module Plezi module Base # the methods defined in this module will be injected into the Controller's Core class (inherited from the controller). module ControllerCore def self.included base base.send :include, Plezi::Base::WSObject base.send :include, InstanceMethods base.extend ClassMethods end module InstanceMethods public def initialize request, response @request = request @params = request.params @flash = response.flash @host_params = request[:host_settings] @response = response @cookies = request.cookies # # \@response["content-type"] ||= ::Plezi.default_content_type super() end # WebSockets. # # this method handles the protocol and handler transition between the HTTP connection # (with a protocol instance of HTTPProtocol and a handler instance of HTTPRouter) # and the WebSockets connection # (with a protocol instance of WSProtocol and an instance of the Controller class set as a handler) def pre_connect # make sure this is a websocket controller return false unless self.class.has_super_method?(:on_message) || self.class.superclass.instance_variable_get(:@auto_dispatch) # call the controller's original method, if exists, and check connection. return false if (defined?(super) && !super) # finish if the response was sent return false if response.headers_sent? # make sure that the session object is available for websocket connections session # make sure that rendering uses JSON for websocket messages (unless already set) params[:format] ||= 'json' # complete handshake return self end # Websockets # # this method either forwards the on_message handling to the `on_message` callback, OR # auto-dispatches the messages by translating the JSON into a method call using the `event` keyword. def on_message data unless self.class.superclass.instance_variable_get(:@auto_dispatch) return super if defined? super return false end begin data = JSON.parse data return close unless data.is_a?(Hash) rescue return close end Plezi::Base::Helpers.make_hash_accept_symbols data ret = nil begin if data['_EID_'.freeze] write "{\"event\":\"_ack_\",\"_EID_\":#{data['_EID_'.freeze]}}" end if self.class.has_auto_dispatch_method?(data['event'.freeze] = data['event'.freeze].to_s.to_sym) ret = self.__send__(data['event'.freeze], data) else ret = (self.class.has_super_method?(:unknown) && ( unknown(data) || true)) || (self.class.has_super_method?(:unknown_event) && Iodine.warn('Auto-Dispatch API updated: use `unknown` instead of `unknown_event`') && ( unknown_event(data) || true)) || ({ event: :err, status: 404, result: "not found", request: data }.to_json) end rescue ArgumentError => e Iodine.error "Auto-Dispatch Error for event :#{data['event'.freeze]} - #{e.message}" end ret = ret.to_json if ret.is_a?(Hash) write(ret) if ret.is_a?(String) end # Inner Routing def _route_path_to_methods_and_set_the_response_ #run :before filter return false if self.class.has_method?(:before) && self.before == false #check request is valid and call requested method ret = requested_method return false unless ret ret = self.__send__(ret) return false unless ret #run :after filter return false if self.class.has_method?(:after) && self.after == false # review returned type for adding String to response return ret end end module ClassMethods end end end end