import { Uploader } from "src/decidim/direct_uploads/uploader";
import icon from "src/decidim/icon";
import { truncateFilename } from "src/decidim/direct_uploads/upload_utility";
import { escapeHtml, escapeQuotes } from "src/decidim/utilities/text";
const STATUS = {
VALIDATED: "validated",
ERROR: "error"
// This class handles logic inside upload modal, but since modal is not inside the form
// logic here moves "upload items" / hidden inputs to form.
export default class UploadModal {
constructor(button, options = {}) {
// Button that opens the modal.
this.button = button;
// The provided options contains the options passed from the view in the
// `data-upload` attribute as a JSON.
let providedOptions = {};
try {
// The providedOptions can contain the following keys:
// - addAttribute - Field name / attribute of resource (e.g. avatar)
// - resourceName - The resource to which the attribute belongs (e.g. user)
// - resourceClass - Ruby class of the resource (e.g. Decidim::User)
// - multiple - Defines if multiple files can be uploaded
// - titled - Defines if file(s) can have titles
// - maxFileSize - Defines maximum file size in bytes
// - formObjectClass - Class of the current form object (e.g. Decidim::AccountForm)
providedOptions = JSON.parse(button.dataset.upload);
} catch (_e) {
// Do not care about the parse errors, just skip the provided options.
this.options = Object.assign(providedOptions, options)
this.modal = document.querySelector(`#${button.dataset.dialogOpen}`);
this.saveButton = this.modal.querySelector("button[data-dropzone-save]");
this.cancelButton = this.modal.querySelector("button[data-dropzone-cancel]");
this.modalTitle = this.modal.querySelector("[data-dialog-title]");
this.dropZone = this.modal.querySelector("[data-dropzone]");
this.emptyItems = this.modal.querySelector("[data-dropzone-no-items]");
this.uploadItems = this.modal.querySelector("[data-dropzone-items]");
this.input = this.dropZone.querySelector("input");
this.items = []
this.attachmentCounter = 0;
this.locales = JSON.parse(this.uploadItems.dataset.locales);
uploadFiles(files) {
if (this.options.multiple) {
Array.from(files).forEach((file) => this.uploadFile(file))
} else if (!this.uploadItems.children.length) {
uploadFile(file) {
const uploader = new Uploader(this, {
file: file,
url: this.input.dataset.directUploadUrl,
const item = this.createUploadItem(file, uploader.errors)
// add the item to the DOM, before validations
if (uploader.errors.length) {
} else {
uploader.upload.create((error, blob) => {
if (error) {
uploader.errors = [error]
} else {
// attach the file hash to submit the form, when the file has been uploaded
file.hiddenField = blob.signed_id
// since the validation step is async, we must wait for the responses
uploader.validate(blob.signed_id).then(() => {
if (uploader.errors.length) {
this.uploadItems.replaceChild(this.createUploadItem(file, uploader.errors, { value: 100 }), item)
} else {
// add only the validated files to the array of File(s)
this.autoloadImage(item, file)
autoloadImage(container, file) {
// if the mime type is not from an image, skip previewing
if (!(/image/).test(file.type)) {
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = ({ target: { result }}) => {
const img = container.querySelector("img")
img.src = result
async preloadFiles(element) {
// Get a File object from img.src, more info:
const { src } = element.querySelector("img") || {}
let buffer = "";
let type = "";
if (src) {
buffer = await fetch(src).then((res) => res.arrayBuffer())
// since we cannot know the exact mime-type of the file,
// we assume as "image/*" if it has the src attribute in order to load the preview
type = "image/*"
const file = new File([buffer], element.dataset.filename, { type })
const item = this.createUploadItem(file, [], { ...element.dataset, value: 100 })
file.attachmentId = element.dataset.attachmentId
file.hiddenField = element.dataset.hiddenField
this.autoloadImage(item, file)
getOrdinalNumber() {
const nextOrdinalNumber = this.attachmentCounter;
this.attachmentCounter += 1;
return nextOrdinalNumber;
updateDropZone() {
// NOTE: since the FileList HTML attribute of input[type="file"] cannot be set (read-only),
// we cannot check this.input.files.length when some item is removed
const { children: files } = this.uploadItems
const inputHasFiles = files.length > 0
this.uploadItems.hidden = !inputHasFiles;
// Disabled save button when any children have data-state="error"
this.saveButton.disabled = Array.from(files).filter(({ dataset: { state } }) => state === STATUS.ERROR).length > 0;
// Only allow to continue the upload when the multiple option is true (default: false)
const continueUpload = !files.length || this.options.multiple
this.input.disabled = !continueUpload
if (continueUpload) {
} else {
this.emptyItems.querySelector("label").disabled = true;
createUploadItem(file, errors, opts = {}) {
const okTemplate = `
const errorTemplate = `