dir = File.dirname(__FILE__) # require 'uri' require 'cgi' require 'rest_client' require 'multi_json' require 'websocket_td' # require dir + '/api/api_resource' # require dir + '/errors' require dir + '/push' require dir + '/historics' require dir + '/historics_preview' require dir + '/managed_source' require dir + '/managed_source_auth' require dir + '/managed_source_resource' require dir + '/live_stream' require dir + '/pylon' require dir + '/account' require dir + '/account_identity' require dir + '/account_identity_token' require dir + '/account_identity_limit' # require 'rbconfig' module DataSift # IS_WINDOWS = (RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|mingw|cygwin/) VERSION = File.open(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../') + '/VERSION').first KNOWN_SOCKETS = {} DETECT_DEAD_SOCKETS = true SOCKET_DETECTOR_TIMEOUT = 6.5 Thread.new do while DETECT_DEAD_SOCKETS now = Time.now.to_i KNOWN_SOCKETS.clone.map { |connection, last_time| connection.stream.reconnect if now - last_time > SOCKET_DETECTOR_TIMEOUT } sleep SOCKET_DETECTOR_TIMEOUT * 10 end end # All API requests must be made by a Client object class Client < ApiResource # @param config [Hash] A hash containing configuration options for the # client for e.g. { username: 'some_user', api_key: 'ds_api_key', # enable_ssl: true, open_timeout: 30, timeout: 30 } def initialize(config) raise InvalidConfigError.new('Config cannot be nil') if config.nil? if !config.key?(:username) || !config.key?(:api_key) raise InvalidConfigError.new('A valid username and API key are required. ' + 'You can check your API credentials at https://datasift.com/settings') end @config = config @historics = DataSift::Historics.new(config) @push = DataSift::Push.new(config) @managed_source = DataSift::ManagedSource.new(config) @managed_source_resource = DataSift::ManagedSourceResource.new(config) @managed_source_auth = DataSift::ManagedSourceAuth.new(config) @historics_preview = DataSift::HistoricsPreview.new(config) @pylon = DataSift::Pylon.new(config) @account = DataSift::Account.new(config) @account_identity = DataSift::AccountIdentity.new(config) @account_identity_token = DataSift::AccountIdentityToken.new(config) @account_identity_limit = DataSift::AccountIdentityLimit.new(config) end attr_reader :historics, :push, :managed_source, :managed_source_resource, :managed_source_auth, :historics_preview, :pylon, :account, :account_identity, :account_identity_token, :account_identity_limit # Checks if the syntax of the given CSDL is valid # # @param boolResponse [Boolean] If true a boolean is returned indicating # whether the CSDL is valid, otherwise the full response object is returned def valid?(csdl, boolResponse = true) requires({ :csdl => csdl }) res = DataSift.request(:POST, 'validate', @config, :csdl => csdl ) boolResponse ? res[:http][:status] == 200 : res end # Compile CSDL code. # # @param csdl [String] The CSDL you wish to compile # @return [Object] API reponse object def compile(csdl) requires({ :csdl => csdl }) DataSift.request(:POST, 'compile', @config, :csdl => csdl ) end # Check the number of objects processed for a given time period # # @param period [String] Can be "day", "hour", or "current" # @return [Object] API reponse object def usage(period = :hour) DataSift.request(:POST, 'usage', @config, :period => period ) end # Calculate the DPU cost of running a filter, or Historics query # # @param hash [String] CSDL hash for which you wish to find the DPU cost # @param historics_id [String] ID of Historics query for which you wish to # find the DPU cost # @return [Object] API reponse object def dpu(hash = '', historics_id = '') fail ArgumentError, 'Must pass a filter hash or Historics ID' if hash.empty? && historics_id.empty? fail ArgumentError, 'Must only pass hash or Historics ID; not both' unless hash.empty? || historics_id.empty? params = {} params.merge!(hash: hash) unless hash.empty? params.merge!(historics_id: historics_id) unless historics_id.empty? DataSift.request(:POST, 'dpu', @config, params) end # Determine your credit balance or DPU balance. # # @return [Object] API reponse object def balance DataSift.request(:POST, 'balance', @config) end # Collect a batch of interactions from a push queue # # @param id [String] ID of the Push subscription you wish to pull data from # @param size [Integer] Max size (bytes) of the data you can receive from a # /pull API call # @param cursor [String] A pointer into the Push queue associated with your # last delivery # @return [Object] API reponse object def pull(id, size = 20_971_520, cursor='') DataSift.request(:POST, 'pull', @config, { :id => id, :size => size, :cursor => cursor }) end end # Generates and executes an HTTP request from the params provided # # @param method [Symbol] The HTTP method to use # @param path [String] The DataSift path relevant to the base URL of the API # @param config [Object] The config object containing user details # @param params [Hash] A hash representing the params to use in the request # @param headers [Hash] Any headers to pass to the API # @param timeout [Integer] Set the request timeout # @param open_timeout [Integer] Set the request open timeout # @param new_line_separated [Boolean] Will response be newline separated? def self.request(method, path, config, params = {}, headers = {}, timeout = 30, open_timeout = 30, new_line_separated = false) validate config options = {} url = build_url(path, config) headers.update( :user_agent => "DataSift/#{config[:api_version]} Ruby/v#{VERSION}", :authorization => "#{config[:username]}:#{config[:api_key]}", :content_type => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ) case method.to_s.downcase.to_sym when :get, :head, :delete url += "#{URI.parse(url).query ? '&' : '?'}#{encode params}" payload = nil else payload = MultiJson.dump(params) headers.update({ :content_type => 'application/json' }) end options.update( :headers => headers, :method => method, :open_timeout => open_timeout, :timeout => timeout, :payload => payload, :url => url, :ssl_version => OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext::DEFAULT_PARAMS[:ssl_version], :verify_ssl => OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER ) begin response = RestClient::Request.execute options if !response.nil? && response.length > 0 if new_line_separated res_arr = response.split("\n") data = [] res_arr.each { |e| interaction = MultiJson.load(e, :symbolize_keys => true) data.push(interaction) if params.key? :on_interaction params[:on_interaction].call(interaction) end } else data = MultiJson.load(response, :symbolize_keys => true) end else data = {} end { :data => data, :datasift => { :x_ratelimit_limit => response.headers[:x_ratelimit_limit], :x_ratelimit_remaining => response.headers[:x_ratelimit_remaining], :x_ratelimit_cost => response.headers[:x_ratelimit_cost] }, :http => { :status => response.code, :headers => response.headers } } rescue MultiJson::DecodeError raise DataSiftError.new response rescue SocketError => e process_client_error(e) rescue RestClient::ExceptionWithResponse => e begin code = e.http_code body = e.http_body if code && body error = MultiJson.load(body) handle_api_error(e.http_code, (error['error'] ? error['error'] : '') + " for URL #{url}") else process_client_error(e) end rescue MultiJson::DecodeError process_client_error(e) end rescue RestClient::Exception, Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e process_client_error(e) end end private def self.build_url(path, config) 'http' + (config[:enable_ssl] ? 's' : '') + '://' + config[:api_host] + '/' + config[:api_version] + '/' + path end # Returns true if username or api key are not set def self.is_invalid?(config) !config.key?(:username) || !config.key?(:api_key) end def self.validate(config) if is_invalid? config raise InvalidConfigError.new 'A username and api_key are required' end end def self.encode(params) params.collect { |param, value| [param, CGI.escape(value.to_s)].join('=') }.join('&') end def self.handle_api_error(code, body) case code when 400 raise BadRequestError.new(code, body) when 401 raise AuthError.new(code, body) when 404 raise ApiResourceNotFoundError.new(code, body) when 409 raise ConflictError.new(code, body) when 410 raise GoneError.new(code, body) when 429 raise TooManyRequestsError.new(code, body) else raise DataSiftError.new(code, body) end end def self.process_client_error(e) case e when RestClient::ServerBrokeConnection, RestClient::RequestTimeout message = 'Unable to connect to DataSift. Please check your connection and try again' when RestClient::SSLCertificateNotVerified message = 'Failed to complete SSL verification' when SocketError message = 'Communication with DataSift failed. Are you able to resolve the API hostname?' else message = 'Unexpected error.' end raise ConnectionError.new(message + " (Network error: #{e.message})") end ## # A Proc/lambda callback to receive delete messages. # DataSift and its customers are required to process Twitter's Tweet delete # requests; a delete handler must be provided. # A Proc/lambda callback to receive errors # Because EventMachine is used errors can be raised from another thread, this # method will receive any such errors def self.new_stream(config, on_delete, on_error, on_open = nil, on_close = nil) if on_delete.nil? || on_error.nil? raise NotConfiguredError.new 'on_delete and on_error are required before you can connect' end raise BadParametersError.new('on_delete - 2 parameter required') unless on_delete.arity == 2 raise BadParametersError.new('on_error - 2 parameter required') unless on_error.arity == 2 unless on_open.nil? raise BadParametersError.new('on_open - 1 parameter required') unless on_open.arity == 1 end unless on_close.nil? raise BadParametersError.new('on_close - 2 parameter required') unless on_close.arity == 2 end begin stream = WebsocketTD::Websocket.new('websocket.datasift.com', '/multi', "username=#{config[:username]}&api_key=#{config[:api_key]}") connection = LiveStream.new(config, stream) KNOWN_SOCKETS[connection] = Time.new.to_i stream.on_ping = lambda { |data| KNOWN_SOCKETS[connection] = Time.new.to_i } stream.on_open = lambda { connection.connected = true connection.retry_timeout = 0 on_open.call(connection) unless on_open.nil? } stream.on_close = lambda { |message| connection.connected = false retry_connect(config, connection, on_delete, on_error, on_open, on_close, message, true) } stream.on_error = lambda { |message| connection.connected = false retry_connect(config, connection, on_delete, on_error, on_open, on_close, message) } stream.on_message=lambda { |msg| data = MultiJson.load(msg.data, :symbolize_keys => true) KNOWN_SOCKETS[connection] = Time.new.to_i if data.key?(:deleted) on_delete.call(connection, data) elsif data.key?(:status) connection.fire_ds_message(data) elsif data.key?(:reconnect) connection.stream.reconnect else connection.fire_on_message(data[:hash], data[:data]) end } rescue Exception => e case e when DataSiftError, ArgumentError raise e else retry_connect(config, connection, on_delete, on_error, on_open, on_close, e.message) end end connection end def self.retry_connect(config, connection, on_delete, on_error, on_open, on_close, message = '', use_closed = false) config[:retry_timeout] = config[:retry_timeout] == 0 || config[:retry_timeout].nil? ? 10 : config[:retry_timeout] * 2 connection.retry_timeout = config[:retry_timeout] if config[:retry_timeout] > config[:max_retry_time] if use_closed && !on_close.nil? on_close.call(connection, message) else on_error.call(connection, ReconnectTimeoutError.new("Connecting to DataSift has failed, re-connection was attempted but multiple consecutive failures where encountered. As a result no further re-connection will be automatically attempted. Manually invoke connect() after investigating the cause of the failure, be sure to observe DataSift's re-connect policies available at http://dev.datasift.com/docs/streaming-api/reconnecting - Error { #{message}}")) end else sleep config[:retry_timeout] new_stream(config, on_delete, on_error, on_open, on_close) end end end