# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails/generators/actions' require 'rails/generators/active_record' module Hyrax ## # {Hyrax::DatabaseMigrator} is responsible for copying {Hyrax}'s required database # migrations into applications. # # Rails engines typically use the built-in +[ENGINE_NAME]:install:migrations+ # task to handle this; instead {Hyrax} follows the practice used by +Devise+ # to dynamically subclass migrations with he version of +ActiveRecord::Migration+ # corresponding to the version of Rails used by the application. # # @see https://github.com/samvera/hyrax/issues/2347 # # @note {Hyrax::DatabaseMigrator} uses Rails' generator internals to avoid # having to re-implement code that knows how to copy migrations only if # needed. # # @note This class was added to resolve Hyrax issue #2347 class DatabaseMigrator < Rails::Generators::Base # @note included to pick up AR's migration numbering algorithm include ActiveRecord::Generators::Migration # @note This method is required by Rails::Generators::Base def self.source_root migrations_dir end def self.migrations_dir Hyrax::Engine.root.join('lib', 'generators', 'hyrax', 'templates') end def self.copy new.copy end def copy # Hyrax's migrations changed between 2.0.0 and subsequent versions, so the # migration comparison algorithm decides that those older migrations are a # source of conflict. Default Rails behavior here is to abort and # explicitly instruct the user to try again with either the `--skip` or # `--force` option. Hyrax skips these conflicts. migrations.each do |filename| migration_template filename, "db/migrate/#{parse_basename_from(filename)}", migration_version: migration_version, skip: true end end private def migrations Dir.chdir(self.class.migrations_dir) { Dir.glob('db/migrate/[0-9]*_*.rb.erb') }.sort end def parse_basename_from(filename) # Add engine name to filename to mimic ``ActiveRecord::Migration.copy` behavior filename.slice(/(?\d)+_(?.+)\.erb/, 'basename').sub('.', '.hyrax.') end def migration_version # Specify the current major.minor version of Rails for AR migrations "[#{Rails::VERSION::MAJOR}.#{Rails::VERSION::MINOR}]" end end end