module ActionController #:nodoc:
class Base
=begin rdoc
Build the fragment key from a particular context. This must be deterministic and stateful except for the tag. We can't scope the key to arbitrary params because the view doesn't have access to which are relevant and which are not.
Note that the tag can be pretty much any object. Define to_interlock_tag if you need custom tagging for some class. ActiveRecord::Base already has it defined appropriately.
If you pass an Array of symbols as the tag, it will get value-mapped onto params and sorted. This makes granular scoping easier, although it doesn't sidestep the normal blanket invalidations.
def caching_key(ignore = nil, tag = nil)
ignore = Array(ignore)
ignore = Interlock::SCOPE_KEYS if ignore.include? :all
if (Interlock::SCOPE_KEYS - ignore).empty? and !tag
raise UsageError, "You must specify a :tag if you are ignoring the entire default scope."
if tag.is_a? Array and tag.all? {|x| x.is_a? Symbol}
tag = tag.sort_by do |key|
key.to_s do |key|
ignore.include?(:controller) ? 'any' : controller_name,
ignore.include?(:action) ? 'any' : action_name,
ignore.include?(:id) ? 'all' : params[:id],
=begin rdoc
behavior_cache marks a controller block for caching. It accepts a list of class dependencies for invalidation, as well as as :tag and :ignore keys for explicit fragment scoping. It does not accept a :ttl key.
Please note that the behavior of nested behavior_cache blocks is undefined.
== Declaring dependencies
You can declare non-default invalidation dependencies by passing models to behavior_cache (you can also pass them to view_cache, but you should only do that if you are caching a fragment without an associated behavior block in the controller).
No dependencies (cache never invalidates):
behavior_cache nil do
Invalidate on any Media change:
behavior_cache Media do
Invalidate on any Media or Item change:
behavior_cache Media, Item do
Invalidate on Item changes if the Item id matches the current params[:id] value:
behavior_cache Item => :id do
You do not have to pass the same dependencies to behavior_cache and view_cache even for the same action. The set union of both dependency lists will be used.
== Narrowing scope and caching multiple blocks
Sometimes you need to cache multiple blocks in a controller, or otherwise get a more fine-grained scope. Interlock provides the :tag key for this purpose. :tag accepts either an array of symbols, which are mapped to params values, or an arbitrary object, which is converted to a string identifier. Your corresponding behavior caches and view caches must have identical :tag values for the interlocking to take effect.
Note that :tag can be used to scope caches. You can simultaneously cache different versions of the same block, differentiating based on params or other logic. This is great for caching per-user, for example:
def profile
@user = current_user
behavior_cache :tag => @user do
@items = @user.items
In the view, use the same :tag value (@user). Note that @user must be set outside of the behavior block in the controller, because its contents are used to decide whether to run the block in the first place.
This way each user will see only their own cache. Pretty neat.
== Broadening scope
Sometimes the default scope (controller, action, params[:id]) is too narrow. For example, you might share a partial across actions, and set up its data via a filter. By default, Interlock will cache a separate version of it for each action. To avoid this, you can use the :ignore key, which lets you list parts of the default scope to ignore:
before_filter :recent
def recent
behavior_cache :ignore => :action do
@recent = Item.find(:all, :limit => 5, :order => 'updated_at DESC')
Valid values for :ignore are :controller, :action, :id, and :all. You can pass an array of multiple values. Just like with :tag, your corresponding behavior caches and view caches must have identical :ignore values. Note that cache blocks with :ignore values still obey the regular invalidation rules.
A good way to get started is to just use the default scope. Then grep in the production log for interlock and see what keys are being set and read. If you see lots of different keys go by for data that you know is the same, then set some :ignore values.
== Skipping caching
You can pass :perform => false to disable caching, for example, in a preview action. Note that :perform only responds to false, not nil. This allows for handier view reuse because you can set :perform to an instance variable and it will still cache if the instance variable is not set:
def preview
@perform = false
behavior_cache :perform => @perform do
render :action => 'show'
And in the show.html.erb view:
<% view_cache :perform => @perform do %>
<% end %>
def behavior_cache(*args)
conventional_class = begin; controller_name.classify.constantize; rescue NameError; end
options, dependencies = Interlock.extract_options_and_dependencies(args, conventional_class)
raise UsageError, ":ttl has no effect in a behavior_cache block" if options[:ttl]
key = caching_key(options.value_for_indifferent_key(:ignore), options.value_for_indifferent_key(:tag))
if options[:perform] == false
Interlock.say key, "is not cached"
Interlock.register_dependencies(dependencies, key)
# See if the fragment exists, and run the block if it doesn't.
unless read_fragment(key, :assign_content_for => false)
Interlock.say key, "is running the controller block"
alias :caching :behavior_cache # Deprecated
# Callback to reset the local cache.
def clear_interlock_local_cache
Interlock.local_cache =
RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.warn "** cleared interlock local cache"
# Should be registered first in the chain
prepend_before_filter :clear_interlock_local_cache
module Caching #:nodoc:
module Fragments
# Replaces Rail's write_fragment method. Avoids extra checks for regex keys
# which are unsupported, adds more detailed logging information, stores writes
# in the local process cache too to avoid duplicate memcached requests, and
# includes the content_for cache in the fragment.
def write_fragment(key, block_content, options = nil)
return unless perform_caching
content = [block_content, @template.cached_content_for]
fragment_cache_store.write(key, content, options)
Interlock.local_cache.write(key, content, options)
Interlock.say key, "wrote"
# Replaces Rail's read_fragment method. Avoids checks for regex keys,
# which are unsupported, adds more detailed logging information, checks
# the local process cache before hitting memcached, and restores the
# content_for cache. Hits on memcached are also stored back locally to
# avoid duplicate requests.
def read_fragment(key, options = nil)
return unless perform_caching
if content =, options)
# Interlock.say key, "read from local cache"
elsif content =, options)
raise FragmentConsistencyError, "#{key} is not an Array" unless content.is_a? Array
Interlock.say key, "read from memcached"
Interlock.local_cache.write(key, content, options)
# Not found
return nil
raise FragmentConsistencyError, "#{key}::content is not a String" unless content.first.is_a? String
options ||= {}
# Note that 'nil' is considered true for :assign_content_for
if options[:assign_content_for] != false and content.last
# Extract content_for variables
content.last.each do |name, value|
raise FragmentConsistencyError, "#{key}::content_for(:#{name}) is not a String" unless value.is_a? String
# We'll just call the helper because that will handle nested view_caches properly.
@template.send(:content_for, name, value)