CHANGELOG --------- - **December.14.11**: 1.0.14 release - Added support for merging cells - Added support for auto filters - Improved auto width calculations - Improved charts - Updated examples to output to a single workbook with multiple sheets - Added access to app and core package objects so you can set the creator and other properties of the package - The beginning of password protected xlsx files - roadmapped for January release. - **December.8.11**: 1.0.13 release - Fixing .gemspec errors that caused gem to miss the lib directory. Sorry about that. - **December.7.11**: 1.0.12 release DO NOT USE THIS VERSION = THE GEM IS BROKEN - changed dependency from 'zip' gem to 'rubyzip' and added conditional code to force binary encoding to resolve issue with excel 2011 - Patched bug in app.xml that would ignore user specified properties. - **December.5.11**: 1.0.11 release - Added [] methods to worksheet and workbook to provide name based access to cells. - Added support for functions as cell values - Updated color creation so that two character shorthand values can be used like 'FF' for 'FFFFFFFF' or 'D8' for 'FFD8D8D8' - Examples for all this fun stuff added to the readme - Clean up and support for 1.9.2 and travis integration - Added support for string based cell referencing to chart start_at and end_at. That means you can now use :start_at=>"A1" when using worksheet.add_chart, or chart.start_at ="A1" in addition to passing a cell or the x, y coordinates. - **October.30.11**: 1.0.10 release - Updating gemspec to lower gem version requirements. - Added assignation for updating the cell style for an entire row - Added col_style method to worksheet upate a the style for a column of cells - Added cols for an easy reference to columns in a worksheet. - prep for pre release of acts_as_xlsx gem - added in configuration and build status - fixed out of range bug in time calculations for 32bit time. - added i18n for active support - **October.26.11**: 1.0.9 release - Updated to support ruby 1.9.3 - Updated to eliminate all warnings originating in this gem - **October.23.11**: 1.0.8 release - Added support for images (jpg, gif, png) in worksheets. - **October.23.11**: 1.0.7 released - Added support for 3D options when creating a new chart. This lets you set the persective, rotation and other 3D attributes when using worksheet.add_chart - Updated serialization write test to verify write permissions and warn if it cannot run the test due to permission restrcitions. - updated rake to include build, genoc and deploy tasks. - rebuilt documentation. - moved version constant to its own file - fixed bug in SerAxis that was requiring tickLblSkip and tickMarkSkip to be boolean. Should be unsigned int. - Review and improve docs - rebuild of anchor positioning to remove some spagetti code. Chart now supports a start_at and end_at method that accept an arrar for col/row positioning. See example6 for an example. You can still pass :start_at and :end_at options to worksheet.add_chart. - Refactored cat and val axis data to keep series serialization a bit more DRY ##October.22.11: 1.0.6 release - Bumping version to include docs. Bug in gemspec pointing to incorrect directory. ##October.22.11: 1.05 - Added support for line charts - Updated examples and readme - Updated series title to be a real title ** NOTE ** If you are accessing titles directly you will need to update text assignation. chart.series.first.title = 'Your Title' chart.series.first.title.text = 'Your Title' With this change you can assign a cell for the series title chart.series.title = sheet.rows.first.cells.first If you are using the recommended chart.add_series :data=>[], :labels=>[], :title You do not have to change anything. - BugFix: shape attribute for bar chart is now properly serialized - BugFix: date1904 property now properly set for charts - Added style property to charts - Removed serialization write test as it most commonly fails when run from the gem's intalled directory ##October.21.11: 1.0.4 - altered package to accept a filename string for serialization instead of a File object. - Updated specs to conform - More examples for readme ##October.21.11: 1.0.3 release - Updated documentation ##October.20.11: 0.1.0 release