Test page for Text Fields
CVS Revision: "$Revision: 1194 $"

function addEvent(e) {
    document.all.events_text.value = document.all.events_text.value + "\n" + e


<input type = text name = text1 value = 'Hello World'    maxLength = 20 >number 1
<label for=text2>Label For this Field  </label><input type = text id= text2 value = 'goodbye all'>
<input type=text name=Regex_test value='RegEx test'>

<td>These text fields are not in a form

<input type = text name = disabled value = "Cant enter text in me" disabled>
Disabled text box

<input type = text name = readOnly value = "Cant enter text in me" readonly>
<label for=readOnly2 id=label2>Another Label (pointless- its a readonly box!)  </label><input type = text id= readOnly2 value = "Cant enter text in me" readonly>
readonly text boxes

<form name = test1 method = get action = pass.html>
<input type = text name = text1 value = 'Ruby'>
<td> This is used in text1 in form test1


These text fields are used to test :beforeText and :afterText
<input type = text name = beforetest value = 'Before Text Test'>This Text After
This Text Before<input type = text name=aftertest  value = 'AfterText Test' title = "This used to test :afterText">


This Field has javascript events in it
<input type = text name= events_tester onKeyUp='javascript:addEvent("keyup")' onKeyDown='javascript:addEvent("keydown")' onKeyPress='javascript:addEvent("keypress")'>

<textarea name = events_text cols = 20 rows = 10 ></textarea>
<input type=button onClick='document.all.events_text.value=""' value="Clear Events Box">

Password Fields

Password With Name<input type = password name =password1>
<label for=password1>Password With ID ( the text here is a label for it )</label><input type = password id =password1>
<div name="divvy">Div Text</div>
