describe('assert', function () { var assert = chai.assert; it('assert', function () { var foo = 'bar'; assert(foo == 'bar', "expected foo to equal `bar`"); err(function () { assert(foo == 'baz', "expected foo to equal `bar`"); }, "expected foo to equal `bar`"); }); it('fail', function () { chai.expect(function () {, 1, 'this has failed'); }).to.throw(chai.AssertionError, /this has failed/); }); it('isTrue', function () { assert.isTrue(true); err(function() { assert.isTrue(false); }, "expected false to be true"); err(function() { assert.isTrue(1); }, "expected 1 to be true"); err(function() { assert.isTrue('test'); }, "expected 'test' to be true"); }); it('ok', function () { assert.ok(true); assert.ok(1); assert.ok('test'); err(function () { assert.ok(false); }, "expected false to be truthy"); err(function () { assert.ok(0); }, "expected 0 to be truthy"); err(function () { assert.ok(''); }, "expected '' to be truthy"); }); it('notOk', function () { assert.notOk(false); assert.notOk(0); assert.notOk(''); err(function () { assert.notOk(true); }, "expected true to be falsy"); err(function () { assert.notOk(1); }, "expected 1 to be falsy"); err(function () { assert.notOk('test'); }, "expected 'test' to be falsy"); }); it('isFalse', function () { assert.isFalse(false); err(function() { assert.isFalse(true); }, "expected true to be false"); err(function() { assert.isFalse(0); }, "expected 0 to be false"); }); it('equal', function () { var foo; assert.equal(foo, undefined); }); it('typeof / notTypeOf', function () { assert.typeOf('test', 'string'); assert.typeOf(true, 'boolean'); assert.typeOf(5, 'number'); err(function () { assert.typeOf(5, 'string'); }, "expected 5 to be a string"); }); it('notTypeOf', function () { assert.notTypeOf('test', 'number'); err(function () { assert.notTypeOf(5, 'number'); }, "expected 5 not to be a number"); }); it('instanceOf', function() { function Foo(){} assert.instanceOf(new Foo(), Foo); err(function () { assert.instanceOf(5, Foo); }, "expected 5 to be an instance of Foo"); function CrashyObject() {}; CrashyObject.prototype.inspect = function () { throw new Error("Arg's inspect() called even though the test passed"); }; assert.instanceOf(new CrashyObject(), CrashyObject); }); it('notInstanceOf', function () { function Foo(){} assert.notInstanceOf(new Foo(), String); err(function () { assert.notInstanceOf(new Foo(), Foo); }, "expected {} to not be an instance of Foo"); }); it('isObject', function () { function Foo(){} assert.isObject({}); assert.isObject(new Foo()); err(function() { assert.isObject(true); }, "expected true to be an object"); err(function() { assert.isObject(Foo); }, "expected [Function: Foo] to be an object"); err(function() { assert.isObject('foo'); }, "expected 'foo' to be an object"); }); it('isNotObject', function () { function Foo(){} assert.isNotObject(5); err(function() { assert.isNotObject({}); }, "expected {} not to be an object"); }); it('notEqual', function() { assert.notEqual(3, 4); err(function () { assert.notEqual(5, 5); }, "expected 5 to not equal 5"); }); it('strictEqual', function() { assert.strictEqual('foo', 'foo'); err(function () { assert.strictEqual('5', 5); }, "expected \'5\' to equal 5"); }); it('notStrictEqual', function() { assert.notStrictEqual(5, '5'); err(function () { assert.notStrictEqual(5, 5); }, "expected 5 to not equal 5"); }); it('deepEqual', function() { assert.deepEqual({tea: 'chai'}, {tea: 'chai'}); err(function () { assert.deepEqual({tea: 'chai'}, {tea: 'black'}); }, "expected { tea: \'chai\' } to deeply equal { tea: \'black\' }"); var obja = Object.create({ tea: 'chai' }) , objb = Object.create({ tea: 'chai' }); assert.deepEqual(obja, objb); var obj1 = Object.create({tea: 'chai'}) , obj2 = Object.create({tea: 'black'}); err(function () { assert.deepEqual(obj1, obj2); }, "expected { tea: \'chai\' } to deeply equal { tea: \'black\' }"); }); it('deepEqual (ordering)', function() { var a = { a: 'b', c: 'd' } , b = { c: 'd', a: 'b' }; assert.deepEqual(a, b); }); it('deepEqual /regexp/', function() { assert.deepEqual(/a/, /a/); assert.notDeepEqual(/a/, /b/); assert.notDeepEqual(/a/, {}); assert.deepEqual(/a/g, /a/g); assert.notDeepEqual(/a/g, /b/g); assert.deepEqual(/a/i, /a/i); assert.notDeepEqual(/a/i, /b/i); assert.deepEqual(/a/m, /a/m); assert.notDeepEqual(/a/m, /b/m); }); it('deepEqual (Date)', function() { var a = new Date(1, 2, 3) , b = new Date(4, 5, 6); assert.deepEqual(a, a); assert.notDeepEqual(a, b); assert.notDeepEqual(a, {}); }); it('deepEqual (circular)', function() { var circularObject = {} , secondCircularObject = {}; circularObject.field = circularObject; secondCircularObject.field = secondCircularObject; assert.deepEqual(circularObject, secondCircularObject); err(function() { secondCircularObject.field2 = secondCircularObject; assert.deepEqual(circularObject, secondCircularObject); }, "expected { field: [Circular] } to deeply equal { Object (field, field2) }"); }); it('notDeepEqual', function() { assert.notDeepEqual({tea: 'jasmine'}, {tea: 'chai'}); err(function () { assert.notDeepEqual({tea: 'chai'}, {tea: 'chai'}); }, "expected { tea: \'chai\' } to not deeply equal { tea: \'chai\' }"); }); it('notDeepEqual (circular)', function() { var circularObject = {} , secondCircularObject = { tea: 'jasmine' }; circularObject.field = circularObject; secondCircularObject.field = secondCircularObject; assert.notDeepEqual(circularObject, secondCircularObject); err(function() { delete secondCircularObject.tea; assert.notDeepEqual(circularObject, secondCircularObject); }, "expected { field: [Circular] } to not deeply equal { field: [Circular] }"); }); it('isNull', function() { assert.isNull(null); err(function () { assert.isNull(undefined); }, "expected undefined to equal null"); }); it('isNotNull', function() { assert.isNotNull(undefined); err(function () { assert.isNotNull(null); }, "expected null to not equal null"); }); it('isUndefined', function() { assert.isUndefined(undefined); err(function () { assert.isUndefined(null); }, "expected null to equal undefined"); }); it('isDefined', function() { assert.isDefined(null); err(function () { assert.isDefined(undefined); }, "expected undefined to not equal undefined"); }); it('isFunction', function() { var func = function() {}; assert.isFunction(func); err(function () { assert.isFunction({}); }, "expected {} to be a function"); }); it('isNotFunction', function () { assert.isNotFunction(5); err(function () { assert.isNotFunction(function () {}); }, "expected [Function] not to be a function"); }); it('isArray', function() { assert.isArray([]); assert.isArray(new Array); err(function () { assert.isArray({}); }, "expected {} to be an array"); }); it('isNotArray', function () { assert.isNotArray(3); err(function () { assert.isNotArray([]); }, "expected [] not to be an array"); err(function () { assert.isNotArray(new Array); }, "expected [] not to be an array"); }); it('isString', function() { assert.isString('Foo'); assert.isString(new String('foo')); err(function () { assert.isString(1); }, "expected 1 to be a string"); }); it('isNotString', function () { assert.isNotString(3); assert.isNotString([ 'hello' ]); err(function () { assert.isNotString('hello'); }, "expected 'hello' not to be a string"); }); it('isNumber', function() { assert.isNumber(1); assert.isNumber(Number('3')); err(function () { assert.isNumber('1'); }, "expected \'1\' to be a number"); }); it('isNotNumber', function () { assert.isNotNumber('hello'); assert.isNotNumber([ 5 ]); err(function () { assert.isNotNumber(4); }, "expected 4 not to be a number"); }); it('isBoolean', function() { assert.isBoolean(true); assert.isBoolean(false); err(function () { assert.isBoolean('1'); }, "expected \'1\' to be a boolean"); }); it('isNotBoolean', function () { assert.isNotBoolean('true'); err(function () { assert.isNotBoolean(true); }, "expected true not to be a boolean"); err(function () { assert.isNotBoolean(false); }, "expected false not to be a boolean"); }); it('include', function() { assert.include('foobar', 'bar'); assert.include([ 1, 2, 3], 3); assert.include({a:1, b:2}, {b:2}); err(function () { assert.include('foobar', 'baz'); }, "expected \'foobar\' to include \'baz\'"); err(function () { assert.include(undefined, 'bar'); }, "expected undefined to include 'bar'"); }); it('notInclude', function () { assert.notInclude('foobar', 'baz'); assert.notInclude([ 1, 2, 3 ], 4); assert.notInclude(undefined, 'bar'); err(function () { assert.notInclude('foobar', 'bar'); }, "expected \'foobar\' to not include \'bar\'"); }); it('lengthOf', function() { assert.lengthOf([1,2,3], 3); assert.lengthOf('foobar', 6); err(function () { assert.lengthOf('foobar', 5); }, "expected 'foobar' to have a length of 5 but got 6"); err(function () { assert.lengthOf(1, 5); }, "expected 1 to have a property \'length\'"); }); it('match', function () { assert.match('foobar', /^foo/); assert.notMatch('foobar', /^bar/); err(function () { assert.match('foobar', /^bar/i); }, "expected 'foobar' to match /^bar/i"); err(function () { assert.notMatch('foobar', /^foo/i); }, "expected 'foobar' not to match /^foo/i"); }); it('property', function () { var obj = { foo: { bar: 'baz' } }; var simpleObj = { foo: 'bar' };, 'foo'); assert.deepProperty(obj, ''); assert.notProperty(obj, 'baz'); assert.notProperty(obj, ''); assert.notDeepProperty(obj, 'foo.baz'); assert.deepPropertyVal(obj, '', 'baz'); assert.deepPropertyNotVal(obj, '', 'flow'); err(function () {, 'baz'); }, "expected { foo: { bar: 'baz' } } to have a property 'baz'"); err(function () { assert.deepProperty(obj, 'foo.baz'); }, "expected { foo: { bar: 'baz' } } to have a deep property 'foo.baz'"); err(function () { assert.notProperty(obj, 'foo'); }, "expected { foo: { bar: 'baz' } } to not have property 'foo'"); err(function () { assert.notDeepProperty(obj, ''); }, "expected { foo: { bar: 'baz' } } to not have deep property ''"); err(function () { assert.propertyVal(simpleObj, 'foo', 'ball'); }, "expected { foo: 'bar' } to have a property 'foo' of 'ball', but got 'bar'"); err(function () { assert.deepPropertyVal(obj, '', 'ball'); }, "expected { foo: { bar: 'baz' } } to have a deep property '' of 'ball', but got 'baz'"); err(function () { assert.propertyNotVal(simpleObj, 'foo', 'bar'); }, "expected { foo: 'bar' } to not have a property 'foo' of 'bar'"); err(function () { assert.deepPropertyNotVal(obj, '', 'baz'); }, "expected { foo: { bar: 'baz' } } to not have a deep property '' of 'baz'"); }); it('throws', function() { assert.throws(function() { throw new Error('foo'); }); assert.throws(function() { throw new Error('bar'); }, 'bar'); assert.throws(function() { throw new Error('bar'); }, /bar/); assert.throws(function() { throw new Error('bar'); }, Error); assert.throws(function() { throw new Error('bar'); }, Error, 'bar'); var thrownErr = assert.throws(function() { throw new Error('foo'); }); assert(thrownErr instanceof Error, 'assert.throws returns error'); assert(thrownErr.message === 'foo', 'assert.throws returns error message'); err(function () { assert.throws(function() { throw new Error('foo') }, TypeError); }, "expected [Function] to throw 'TypeError' but 'Error: foo' was thrown") err(function () { assert.throws(function() { throw new Error('foo') }, 'bar'); }, "expected [Function] to throw error including 'bar' but got 'foo'") err(function () { assert.throws(function() { throw new Error('foo') }, Error, 'bar'); }, "expected [Function] to throw error including 'bar' but got 'foo'") err(function () { assert.throws(function() { throw new Error('foo') }, TypeError, 'bar'); }, "expected [Function] to throw 'TypeError' but 'Error: foo' was thrown") err(function () { assert.throws(function() {}); }, "expected [Function] to throw an error"); err(function () { assert.throws(function() { throw new Error('') }, 'bar'); }, "expected [Function] to throw error including 'bar' but got ''"); err(function () { assert.throws(function() { throw new Error('') }, /bar/); }, "expected [Function] to throw error matching /bar/ but got ''"); }); it('doesNotThrow', function() { function CustomError(message) { = 'CustomError'; this.message = message; } CustomError.prototype = Error.prototype; assert.doesNotThrow(function() { }); assert.doesNotThrow(function() { }, 'foo'); err(function () { assert.doesNotThrow(function() { throw new Error('foo'); }); }, "expected [Function] to not throw an error but 'Error: foo' was thrown"); err(function () { assert.doesNotThrow(function() { throw new CustomError('foo'); }); }, "expected [Function] to not throw an error but 'CustomError: foo' was thrown"); }); it('ifError', function() { assert.ifError(false); assert.ifError(null); assert.ifError(undefined); err(function () { assert.ifError('foo'); }, "expected \'foo\' to be falsy"); }); it('operator', function() { assert.operator(1, '<', 2); assert.operator(2, '>', 1); assert.operator(1, '==', 1); assert.operator(1, '<=', 1); assert.operator(1, '>=', 1); assert.operator(1, '!=', 2); assert.operator(1, '!==', 2); err(function () { assert.operator(1, '=', 2); }, 'Invalid operator "="'); err(function () { assert.operator(2, '<', 1); }, "expected 2 to be < 1"); err(function () { assert.operator(1, '>', 2); }, "expected 1 to be > 2"); err(function () { assert.operator(1, '==', 2); }, "expected 1 to be == 2"); err(function () { assert.operator(2, '<=', 1); }, "expected 2 to be <= 1"); err(function () { assert.operator(1, '>=', 2); }, "expected 1 to be >= 2"); err(function () { assert.operator(1, '!=', 1); }, "expected 1 to be != 1"); err(function () { assert.operator(1, '!==', '1'); }, "expected 1 to be !== \'1\'"); }); it('closeTo', function(){ assert.closeTo(1.5, 1.0, 0.5); assert.closeTo(10, 20, 20); assert.closeTo(-10, 20, 30); err(function(){ assert.closeTo(2, 1.0, 0.5); }, "expected 2 to be close to 1 +/- 0.5"); err(function(){ assert.closeTo(-10, 20, 29); }, "expected -10 to be close to 20 +/- 29"); }); it('members', function() { assert.includeMembers([1, 2, 3], [2, 3]); assert.includeMembers([1, 2, 3], []); assert.includeMembers([1, 2, 3], [3]); err(function() { assert.includeMembers([5, 6], [7, 8]); }, 'expected [ 5, 6 ] to be a superset of [ 7, 8 ]'); err(function() { assert.includeMembers([5, 6], [5, 6, 0]); }, 'expected [ 5, 6 ] to be a superset of [ 5, 6, 0 ]'); }); it('memberEquals', function() { assert.sameMembers([], []); assert.sameMembers([1, 2, 3], [3, 2, 1]); assert.sameMembers([4, 2], [4, 2]); err(function() { assert.sameMembers([], [1, 2]); }, 'expected [] to have the same members as [ 1, 2 ]'); err(function() { assert.sameMembers([1, 54], [6, 1, 54]); }, 'expected [ 1, 54 ] to have the same members as [ 6, 1, 54 ]'); }); });