fluent-plugin-querycombiner =========================== This fluentd output plugin helps you to combine multiple queries. This plugin is based on [fluent-plugin-onlineuser](https://github.com/y-lan/fluent-plugin-onlineuser) written by [Yuyang Lan](https://github.com/y-lan). ## Requirement * a running Redis ## Get started ``` <match combiner.**> type query_combiner tag combined.test flush_interval 0.5 host localhost port 6379 db_index 0 redis_retry 3 query_identify session-id, task-id query_ttl 3 # sec buffer_size 10 # queries <catch> condition status == 'recog-init' replace time => time_init, status => status_init </catch> <prolong> condition status == 'recog-break' </prolong> <dump> condition status == 'recog-finish' replace time => time_finish, result => result_finish, status => status_finish </dump> <release> condition status == 'recog-error' </release> </match> ``` ## Configuration #### host, port, db_index The basic information for connecting to Redis. By default it's **redis://** #### redis_retry How many times should the plugin retry when performing a redis operation before raising a error. By default it's 3. ### session_timeout The inactive expire time in seconds. By default it's 1800 (30 minutes). ### tag The tag prefix for emitted event messages. By default it's `query_combiner`. ## Copyright Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014- Takahiro Kamatani License:: Apache License, Version 2.0