# ruote-beanstalk Beanstalk extensions for ruote 2.1 (a Ruby workflow engine). "Beanstalk is a simple, fast workqueue service" (http://kr.github.com/beanstalkd/). ruote-beanstalk provides a participant/receiver pair. Emitting workitems to a Beanstalk queue/tube and listening/receiving them back. Workers can connect to the Beanstalk queue, receive workitems, do some work and then (optionally) send the updated workitem back to the ruote system. There is a bonus : Ruote::Beanstalk::BsStorage, a storage implementation for ruote. Workers and engines can connect over Beanstalk to a shared storage. BsStorage listens to a Beanstalk queue where it receives storage orders that it conveys to a FsStorage instance. (Initially I tried to use Beanstalk for msgs and schedules as well, but since you can't delete a delayed message in Beanstalk (as of now), I fell back to using Beanstalk as middleware, it's slightly slower, but much simpler and robust). RDOC : http://ruote.rubyforge.org/ruote-beanstalk_rdoc/ ## usage ### Ruote::Beanstalk::BsParticipant and BsReceiver Registering a Beanstalk participant : @engine.register_participant( 'alpha', Ruote::Beanstalk::BsParticipant, 'beanstalk' => '', 'tube' => 'ruote-workitems') Binding a listener to a storage or an engine : Ruote::Beanstalk::BsReceiver.new( engine, '', 'tube' => 'ruote-incoming') # or Ruote::Beanstalk::BsReceiver.new( storage, '', 'tube' => 'ruote-incoming') The receiver manages a thread that listens to incoming messages and feeds them to ruote via the engine or directly via a storage. ### Ruote::Beanstalk::BsStorage There are two modes in which BsStorage can be used : * bound to a remote storage (client) * bound to the physical storage (server) There should always be at least 1 server and 1 client. Beanstalk is the intermediary. #### client Pass a string of the form host:port and a hash of options : Ruote::Beanstalk::BsStorage.new('', opts) Wrapped in an engine + worker : engine = Ruote::Engine.new( Ruote::Worker.new( Ruote::Beanstalk::BsStorage.new('', opts))) #### server This piece of ruby starts a Beanstalk instance (:fork => true) and starts a BsStorage 'server' coupled to an embedded FsStorage : require 'ruote/beanstalk' Ruote::Beanstalk::BsStorage.new(':11300', 'ruote_work', :fork => true) ## running tests ### Ruote::Beanstalk::BsParticipant and BsReceiver Simply do ruby test/test.rb in your ruote-beanstalk/ directory. ### Ruote::Beanstalk::BsStorage assuming you have ruote/ ruote-beanstalk/ In a separate terminal, go to ruote-beanstalk/ and launch ruby serve.rb To launch a beanstalkd + fs storage couple, then run unit or functional tests * unit tests : get into ruote/ and do ruby test/unit/storage.rb --beanstalk * functional tests : get into ruote/ and do ruby test/functional/test.rb --beanstalk ## license MIT ## links * http://kr.github.com/beanstalkd/ * http://ruote.rubyforge.org/ * http://github.com/jmettraux/ruote-beanstalk ## feedback mailing list : http://groups.google.com/group/openwferu-users irc : irc.freenode.net #ruote ## many thanks to - the beanstalk authors and contributors