require 'teststrap' # Using == to verify the test because this is the test for :equals itself. Look at assertion_test_passes # and assertion_test_fails for testing other macros. context "An equals assertion macro" do setup do"blue") { "foo" } end asserts(":pass when expectation met") do topic.equals("foo").run( == [:pass, %Q{is equal to "foo"}] end context "that is failing" do setup { topic.equals("bar").run( } asserts(":fail") { topic.first == :fail } asserts("message") { topic[1] == %Q{expected "bar", not "foo"} } end # that is failing context "with numeric topic" do setup do"blue") { 31415 } end asserts("failure") do topic.equals(30000..32000).run([0..1] == [:fail, "expected 30000..32000, not 31415"] end end # with numeric topic context "with block as the expectation" do asserts(":pass when block expectation met") do topic.equals { "foo" }.run( end.equals([:pass, %Q{is equal to "foo"}]) asserts(":fail with message when block expectation not met") do topic.equals { "bar" }.run([0..1] end.equals([:fail, %Q{expected "bar", not "foo"}]) end # with block as the expectation end # An equals assertion macro context "A negative equals assertion macro" do setup do"that flirgy", true) { "foo" } end asserts(":pass when values do not match") do topic.equals("bar").run( == [:pass, %Q{is equal to "bar" when it is "foo"}] end asserts(":fail when values do match") do topic.equals("foo").run([0..1] == [:fail, %Q{did not expect "foo"}] end asserts("result of evaluating when number outside of range") do"blue", true) { 31415 }.equals(30000..32000).run( end.equals([:pass, "is equal to 30000..32000 when it is 31415"]) context "with block as the expectation" do asserts(":pass when block expectation values do not equal") do topic.equals { "bazzle" }.run( end.equals([:pass, %Q{is equal to "bazzle" when it is "foo"}]) asserts(":fail with message when block expectation values do equal") do topic.equals { "foo" }.run([0..1] end.equals([:fail, %Q{did not expect "foo"}]) end # with block as the expectation end # A negative assertion macro