= Usher Tree-based router library. Useful for (specifically) for Rails and Rack, but probably generally useful for anyone interested in doing routing. Based on Ilya Grigorik suggestion, turns out looking up in a hash and following a tree is faster than Krauter's massive regex approach. == Features * Understands single and path-globbing variables * Understands arbitrary regex variables * Arbitrary HTTP header requirements * No optimization phase, so routes are always alterable after the fact * Understands Proc and Regex transformations, validations * Really, really fast * Relatively light and happy code-base, should be easy and fun to alter (it hovers around 1,000 LOC, 800 for the core) * Interface and implementation are separate, encouraging cross-pollination * Works in 1.9! == Route format From the rdoc: Creates a route from +path+ and +options+ === +path+ A path consists a mix of dynamic and static parts delimited by <tt>/</tt> ==== Dynamic Dynamic parts are prefixed with either :, *. :variable matches only one part of the path, whereas *variable can match one or more parts. <b>Example:</b> <tt>/path/:variable/path</tt> would match * <tt>/path/test/path</tt> * <tt>/path/something_else/path</tt> * <tt>/path/one_more/path</tt> In the above examples, 'test', 'something_else' and 'one_more' respectively would be bound to the key <tt>:variable</tt>. However, <tt>/path/test/one_more/path</tt> would not be matched. <b>Example:</b> <tt>/path/*variable/path</tt> would match * <tt>/path/one/two/three/path</tt> * <tt>/path/four/five/path</tt> In the above examples, ['one', 'two', 'three'] and ['four', 'five'] respectively would be bound to the key :variable. As well, variables can have a regex matcher. <b>Example:</b> <tt>/product/{:id,\d+}</tt> would match * <tt>/product/123</tt> * <tt>/product/4521</tt> But not * <tt>/product/AE-35</tt> As well, the same logic applies for * variables as well, where only parts matchable by the supplied regex will actually be bound to the variable Variables can also have a greedy regex matcher. These matchers ignore all delimiters, and continue matching for as long as much as their regex allows. <b>Example:</b> <tt>/product/{!id,hello/world|hello}</tt> would match * <tt>/product/hello/world</tt> * <tt>/product/hello</tt> ==== Static Static parts of literal character sequences. For instance, <tt>/path/something.html</tt> would match only the same path. As well, static parts can have a regex pattern in them as well, such as <tt>/path/something.{html|xml}</tt> which would match only <tt>/path/something.html</tt> and <tt>/path/something.xml</tt> ==== Optional sections Sections of a route can be marked as optional by surrounding it with brackets. For instance, in the above static example, <tt>/path/something(.html)</tt> would match both <tt>/path/something</tt> and <tt>/path/something.html</tt>. ==== One and only one sections Sections of a route can be marked as "one and only one" by surrounding it with brackets and separating parts of the route with pipes. For instance, the path, <tt>/path/something(.xml|.html)</tt> would only match <tt>/path/something.xml</tt> and <tt>/path/something.html</tt>. Generally its more efficent to use one and only sections over using regex. === +options+ * +requirements+ - After transformation, tests the condition using ===. If it returns false, it raises an <tt>Usher::ValidationException</tt> * +conditions+ - Accepts any of the +request_methods+ specificied in the construction of Usher. This can be either a <tt>string</tt> or a regular expression. * Any other key is interpreted as a requirement for the variable of its name. == Rails script/plugin install git://github.com/joshbuddy/usher.git == Rack === config.ru require 'usher' app = proc do |env| body = "Hi there #{env['usher.params'][:name]}" [ 200, # Status code { # Response headers 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain', 'Content-Length' => body.size.to_s, }, [body] # Response body ] end routes = Usher::Interface.for(:rack) do add('/hello/:name').to(app) end run routes ------------ >> curl << Hi there samueltanders == DONE * add support for () optional parts * Add support for arbitrary HTTP header checks * Emit exceptions inline with relevant interfaces * More RDoc! (optionally cowbell) == TODO * Make it integrate with merb * Make it integrate with rails3 * Create decent DSL for use with rack (Let me show you to your request)