require 'spec_helper' require 'rhc' require 'dpl/provider/openshift' describe DPL::Provider::Openshift do subject :provider do, :user => 'foo', :password => 'foo', :domain => 'foo', :app => 'example', :key_name => 'key') end describe :api do it 'accepts a user and a password' do api = double(:api) provider.options.update(:user => "foo", :password => "bar") ::RHC::Rest::Client.should_receive(:new).with(:user => "foo", :password => "bar", :server => "").and_return(api) provider.api.should be == api end end context "with api" do let :api do double "api", :user => double(:login => ""), :find_application => double(:name => "example", :git_url => "git://something"), :add_key => double end let :app do double "app", :restart => double end before do ::RHC::Rest::Client.should_receive(:new).at_most(:once).and_return(api) provider.api end its(:api) {should be == api} describe :check_auth do example do provider.should_receive(:log).with("authenticated as") provider.check_auth end end describe :check_app do example do provider.should_receive(:log).with("found app example") provider.check_app end end describe :setup_key do example do File.should_receive(:read).with("the file").and_return("ssh-rsa\nfoo") api.should_receive(:add_key).with("key", "foo", "ssh-rsa") provider.setup_key("the file") end end describe :remove_key do example do api.should_receive(:delete_key).with("key") provider.remove_key end end describe :push_app do example "when app.deployment_branch is not set" do :deployment_branch provider.context.should_receive(:shell).with("git push git://something -f") provider.push_app end example "when app.deployment_branch is set" do { "test-branch" } provider.context.should_receive(:shell).with("rhc app configure example --deployment-branch test-branch") provider.context.should_receive(:shell).with("git push git://something -f test-branch") provider.push_app end end describe :restart do example do provider.restart end end end end