require 'machinist/active_record' require 'rufus/mnemo' def _index # prevent unique string collisions over the test cycle @_uniq_idx ||= 0 (@_uniq_idx+=1).to_s(36) end def syllable(length=-1) s = Rufus::Mnemo::from_integer(rand(8**5)+1) #+ _index s[0..length] end def word(max_syl=3) { syllable }.join end def words(n=3) { word }.join end def paragraph(n=25) words(n) end Company.blueprint do name { words } short_name { syllable(10) } end User.blueprint do email { "test-"+word(10)+'' } first_name { word(4) } last_name { word(5) } password { 'abc12345' } confirmed_at { } end Role.blueprint { user_id { User.first||User.make } ownable_id { Company.first||Company.make } ownable_type { 'Company' } } Locatable.blueprint { location { Location.make } locatable { Company.make } } Location.blueprint { name { (65+rand(8)).chr+"1"} kind { 'gate' } gps { 37.615223, lng: -122.389977 ) } } LocationBeacon.blueprint { location { Location.make } company { Company.make } mac_address { SecureRandom.hex(6) } # e.g. 2F234454-CF6D-4A0F-ADF2-F4911BA9FFA6 uuid { SecureRandom.hex(4)+'-'+SecureRandom.hex(2)+'-'+SecureRandom.hex(2)+'-'+SecureRandom.hex(2)+'-'+SecureRandom.hex(6) } major { rand(9999) } minor { rand(9999) } } LocationGps.blueprint { location { Location.make } # place the point randomly within about a mile radius of the TEST airport (LocationHelper) lat { 37.615223 + 0.01609*rand(0.1) * (rand(2) > 0 ? 1 : -1) } lng { -122.389977 + 0.01609*rand(0.1)*Math.cos(37.615223*Math::PI/180) * (rand(2) > 0 ? 1 : -1) } alt { 0 } } Project.blueprint { name { words(2) } owner { Company.make } jobs { [Job.make, Job.make] } admins { [User.make] } } Job.blueprint { title { words(2) } } UserProjectJob.blueprint { user { User.make } project { Project.make } job { Job.make } } ProjectJob.blueprint { project { Project.make } job { Job.make } } Team.blueprint { p = Project.make project { p } creator { p.admins.first } name { words(2) } } TeamUser.blueprint { t = Team.make t.project.users.push User.make(projects: [t.project]) team { t } user { t.project.users.first } }