Hostgroup) host.organizations else host.organization ? [host.organization] : [] end end def use_install_media(host, options = {}) return true if host&.errors && host.errors.include?(:medium_id) kickstart_repository_id(host, options).blank? end def host_hostgroup_kickstart_repository_id(host) return if host.blank? host.content_facet&.kickstart_repository_id end def kickstart_repository_id(host, options = {}) host_ks_repo_id = host_hostgroup_kickstart_repository_id(host) ks_repo_options = kickstart_repository_options(host, options) # if the kickstart repo id is set in the selected_hostgroup use that selected_host_group = options.fetch(:selected_host_group, nil) if selected_host_group.try(:kickstart_repository_id).present? ks_repo_ids = if ks_repo_ids.include?(selected_host_group.kickstart_repository_id) return selected_host_group.kickstart_repository_id elsif host_ks_repo_id && ks_repo_ids.include?(host_ks_repo_id) return host_ks_repo_id else return ks_repo_options.first.try(:id) end end # if the kickstart repo id is set in the host use that return host_ks_repo_id if host_ks_repo_id.present? if selected_host_group.try(:medium_id).blank? && host.try(:medium_id).blank? ks_repo_options.first.try(:id) end end def fetch_lifecycle_environment(host, options = {}) return host.lifecycle_environment if host.try(:lifecycle_environment_id) selected_host_group = options.fetch(:selected_host_group, nil) return selected_host_group.lifecycle_environment if selected_host_group.present? end def fetch_content_view(host, options = {}) return host.content_view if host.try(:content_view_id) selected_host_group = options.fetch(:selected_host_group, nil) return selected_host_group.content_view if selected_host_group.present? end def fetch_content_source(host, options = {}) return host.content_source if host.try(:content_source_id) selected_host_group = options.fetch(:selected_host_group, nil) return selected_host_group.content_source if selected_host_group.present? end def accessible_lifecycle_environments(org, host) selected = host.lifecycle_environment envs = org.kt_environments.readable.order(:name) envs |= [selected] if selected.present? && org == selected.organization envs end def accessible_content_proxies(obj) list = accessible_resource_records(:smart_proxy).with_content.order(:name).to_a current = obj.content_source list |= [current] if current.present? list end def relevant_organizations(host) host_orgs = organizations(host) if Organization.current [Organization.current] elsif host_orgs.present? host_orgs else Organization.my_organizations end end # Generic method to provide a list of options in the UI def content_options(host, selected_id, object_type, options = {}) include_blank = options.fetch(:include_blank, nil) include_blank = '' if include_blank == true #check for true specifically orgs = relevant_organizations(host) all_options = [] orgs.each do |org| content_object_options = "" accessible_content_objects = if object_type == :lifecycle_environment accessible_lifecycle_environments(org, host) elsif object_type == :content_source accessible_content_proxies(host) end accessible_content_objects.each do |content_object| selected = selected_id == ? 'selected' : '' content_object_options << %() end if orgs.count > 1 all_options << %(#{content_object_options}) else all_options << content_object_options end end all_options = all_options.join all_options.insert(0, include_blank) if include_blank all_options.html_safe end def lifecycle_environment_options(host, options = {}) content_options( host, fetch_lifecycle_environment(host, options).try(:id), :lifecycle_environment, options ) end def content_source_options(host, options = {}) content_options( host, fetch_content_source(host, options).try(:id), :content_source, options ) end def content_views_for_host(host, options) include_blank = options.fetch(:include_blank, nil) if include_blank == true #check for true specifically include_blank = '' end lifecycle_environment = fetch_lifecycle_environment(host, options) content_view = fetch_content_view(host, options) views = [] if lifecycle_environment views = Katello::ContentView.in_environment(lifecycle_environment).readable.order(:name) views |= [content_view] if content_view.present? && content_view.in_environment?(lifecycle_environment) elsif content_view views = [content_view] end view_options = do |view| selected = content_view.try(:id) == ? 'selected' : '' %() end view_options = view_options.join view_options.insert(0, include_blank) if include_blank view_options.html_safe end def view_to_options(view_options, selected_val, include_blank = false) if include_blank == true #check for true specifically include_blank = '' end views = do |view| selected = selected_val == ? 'selected' : '' %() end views = views.join views.insert(0, include_blank) if include_blank views.html_safe end def kickstart_repository_options(param_host, options = {}) # this method gets called in 2 places # 1) On initial page load or a host group selection. At that point the host object is already # => populated and we should just use that. # 2) Once you chose a diff os/content source/arch/lifecycle env/cv via the os_selected method. # In case 2 we want it to play by the rules of "one of these params" and # in case 1 we want it to behave as if everything is already set right and # We need to figure out the available KS repos in both cases. if param_host.present? # case 1 selected_host_group = options.fetch(:selected_host_group, nil) host = selected_host_group.present? ? selected_host_group : param_host new_host = new_host.operatingsystem = param_host.operatingsystem.present? ? param_host.operatingsystem : host.operatingsystem new_host.architecture = param_host.architecture.present? ? param_host.architecture : host.architecture return [] unless new_host.operatingsystem.is_a?(Redhat) if (host.is_a? ::Hostgroup) new_host.content_facet = hostgroup_content_facet(host, param_host) elsif host.content_facet.present? new_host.content_facet = => host.content_facet.lifecycle_environment_id, :content_view_id => host.content_facet.content_view_id, :content_source_id => host.content_source_id) end new_host.operatingsystem.kickstart_repos(new_host).map { |repo| } else # case 2 os_updated_kickstart_options end end def fetch_inherited_param(id, entity, parent_value) id.blank? ? parent_value : entity.find(id) end def os_updated_kickstart_options(host = nil) # this method gets called in 1 place Once you chose a diff os/content source/arch/lifecycle env/cv # via the os_selected method. # In this case we want it play by the rules of "one of these params" and # need to figure out the available KS repos for the given params. os_selection_params = ["operatingsystem_id", 'content_view_id', 'lifecycle_environment_id', 'content_source_id', 'architecture_id'] view_options = [] host_params = params[:hostgroup] || params[:host] parent = ::Hostgroup.find(host_params[:parent_id]) unless host_params.blank? || host_params[:parent_id].blank? if host_params && (parent || os_selection_params.all? { |key| host_params[key].present? }) if host.nil? host = end host.operatingsystem = fetch_inherited_param(host_params[:operatingsystem_id], ::Operatingsystem, parent&.os) host.architecture = fetch_inherited_param(host_params[:architecture_id], ::Architecture, parent&.architecture) lifecycle_env = fetch_inherited_param(host_params[:lifecycle_environment_id], ::Katello::KTEnvironment, parent&.lifecycle_environment) content_view = fetch_inherited_param(host_params[:content_view_id], ::Katello::ContentView, parent&.content_view) content_source = fetch_inherited_param(host_params[:content_source_id], ::SmartProxy, parent&.content_source) host.content_facet = =>, :content_view_id =>, :content_source => content_source) if host.operatingsystem.is_a?(Redhat) view_options = host.operatingsystem.kickstart_repos(host).map { |repo| } end end view_options end def content_host_overview_button(host) return [] unless host.content_facet || host.subscription_facet [{ :button => link_to( _('Content'), "/content_hosts/#{}", :title => _("Host content and subscription details"), :class => 'btn btn-default'), :priority => 900 }] end def hosts_change_content_source [{ action: [_('Change Content Source'), '/change_host_content_source', false], priority: 100 }] end private def hostgroup_content_facet(hostgroup, param_host) lifecycle_environment_id = hostgroup.inherited_lifecycle_environment_id content_view_id = hostgroup.inherited_content_view_id content_source_id = hostgroup.inherited_content_source_id if param_host.lifecycle_environment_id && (hostgroup.inherited_lifecycle_environment_id != param_host.lifecycle_environment_id) lifecycle_environment_id = param_host.lifecycle_environment_id end if param_host.content_view_id && (hostgroup.inherited_content_view_id != param_host.content_view_id) content_view_id = param_host.content_view_id end if param_host.content_source_id && (hostgroup.inherited_content_source_id != param_host.content_source_id) content_source_id = param_host.content_source_id end => lifecycle_environment_id, :content_view_id => content_view_id, :content_source_id => content_source_id) end end end