require 'spec_helper' describe Calculation do before :all do @calc = CalculationSet.find("transport")[:transport] end it 'can create an instance' do @calc.should be_a Calculation end it 'should have ordered terms, with labels' do @calc.terms.labels.should eql [:fuel,:size,:distance,:co2] end it 'should have amee paths for the terms' do @calc.terms.paths.should eql ['fuel','size','distance','default'] end it 'should have human names for the terms' do @calc.terms.names. should eql ['Fuel Type','Vehicle Size','Distance Driven','Carbon Dioxide'] end it 'should return the inputs' do @calc.inputs.labels.should eql [:fuel,:size,:distance] end it 'should return the outputs' do @calc.outputs.labels.should eql [:co2] end it 'should generate an discover URL' do @calc.discover_url.should eql '' end it 'should redirect to discover URL' do @calc.explorer_url.should eql '' end it 'can return a term via []' do @calc[:co2].label.should eql :co2 end it 'when copied, should deep copy the values' do x=@calc.clone x[:co2].value :somevalue x[:co2].value.should eql :somevalue @calc[:co2].value.should be_nil end it 'knows to get terms that come before or after others' do t=@calc.clone t.before(:distance).labels. should eql [:fuel,:size] t.after(:distance).map(&:label). should eql [:co2] end it 'delegates selectors to terms list' do t=@calc.clone t.drills.labels.should eql [:fuel,:size] end it 'can find its amee data category' do t=@calc.clone self,:path=>'transport/car/generic' mocker.data_category t.send(:amee_data_category).path.should eql '/data/transport/car/generic' end it 'can find its amee item definition' do self,:path=>'transport/car/generic' mocker.item_definition(:my_itemdef_name).data_category t=@calc.clone t.send(:amee_item_definition).name.should eql :my_itemdef_name end it 'can give item value definition list' do self,:path=>'transport/car/generic' mocker.item_value_definition('distance').item_value_definitions. item_definition.data_category t=@calc.clone t.send(:amee_ivds).first.path.should eql 'distance' end it 'can memoise access to AMEE' do t=@calc.clone #AMEE::Data::Category.get(connection, "/data#{path}") flexmock(AMEE::Data::Category).should_receive(:get). with(AMEE::DataAbstraction.connection,'/data/transport/car/generic'). once.and_return(true) t.send(:amee_data_category) t.send(:amee_data_category) end end