class @ChatPage constructor: (@session) -> @session.onRoster ( ) => this.roster() @session.onCard (c) => this.card(c) @session.onMessage (m) => this.message(m) @session.onPresence (p) => this.presence(p) @chats = {} @currentContact = null @layout = null datef: (millis) -> d = new Date(millis) meridian = if d.getHours() >= 12 then ' pm' else ' am' hour = if d.getHours() > 12 then d.getHours() - 12 else d.getHours() hour = 12 if hour == 0 minutes = d.getMinutes() + '' minutes = '0' + minutes if minutes.length == 1 hour + ':' + minutes + meridian card: (card) -> this.eachContact card.jid, (node) => $('.vcard-img', node).attr 'src', @session.avatar card.jid roster: -> roster = $('#roster') $('li', roster).each (ix, node) => jid = $(node).attr('data-jid') $(node).remove() unless @session.roster[jid] setName = (node, contact) -> $('.text', node).text || contact.jid node.attr 'data-name', || '' for jid, contact of @session.roster found = $("#roster li[data-jid='#{jid}']") setName(found, contact) if found.length == 0 node = $("""
  • Offline #{jid}
  • """).appendTo roster setName(node, contact) (event) => this.selectContact(event) message: (message) -> return unless message.type == 'chat' && message.text this.queueMessage message me = message.from == @session.jid() from = message.from.split('/')[0] if me || from == @currentContact bottom = this.atBottom() this.appendMessage message this.scroll() if bottom else chat = message.from chat.unread++ this.eachContact from, (node) -> $('.unread', node).text(chat.unread).show() eachContact: (jid, callback) -> for node in $("#roster li[data-jid='#{jid}']").get() callback $(node) appendMessage: (message) -> from = message.from.split('/')[0] contact = @session.roster[from] name = if contact then ( || from) else from name = 'Me' if message.from == @session.jid() node = $("""
  • #{from}
  • """).appendTo '#messages' $('p', node).text message.text $('.author', node).text name node.fadeIn 200 queueMessage: (message) -> me = message.from == @session.jid() full = message[if me then 'to' else 'from'] chat = full chat.jid = full chat.messages.push message chat: (jid) -> bare = jid.split('/')[0] chat = @chats[bare] unless chat chat = jid: jid, messages: [], unread: 0 @chats[bare] = chat chat presence: (presence) -> from = presence.from.split('/')[0] return if from == @session.bareJid() if !presence.type || presence.offline contact = @session.roster[from] this.eachContact from, (node) -> $('.status-msg', node).text contact.status() if contact.offline() node.addClass 'offline' else node.removeClass 'offline' if presence.offline = from if presence.type == 'subscribe' node = $("""
  • Buddy Approval

    #{presence.from} wants to add you as a buddy.

  • """).appendTo '#notifications' node.fadeIn 200 $('form', node).submit => this.acceptContact node, presence.from $('input[type="button"]', node).click => this.rejectContact node, presence.from acceptContact: (node, jid) -> node.fadeOut 200, -> node.remove() @session.sendSubscribed jid @session.sendSubscribe jid false rejectContact: (node, jid) -> node.fadeOut 200, -> node.remove() @session.sendUnsubscribed jid selectContact: (event) -> jid = $(event.currentTarget).attr 'data-jid' contact = @session.roster[jid] return if @currentContact == jid @currentContact = jid $('#roster li').removeClass 'selected' $(event.currentTarget).addClass 'selected' $('#chat-title').text('Chat with ' + ( || contact.jid)) $('#messages').empty() chat = @chats[jid] messages = [] if chat messages = chat.messages chat.unread = 0 this.eachContact jid, (node) -> $('.unread', node).text('').hide() this.appendMessage msg for msg in messages this.scroll() $('#remove-contact-msg').html "Are you sure you want to remove " + "#{@currentContact} from your buddy list?" $('#remove-contact-form .buttons').fadeIn 200 $('#edit-contact-jid').text @currentContact $('#edit-contact-name').val @session.roster[@currentContact].name $('#edit-contact-form input').fadeIn 200 $('#edit-contact-form .buttons').fadeIn 200 scroll: -> msgs = $ '#messages' msgs.animate(scrollTop: msgs.prop('scrollHeight'), 400) atBottom: -> msgs = $('#messages') bottom = msgs.prop('scrollHeight') - msgs.outerHeight() msgs.scrollTop() >= bottom send: -> return false unless @currentContact input = $('#message') text = input.val().trim() if text chat = @chats[@currentContact] jid = if chat then chat.jid else @currentContact this.message from: @session.jid() text: text to: jid type: 'chat' received: new Date() @session.sendMessage jid, text input.val '' false addContact: -> this.toggleForm '#add-contact-form' contact = jid: $('#add-contact-jid').val() name: $('#add-contact-name').val() groups: ['Buddies'] @session.updateContact contact, true if contact.jid false removeContact: -> this.toggleForm '#remove-contact-form' @session.removeContact @currentContact @currentContact = null $('#chat-title').text 'Select a buddy to chat' $('#messages').empty() $('#remove-contact-msg').html "Select a buddy in the list above to remove." $('#remove-contact-form .buttons').hide() $('#edit-contact-jid').text "Select a buddy in the list above to update." $('#edit-contact-name').val '' $('#edit-contact-form input').hide() $('#edit-contact-form .buttons').hide() false updateContact: -> this.toggleForm '#edit-contact-form' contact = jid: @currentContact name: $('#edit-contact-name').val() groups: @session.roster[@currentContact].groups @session.updateContact contact false toggleForm: (form, fn) -> form = $(form) $('form.overlay').each -> $(this).hide() unless == form.attr 'id' if ':hidden' fn() if fn form.fadeIn 100 else form.fadeOut 100, => form[0].reset() @layout.resize() fn() if fn draw: -> unless @session.connected() window.location.hash = '' return $('body').attr 'id', 'chat-page' $('#container').hide().empty() $("""

    Select a buddy to chat

    """).appendTo '#container' this.roster() new Button '#clear-notices', new Button '#add-contact', new Button '#remove-contact', ICONS.minus new Button '#edit-contact', ICONS.user $('#message').focus -> $('form.overlay').fadeOut() $('#message-form').submit => this.send() $('#clear-notices').click -> $('#notifications li').fadeOut 200 $('#add-contact').click => this.toggleForm '#add-contact-form' $('#remove-contact').click => this.toggleForm '#remove-contact-form' $('#edit-contact').click => this.toggleForm '#edit-contact-form', => if @currentContact $('#edit-contact-jid').text @currentContact $('#edit-contact-name').val @session.roster[@currentContact].name $('#add-contact-cancel').click => this.toggleForm '#add-contact-form' $('#remove-contact-cancel').click => this.toggleForm '#remove-contact-form' $('#edit-contact-cancel').click => this.toggleForm '#edit-contact-form' $('#add-contact-form').submit => this.addContact() $('#remove-contact-form').submit => this.removeContact() $('#edit-contact-form').submit => this.updateContact() $('#container').fadeIn 200 @layout = this.resize() fn = => @layout.resize() @layout.resize() # not sure why two are needed new Filter list: '#roster' icon: '#search-roster-icon' form: '#search-roster-form' attrs: ['data-jid', 'data-name'] open: fn close: fn resize: -> a = $ '#alpha' b = $ '#beta' c = $ '#charlie' msg = $ '#message' form = $ '#message-form' new Layout -> c.css 'left', a.width() + b.width() msg.width form.width() - 32