### Data driven API programming This gem promotes a declarative style of developing JSON APIs that automates a lot of common patterns found in the development of systems which have multiple users, with multiple roles and permissions. An API is a collection of resources, and resources can be queried, or commands can be run against resources, each by certain users in certain ways depending on the user's authorization level. The DSL provided by this gem allows you to accomplish the tasks of writing your API documentation, your integration tests, as well as your actual implementation code at the same time, and in such a way that exposes metadata. Because the API exposes metadata about the resources it contains, their schemas, and the various policies and details about them, it is possible for API client libraries to configure themselves accordingly. ### Example ```ruby require 'datapimp/dsl' api :my_app => "My Application" do version :v1 desc "Public users include anyone with access to the URL" policy :public_users do allow :books, :commands => false, :queries => true end desc "Authenticated users register and are given an auth token" policy :logged_in_users do authenticate_with :header => 'X-AUTH-TOKEN', :param => :auth_token allow :books, :commands => true, :queries => true end desc "Admin users have the admin flag set to true" policy :admin_users do extends :logged_in_users test :admin? end end ``` An API can be inspected: ```ruby api("My Application").authentication_header #=> "X-AUTH-TOKEN" api("My Application").policies #=> [:public_users, :logged_in_users, :admin_users] api("My Application").policy(:admin_users).resource(:books).allowed_commands #=> [:create, :update, :delete] ``` An API is made up of resources: ```ruby resource "Books" do serializer do desc "A unique id for the book", :type => :integer attribute :id desc "The title of the book", :type => :string attribute :title desc "The year the book was published", :type => :integer attribute :year desc "A reference to the author", :type => "Author" has_one :author end command :update, "Update a book's attributes" do # Will ensure the command is run with # Book.accessible_to(current_user).find(id). scope :accessible_to params do duck :id, :method => :to_s optional do string :title end end end query do start_from :scope => :accessible_to params do desc "The year the book was published (example: YYYY)" integer :year_published end role :admin do start_from :scope => :all end end end ``` A resource can also be inspected: ```ruby meta_data = api("My Application").resource("Books").meta_data meta_data.attributes # {:id => "The id of the book", :year_published => "The year it was published"} meta_data.commands => [:update] meta_data.command(:update).arguments #=> [:id, :year, :title] meta_data.command(:update).optional_arguments #=> [:year, :title] ``` This inspection goes a long way to some advanced features, such as automated documentation and integration test generation, or in writing tools for generating client libraries and the like. ### Customizing the elements How are each of these behaviors is stored in code? In a way that will be very familiar to Rails developers, following common naming conventions and file organization patterns. ``` - app - commands - application_command.rb - create_book.rb - update_book.rb - contexts - application_context.rb - book_context.rb - serializers - book_serializer.rb ``` ### Request Context: Current User, Resource, and REST From the programmer's perspective, a typical resource is made up of several request patterns: - Filter Context (index, show) - Commands (aka mutations. create, update, destroy) - Serializers (aka presenters, views) Each of these objects can be configured to behave in certain ways that may be dependent on the user or role making the request to interact with them. Most API requests can be thought of in the following ways: ```ruby # A Typical read request ( query / filter or detail view ) response = present( this_resource ) # resource -> filter context .to(this_user) # filter context: relevant for this user .in(this_presentation) # serializer: different slices / renderings response.cache_key # russian doll style / max-updated-at friendly response.etag # http client conditional get ``` The filter context and serializer classes make this easy. They also make writing -- or rather, generating -- documentation and tests very easy as well. ```ruby # Typical mutation request ( create, update, delete ) outcome = run(this_command) .as(this_user) .against(this_set_of_one_or_more_records) .with(these_arguments) outcome.success? outcome.error_messages outcome.result ``` The command class determines the specifics of the above style of request. ### The Filter Context The filter context system is used to standardize the way we write typical index and show actions in a typical Rails app. A user is requesting to view a set of records, or an individual records. Given a user making a request to view a specific resource, we arrive at the 'filter context'. The filter context is responsible for 'scoping' a resource to the set of records that user is permitted to view. Based on the combination of parameters used to build that filter, we compute a cache key that simplifies the process of server caching and http client caching at the same time. The filter context itself and the available parameters and their allowed values are specified by the DSL, which simplifies the process of writing complex queries and also provides configuration meta-data that aids in the process of developing client user interfaces, API documentation, and test code. ### Commands The command class allows you to declare the available parameters, the required values, their data types, etc. It also allows you to declare which users can run the command, and further restrict the parameters allowed and the values they accept. ### Serializers - ActiveModel Serializers - Documentation DSL - Metadata for inspection + documentation generation ## API Documentation & Integration Tests - rspec_api_documentation gem - plan: take advantage of metadata defined above to auto-generate documentation with the ability to pass expectation blocks as pass / fail indicators