module Octopolo # Abstraction around local Git commands class Git NO_BRANCH = "(no branch)" DEFAULT_DIRTY_MESSAGE = "Your Git index is not clean. Commit, stash, or otherwise clean up the index before continuing." # we use date-based tags, so look for anything starting with a 4-digit year RELEASE_TAG_FILTER = /^\d{4}.*/ RECENT_TAG_LIMIT = 9 # branch prefixes DEPLOYABLE_PREFIX = "deployable" STAGING_PREFIX = "staging" QAREADY_PREFIX = "qaready" include CLIWrapper extend CLIWrapper # add class-level .cli and .cli= methods # Public: Perform the given Git subcommand # # subcommand - String containing the subcommand and its parameters # # Example: # # > Git.perform "status" # # => output of `git status` def self.perform(subcommand) cli.perform "git #{subcommand}" end # Public: Perform the given Git subcommand without displaying the output # # subcommand - String containing the subcommand and its parameters # # Example: # # > Git.perform_quietly "status" # # => no output def self.perform_quietly(subcommand) cli.perform_quietly "git #{subcommand}" end # Public: The name of the currently check-out branch # # Returns a String of the branch name def self.current_branch # cut trims the first three characters (whitespace or "* " for current branch) # the chomp removes the newline from the command output name = cli.perform_quietly("git branch | grep '^* ' | cut -c 3-").chomp if name == NO_BRANCH raise NotOnBranch, "Not currently checked out to a particular branch" else name end end # Public: Determine if current_branch is reserved # # Returnsa boolean value def self.reserved_branch? !(current_branch =~ /^(?:#{Git::STAGING_PREFIX}|#{Git::DEPLOYABLE_PREFIX}|#{Git::QAREADY_PREFIX})/).nil? end # Public: Check out the given branch name # # branch_name - The name of the branch to check out def self.check_out branch_name fetch perform "checkout #{branch_name}" pull unless current_branch == branch_name raise CheckoutFailed, "Failed to check out '#{branch_name}'" end end # Public: Create a new branch from the given source # # new_branch_name - The name of the branch to create # source_branch_name - The name of the branch to branch from # # Example: # # Git.new_branch("bug-123-fix-thing", "master") def self.new_branch(new_branch_name, source_branch_name) fetch perform("branch --no-track #{new_branch_name} origin/#{source_branch_name}") check_out new_branch_name perform("push --set-upstream origin #{new_branch_name}") end # Public: Whether the Git index is clean (has no uncommited changes) # # Returns a Boolean def self.clean? # git status --short returns one line for any uncommited changes, if any # e.g., # ?? untracked.txt # D deleted.txt # M modified.txt cli.perform_quietly("git status --short").empty? end # Public: Perform the block if the Git index is clean def self.if_clean(message=DEFAULT_DIRTY_MESSAGE) if clean? yield else alert_dirty_index message end end # Public: Display the message and show the git status def self.alert_dirty_index(message) cli.say " " cli.say message cli.say " " perform "status" end # Public: Merge the given remote branch into the current branch def self.merge(branch_name) Git.if_clean do Git.fetch perform "merge --no-ff origin/#{branch_name}" raise MergeFailed unless Git.clean? Git.push end end # Public: Fetch the latest changes from GitHub def self.fetch perform_quietly "fetch --prune" end # Public: Push the current branch to GitHub def self.push if_clean do perform "push origin #{current_branch}" end end # Public: Pull the latest changes for the checked-out branch def self.pull if_clean do perform "pull" end end # Public: The list of branches on GitHub # # Returns an Array of Strings containing the branch names def self.remote_branches Git.fetch raw = Git.perform_quietly "branch --remote" all_branches = raw.split("\n").map do |raw_name| # will come in as " origin/foo", we want just "foo" raw_name.split("/").last end all_branches.uniq.sort end # Public: List of branches starting with the given string # # prefix - String to match branch names against # # Returns an Array of Strings containing the branch names def self.branches_for(prefix) do |branch_name| branch_name =~ /^#{prefix}/ end end def self.latest_branch_for(branch_prefix) branches_for(branch_prefix).last || raise(NoBranchOfType, "No #{branch_prefix} branch") end # Public: The name of the current deployable branch def self.deployable_branch latest_branch_for(DEPLOYABLE_PREFIX) end # Public: The name of the current staging branch def self.staging_branch latest_branch_for(STAGING_PREFIX) end # Public: The name of the current QA-ready branch def self.qaready_branch latest_branch_for(QAREADY_PREFIX) end # Public: The list of releases which have been tagged # # Returns an Array of Strings containing the tag names def self.release_tags Git.perform_quietly("tag").split("\n").select do |tag| tag =~ RELEASE_TAG_FILTER end end # Public: Only the most recent release tags # # Returns an Array of Strings containing the tag names def self.recent_release_tags release_tags.last(RECENT_TAG_LIMIT) end # Public: Create a new tag with the given name # # tag_name - The name of the tag to create def self.new_tag(tag_name) perform "tag #{tag_name}" push perform "push --tag" end # Public: Delete the given branch # # branch_name - The name of the branch to delete def self.delete_branch(branch_name) perform "push origin :#{branch_name}" perform "branch -D #{branch_name}" end # Public: Branches which have been merged into the given branch # # source_branch_name - The name of the branch to check against # branches_to_ignore - An Array of branches to exclude from results # # Returns an Array of Strings def self.stale_branches(source_branch_name="master", branches_to_ignore=[]) Git.fetch command = "branch --remote --merged #{recent_sha(source_branch_name)} | grep -E -v '(#{stale_branches_to_ignore(branches_to_ignore).join("|")})'" raw_result = Git.perform_quietly command { |full_name| full_name.gsub("origin/", "") } end # Private: The SHA from 1 day ago for the given branch # # branch_name - The name of the branch to check # # Returns a String def self.recent_sha(branch_name) raw = perform_quietly "rev-list `git rev-parse remotes/origin/#{branch_name}` --max-count=1" raw.chomp end private_class_method :recent_sha # Private: Branches to ignore when looking for stale branches # # Returns an Array of Strings def self.stale_branches_to_ignore(additional_branches=[]) %w(HEAD master staging deployable) + Array(additional_branches) end private_class_method :stale_branches_to_ignore # Exceptions NotOnBranch = CheckoutFailed = MergeFailed = NoBranchOfType = end end