= rest-graph changes history == rest-graph 1.4.6 -- 2010-09-01 * [RestGraph] Now it will try to pick yajl-ruby or json gem from memory first, if it's not there, then try to load one and try to pick one again. This way, it won't force you to load two gems at the same time if you've installed them both. In addition, there's a bug in yajl/json_gem pointed out at: http://github.com/brianmario/yajl-ruby/issues/31 So we're using Nicolas' patch to use yajl directly to workaround this issue when we've chosen yajl-ruby json backend. * [RestGraph] Only cache GET request, don't cache POST/PUT/DELETE * [RestGrahp] Add RestGraph#lighten and RestGraph#lighten! to remove any handler and cache object to make it serializable. * [RailsUtil] Add ensure_authorized option which enforces the user has authorized to the application. * [RailsUtil] Unified rest_graph_storage_key, which used in cookies/session storage, and the key would depend on app_id, just like Facebook JavaScript SDK which use fbs_[app_id] as the name of cookie. This way, you are able to run different applications with different permissions in one Rails application. * [RailsUtil] Now rest_graph_authorize defaults to do redirect. Previously, you'll need to use: `rest_graph_authorize(message, true)` Now it's: `rest_graph_authorize(message)` == rest-graph 1.4.5 -- 2010-08-07 * [RestGraph] Treat oauth_token as access_token as well. This came from Facebook's new signed_request. Why didn't they choose consistent name? Why different signature algorithm? * [RailsUtil] Fixed a bug that didn't reject signed_request in redirect_uri. Now code, session, and signed_request are rejected. * [RailsUtil] Added write_handler and check_handler option to write/check fbs with user code, instead of using sessions/cookies. That way, you can save fbs into memcache or somewhere. == rest-graph 1.4.4 -- 2010-08-06 * [RailsUtil] Fixed a bug that empty query appends a question mark, that confuses Facebook, so that redirect_uri didn't match. == rest-graph 1.4.3 -- 2010-08-06 * [RestGraph] Fixed a bug in RestGraph#fbs, which didn't join '&'. Thanks, Andrew. * [RailsUtil] Fixed a bug that wrongly rewrites request URI. Previously it is processed by regular expressions, now we're using URI.parse to handle this. Closed #4. Thanks, Justin. * [RailsUtil] Favor Request#fullpath over Request#request_uri, which came from newer Rack and thus for Rails 3. == rest-graph 1.4.2 -- 2010-08-05 * [RestGraph] Added RestGraph#fbs to generate fbs with correct sig, to be used for future parse_fbs! See the bug in RailsUtil. * [RailsUtil] Added iframe and write_cookies option. * [RailsUtil] Fixed a bug that write_session didn't parse because parse_fbs! reject the fbs due to missing sig. * [RailsUtil] Fixed a bug that in Rails 3, must call safe_html to prevent unintended HTML escaping. Thanks, Justin. * Thanks a lot, Andrew. == rest-graph 1.4.1 -- 2010-08-04 * [RestGraph] Call error_handler when response contains error_code as well, which came from FQL response. Thanks Florent. * [RestGraph] Added RestGraph#parse_signed_request! * [RestGraph] Added RestGraph#url to generate desired API request URL, in case you'll want to use different HTTP client, such as em-http-request, or pass the API request to different process of data fetcher. * [RestGraph] Added an :cache option that allow you to pass a cache object, which should respond to [] and []= for reading and writing. The cache key would be MD5 hexdigest from the URL being called. pass :cache => Rails.cache to rest_graph_setup when using RailsUtil. * [RailsUtil] Pass :cache => Rails.cache to rest_graph_setup to enable caching. * [RailsUtil] Favor signed_request over session in rest_graph_setup * [RailsUtil] Now it's possible to setup all options in rest-graph.yaml. == rest-graph 1.4.0 -- 2010-07-15 Changes only for RailsUtil, the core (rest-graph.rb) is pretty stable for now. * Internal code rearrangement. * Removed url_for helper, it's too hard to do it right. * Removed @fb_sig_in_canvas hack. * Added rest_graph method in helper. * Fixed a bug that logging redirect but not really do direct. * Now passing :auto_authorize_scope implies :auto_authorize => true. * Now :canvas option takes the name of canvas, instead of a boolean. * Now :auto_authorize default to false. * Now :auto_authorize_scope default to nothing. * Now there's :write_session option to save fbs in session, default to false. == rest-graph 1.3.0 -- 2010-06-11 * Now rest-graph is rescuing all exceptions from rest-client. * Added RestGraph#exchange_sessions to exchange old sessions to access tokens. * Added RestGraph#old_rest, see: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/rest/ * Now all API request accept an additional options argument, you may pass :suppress_decode => true to turn off auto-decode this time. e.g. rg.get('bad/json', {:query => 'string'}, :suppress_decode => true) This is for Facebook who didn't always return JSON in response. * Renamed fql_server to old_server. * Favor yaji/json_gem first, then falls back to json, and json_pure. * Fixed a bug that cookie format from Facebook varies. No idea why. for RailsUtil: * Big and fat refactoring in RailsUtil, see example for detail: http://github.com/cardinalblue/rest-graph/tree/rest-graph-1.3.0/example * url_for and link_to would auto pass :host option if it's inside canvas. == rest-graph 1.2.1 -- 2010-06-02 * Deprecated RailsController, use RailsUtil instead. * Fixed a bug that passing access_token in query string in RestGraph#authorize_url * Fixed a bug that Facebook changed the format (I think) of fbs_ in cookies. Thanks betelgeuse, closes #1 http://github.com/cardinalblue/rest-graph/issues/issue/1 == rest-graph 1.2.0 -- 2010-05-27 * Add RestGraph#parse_json! * Add RailsController to help you integrate into Rails. * Simplify arguments checking and require dependency. * Now if there's no secret in RestGraph, sig check would always fail. * Now there's a Rails example. http://github.com/cardinalblue/rest-graph/tree/master/example * Add error_handler option. Default behavior is raising ::RestGraph::Error. You may want to pass your private controller method to do redirection. Extracted from README: # You may want to do redirect instead of raising exception, for example, # in a Rails application, you might have this private controller method: def redirect_to_authorize error = nil redirect_to @rg.authorize_url(:redirect_uri => request.url) end # and you'll use that private method to do error handling: def setup_rest_graph @rg = RestGraph.new(:error_handler => method(:redirect_to_authorize)) end * Add log_handler option. Default behavior is do nothing. You may want to do this in Rails: RestGraph.new(:log_hanlder => lambda{ |duration, url| Rails.logger.debug("RestGraph " \ "spent #{duration} " \ "requesting #{url}") }) * Add RestGraph#fql_multi to do FQL multiquery. Thanks Ethan Czahor Usage: rg.fql_multi(:query1 => 'SELECT ...', :query2 => 'SELECT ...') == rest-graph 1.1.1 -- 2010-05-21 * Add oauth realted utilites -- authorize_url and authorize! * Fixed a bug that in Ruby 1.8.7-, nil =~ /regexp/ equals to false. It is nil as expected in Ruby 1.9.1+ == rest-graph 1.1.0 -- 2010-05-13 * Main repository was moved to http://github.com/cardinalblue/rest-graph Sorry for the inconvenience. I'll keep pushing to both repositories until I am too lazy to do that. * Better way to deal with default attributes, use class methods. * If you want to auto load config, do require 'rest-graph/auto_load' if it's rails, it would load the config from config/rest-graph.y(a)ml. if you're using rails plugin, we do require 'rest-graph/auto_load' for you. * Config could be loaded manually as well. require 'rest-graph/load_config' and RestGraph::LoadConfig.load_config!('path/to/rest-graph.yaml', 'env') == rest-graph 1.0.0 -- 2010-05-06 * now access_token is saved in data attributes. * cookies related methods got renamed, and saved all data in RestGraph * parse failed would return nil, while data is always a hash == rest-graph 0.9.0 -- 2010-05-04 * renamed :server option to :graph_server * added :fql_server option and fql support. * cookies related parsing utility is now instance methods. you'll need to pass app_id and secret when initializing * if sig in cookies is bad, then it won't extract the access_token == rest-graph 0.8.1 -- 2010-05-03 * added access_token parsing utility == rest-graph 0.8.0 -- 2010-05-03 * release early, release often