require "rubygems" Gem::manage_gems require "rake/gempackagetask" require "spec/rake/spectask" # Gem specification comes first, other tasks rely on it. def specify(platform) do |spec| = "buildr" spec.version ="%d/lib/buildr.rb")).scan(/VERSION\s*=\s*(['"])(.*)\1/)[0][1] = "Assaf Arkin" = "" spec.homepage = "http://#{}" spec.summary = "A build system that doesn't suck" spec.files = FileList["lib/**/*", "CHANGELOG", "README", "LICENSE", "Rakefile"].collect spec.require_path = "lib" spec.autorequire = "buildr.rb" spec.has_rdoc = true spec.extra_rdoc_files = ["README", "CHANGELOG", "LICENSE"] spec.rdoc_options << "--title" << "Buildr -- #{spec.summary}" << "--main" << "README" << "--line-numbers" << "-inline-source" spec.rubyforge_project = "buildr" spec.bindir = "bin" # Use these for applications. spec.executables = ["buildr"] # Tested against these dependencies. spec.add_dependency "rake", "= 0.7.3" spec.add_dependency "facets", "= 1.8.54" spec.add_dependency "builder", "= 2.1.2" spec.add_dependency "net-ssh", "= 1.1.2" spec.add_dependency "net-sftp", "= 1.1.0" spec.add_dependency "rubyzip", "= 0.9.1" spec.add_dependency "highline", "= 1.4.0" spec.add_dependency "Antwrap", "= 0.6.0" spec.add_dependency "rspec", "= 1.0.8" spec.add_dependency "xml-simple", "= 1.0.11" spec.add_dependency "archive-tar-minitar", "= 0.5.1" spec.platform = platform yield spec if block_given? end end spec = specify(Gem::Platform::RUBY) { |spec| spec.add_dependency "rjb", "= 1.0.6" } jruby_spec = specify('java') package = do |pkg| pkg.need_tar = true pkg.need_zip = true end jruby_package = desc "Install the package locally" task :install=>:package do |task| install = RUBY_PLATFORM == 'java' ? jruby_package : package system 'gem', 'install', File.expand_path(install.gem_file, install.package_dir) end desc "Uninstall previously installed packaged" task :uninstall do |task| install = RUBY_PLATFORM == 'java' ? jruby_package : package system "gem", "uninstall",, "-v", install.version.to_s end # Testing is everything. desc "Run test cases" do |task| task.spec_files = FileList["test/**/*.rb"] task.spec_opts = [ "--format", "specdoc", "--color", "--diff" ] end desc "Run test cases with rcov" do |task| task.spec_files = FileList["test/**/*.rb"] task.spec_opts = [ "--format", "specdoc", "--color", "--diff" ] task.rcov = true end # Documentation. begin require "rake/rdoctask" require "docter" require "docter/server" require "docter/ultraviolet" desc "Generate RDoc documentation" rdoc = do |rdoc| rdoc.rdoc_dir = "html/rdoc" rdoc.title = rdoc.options = spec.rdoc_options rdoc.rdoc_files.include("lib/**/*.rb") rdoc.rdoc_files.include spec.extra_rdoc_files end web_collection = Docter.collection.using("doc/web.toc.textile").include("doc/pages", "CHANGELOG", "LICENSE") web_template = Docter.template("doc/web.haml").include("doc/css", "doc/images") print_collection = Docter.collection.using("doc/print.toc.textile").include("doc/pages") print_template = Docter.template("doc/print.haml").include("doc/css", "doc/images") Docter.filter_for(:footnote) do |html| html.gsub(/

(.*?)<\/p>/, %{


}) end desc "Produce PDF" print = Docter::Rake.generate("print", print_collection, print_template, :one_page) pdf_file = file("html/buildr.pdf"=>print) do |task| mkpath "html" sh *%W{prince #{print}/index.html -o #{}} do |ok, res| fail "Failed to create PDF, see errors above" unless ok end end task("pdf"=>pdf_file) { |task| `kpdf #{File.expand_path(pdf_file.to_s)}` } desc "Generate HTML documentation" html = Docter::Rake.generate("html", web_collection, web_template) desc "Run Docter server" Docter::Rake.serve :docter, web_collection, web_template, :port=>3000 desc "Generate all documentation merged into the html directory" task "docs"=>[html,, pdf_file] task("clobber") { rm_rf [html, print].map(&:to_s) } rescue LoadError=>error puts error puts "To create the Buildr documentation you need to:" puts " gem install docter" puts " gem install ultraviolet" end # Commit to SVN, upload and do the release cycle. namespace :svn do task :clean? do |task| status = `svn status`.reject { |line| line =~ /\s(pkg|html)$/ } fail "Cannot release unless all local changes are in SVN:\n#{status}" unless status.empty? end task :tag do |task| cur_url = `svn info`.scan(/URL: (.*)/)[0][0] new_url = cur_url.sub(/trunk$/, "tags/#{spec.version.to_s}") system "svn", "remove", new_url, "-m", "Removing old copy" rescue nil system "svn", "copy", cur_url, new_url, "-m", "Release #{spec.version.to_s}" end end namespace :upload do task :docs=>"rake:docs" do |task| sh "rsync -r --del --progress html/*{spec.rubyforge_project.downcase}" end task :packages=>["rake:docs", "rake:package"] do |task| require 'rubyforge' # Read the changes for this release. pattern = /(^(\d+\.\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s+\(\d+\/\d+\/\d+\)\s*((:?^[^\n]+\n)*))/ changelog ="%d/CHANGELOG")) changes = changelog.scan(pattern).inject({}) { |hash, set| hash[set[1]] = set[2] ; hash } current = changes[spec.version.to_s] if !current && spec.version.to_s =~ /\.0$/ current = changes[spec.version.to_s.split(".")[0..-2].join(".")] end fail "No changeset found for version #{spec.version}" unless current puts "Uploading #{} #{spec.version}" files = Dir.glob('pkg/*.{gem,tgz,zip}') rubyforge = rubyforge.login".changes", 'w'){|f| f.write(current)} rubyforge.userconfig.merge!("release_changes" => ".changes", "preformatted" => true) rubyforge.add_release spec.rubyforge_project.downcase,, spec.version, *files rm ".changes" puts "Release #{spec.version} uploaded" end end namespace :release do task :ready? do require 'highline' require 'highline/import' puts "This version: #{spec.version}" puts puts "Top 4 lines form CHANGELOG:" puts File.readlines("CHANGELOG")[0..3].map { |l| " #{l}" } puts ask("Top-entry in CHANGELOG file includes today's date?") =~ /yes/i or fail "Please update CHANGELOG to include the right date" end task :post do # Practical example of functional read but not comprehend code: next_version =[0, 0, 1]).map { |a| a.inject(0) { |t,i| t + i } }.join(".") puts "Updating lib/buildr.rb to next version number: #{next_version}" buildr_rb ="%d/lib/buildr.rb")). sub(/(VERSION\s*=\s*)(['"])(.*)\2/) { |line| "#{$1}#{$2}#{next_version}#{$2}" }"%d/lib/buildr.rb"), "w") { |file| file.write buildr_rb } puts "Adding entry to CHANGELOG" changelog ="%d/CHANGELOG"))"%d/CHANGELOG"), "w") { |file| file.write "#{next_version} (Pending)\n\n#{changelog}" } end task :meat=>["clobber", "svn:clean?", "test", "upload:packages", "upload:docs", "svn:tag"] end desc "Upload release to RubyForge including docs, tag SVN" task :release=>[ "release:ready?", "release:meat", "release:post" ] # Misc, may not survive so don't rely on these. task :report do |task| puts "#{} #{spec.version}" puts spec.summary sources = (spec.files + FileList["test/**/*.rb"]).reject { |f| } sources.inject({}) do |lists, file| File.readlines(file).each_with_index do |line, i| if line =~ /(TODO|FIXME|NOTE):\s*(.*)/ list = lists[$1] ||= [] list << sprintf("%s (%d): %s", file, i, $2) end end lists end.each_pair do |type, list| unless list.empty? puts puts "#{type}:" list.each { |line| puts line } end end end namespace :setup do task :jetty do cp = ["jetty-6.1.1.jar", "jetty-util-6.1.1.jar", "servlet-api-2.5-6.1.1"]. map { |jar| `locate #{jar}`.split.first }.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) Dir.chdir "lib/buildr/jetty" do `javac -cp #{cp}` end end end