var ComboAutoBox = { // constructor addTo: function (container, options) { // generatea an ID based on current time var generateShortId = function(prefix) { var now = 0; while ($('input[name*="[' + prefix +"-" + now + ']"]').length != 0) { now++; } return prefix + "-" + now; }; // generatea an ID based on current time var generateAnId = function(prefix) { var now = new Date().getTime(); while ($("#" + prefix +"-" + now).length != 0) { now++; } return prefix + "-" + now; }; // binds autocomplete to text field var bindAutoComplete = function (inputId) { var previuosValue = ''; $('#' + inputId).keydown(function(e) { if ((e.keyCode == 8) && ($('#' + inputId).val() == '')) { if (options.type == 'multiple') { removeLastMultipleItem(); } else if (options.type == 'searchable') { removeLastSearchableItemForRansack(); } } }); $('#' + inputId).keypress(function(e) { if ((e.which === 13) && ($('#' + inputId).val() != '')) { if (options.type == 'full') { $('#' + inputId).autocomplete( "close" ); selectData($('#' + inputId).val(), $('#' + inputId).val()); } else if (options.type == 'multiple') { $('#' + inputId).autocomplete( "close" ); addMultipleItem(inputId, $('#' + inputId).val(), $('#' + inputId).val()); selectData($('#' + inputId).val(), $('#' + inputId).val()); $('#' + inputId).val(''); } else if (options.type == 'searchable') { try { $('#' + inputId).autocomplete('close'); var item = sourceForSearchable(inputId)[0]; addSearchableItemForRansack(inputId,, item.label); selectData(, item.label); $('#' + inputId).val(''); } catch (error) { } } return false; } else if ((e.which === 13) && ($('#' + inputId).val() == '')) { return false; } }); $('#' + inputId).autocomplete({ source: setAutoCompleteSource(inputId), select: function(event, ui) { if (options.type == 'simple') { return selectData(, ui.item.label); } else if (options.type == 'full') { return selectData($('#' + inputId).val(), $('#' + inputId).val()); } else if (options.type == 'multiple') { $('#' + inputId).val(''); addMultipleItem(inputId,, ui.item.label); selectData(, ui.item.label); return false; } else if (options.type == 'searchable') { $('#' + inputId).val(''); addSearchableItemForRansack(inputId,, ui.item.label); selectData(, ui.item.label); return false; } }, search: function(event, ui) { if (options.type == 'searchable') { $('#' + inputId).autocomplete("option", { source: setAutoCompleteSource(inputId) }); } }, change: function (event, ui) { if (!ui.item) { $(this).val(''); } }, focus: function (event, ui) { event.preventDefault(); }, }); }; // set autocomplete source var setAutoCompleteSource = function (inputId) { if (options.type == 'searchable') { return sourceForSearchable(inputId); } else if (typeof options.source == 'string') { return function(request, response) { var term = 'term=' + $('#' + inputId).val(); var params = ( == null) ? term : + '&' + term; return $.getJSON(options.source + '?' + params, response); }; } else { return options.source; } }; // source items for searchable var sourceForSearchable = function (inputId) { var new_source = new Array(); var operators = i18nMath(options.lang); $.each(options.source, function(i){ validIndexes = validSource(options.source[i]); $.each(operators, function(j){ if (validIndexes.indexOf(j) >= 0) { new_source.push( { id: options.source[i]['id'] + '_' + operators[j]['id'], label: options.source[i]['label'] + ' ' + operators[j]['label'] + ' ' + $('#' + inputId).val()} ); } }); }); return new_source; } // get i18n math comparisons var i18nMath = function (language) { var operators = new Array(); switch(language) { case 'en': operators = [ { id: 'cont', label: 'contains' }, { id: 'eq', label: 'equal' }, { id: 'gteq', label: 'greater or equal' }, { id: 'lteq', label: 'less or equal' } ]; break; case 'pt-br': operators = [ { id: 'cont', label: 'contém' }, { id: 'eq', label: 'igual' }, { id: 'gteq', label: 'maior ou igual' }, { id: 'lteq', label: 'menor ou igual' } ]; break; case 'pt': operators = [ { id: 'cont', label: 'contém' }, { id: 'eq', label: 'igual' }, { id: 'gteq', label: 'maior ou igual' }, { id: 'lteq', label: 'menor ou igual' } ]; break; case 'fr': operators = [ { id: 'cont', label: 'contient' }, { id: 'eq', label: 'égal' }, { id: 'gteq', label: 'supérieur ou égal' }, { id: 'lteq', label: 'inférieur ou égal' } ]; break; case 'es': operators = [ { id: 'cont', label: 'contiene' }, { id: 'eq', label: 'igual' }, { id: 'gteq', label: 'mayor o igual' }, { id: 'lteq', label: 'menos o igual' } ]; break; case 'it': operators = [ { id: 'cont', label: 'contiene' }, { id: 'eq', label: 'uguale' }, { id: 'gteq', label: 'maggiore o uguale' }, { id: 'lteq', label: 'minore o uguale' } ]; break; default: operators = [ { id: 'cont', label: '~=' }, { id: 'eq', label: '=' }, { id: 'gteq', label: '>=' }, { id: 'lteq', label: '<=' } ]; } return operators; }; var i18nShowSearchOptions = function (language) { var title = 'Show search options'; switch(language) { case 'pt-br': title = 'Exibir opções de busca'; break; case 'pt': title = 'Exibir opções de busca'; break; case 'fr': title = 'Afficher les options de recherche'; break; case 'es': title = 'Mostrar opciones de búsqueda'; break; case 'it': title = 'Visualizza opzioni di ricerca'; break; } return title; }; // generates text field with html options var generateInputTag = function () { var html = 'input type="text"'; if (options.html != null) { $.each(options.html, function(key, value) { if ((key == 'name') && ((options.type == 'multiple') || (options.type == 'searchable'))) { return true; } html = html + ' '+ key +'="' + value + '"'; }); } if ((options.html == null) || ( == null)) { html = html + ' id="' + generateAnId('combo-auto-box') + '"'; } return '<' + html + '>'; }; // On click opens modal image tag inside "i" tag through css var generateExpander = function () { if (options.type == 'simple') { return ''; } else if (options.type == 'multiple') { return '' + options.label + ':'; } }; var adjustExpanderImage = function() { if (options.type != 'simple') { return false; } spanTag = $('#' + container + ' > div.container-combo-auto-box > span.simple'); var paddingRight = 1; try { paddingRight = parseInt(textField.css('padding-right').replace(/px/, '')); } catch (error) { paddingRight = 1; } spanTag.css('margin', '3px 0px 0px ' + (getTextFieldWidth(textField) - 13).toString() + 'px'); spanTag.children(':first').css('height', (getTextFieldHeight(textField) - 10).toString() + 'px'); return true; } var getTextFieldWidth = function (textField) { var widthTotal = 0; if (textField.width() != null) { widthTotal = widthTotal + textField.width(); } if (textField.css('padding-right') != null) { padding_right = textField.css('padding-right').toString().replace(/[a-zA-Z]+/g, ''); widthTotal = widthTotal + parseInt(padding_right); } return widthTotal; } var getTextFieldHeight = function (textField) { var heightTotal = 0; if (textField.height() != null) { heightTotal = heightTotal + textField.height(); } if (textField.css('padding-top') != null) { padding_top = textField.css('padding-top').toString().replace(/[a-zA-Z]+/g, ''); heightTotal = heightTotal + parseInt(padding_top); } if (textField.css('padding-bottom') != null) { padding_bottom = textField.css('padding-bottom').toString().replace(/[a-zA-Z]+/g, ''); heightTotal = heightTotal + parseInt(padding_bottom); } return heightTotal; } // Global div for combo auto box var generateDivTag = function () { var derivation = '' if (options.type == 'multiple') { derivation = ' multiple' } else if (options.type == 'searchable') { derivation = ' searchable' } return '