module KnifeSpork module Plugins class Plugin # This is the name of the plugin. It must correspond to the name in the yaml configuration # file in order to load this plugin. If an attribute is passed in, the name is set to that # given value. Otherwise, the name is returned. def = nil) if name.nil? class_variable_get(:@@name) else class_variable_set(:@@name, name) end end # This is a convenience method for defining multiple hooks in a single call. def self.hooks(*the_hooks) [the_hooks].flatten.each{ |the_hook| hook(the_hook) } end # When defining a hook, we define a method on the instance that corresponds to that # hook. That will be fired when the hook is fired. def self.hook(the_hook) self.send(:define_method, the_hook.to_sym) do perform end end def initialize(options = {}) @options = { :payload => {} }.merge(options) end def enabled? !config.nil? end private def config @options[:config].plugins.send( unless @options[:config].nil? || @options[:config].plugins.nil? end def cookbooks @options[:cookbooks] end def environments @options[:environments] end def environment_diffs @options[:environment_diffs] end def ui @options[:ui] end def current_user (begin `git config`.chomp; rescue nil; end || ENV['USERNAME'] || ENV['USER']).strip end # Wrapper method around require that attempts to include the associated file. If it does not exist # or cannot be loaded, an nice error is produced instead of blowing up. def safe_require(file) begin require file rescue LoadError raise "You are using a plugin for knife-spork that requires #{file}, but you have not installed it. Please either run \"gem install #{file}\", add #{file} to your Gemfile or remove the plugin from your configuration." end end end end end