require "java/java" # TODO List # -Eclipse support # -SUnit # -Cleanup compiler options module Buildr module Scala class << self def scala_base ENV["SCALA_HOME"] + "/share/scala" end def scala_lib scala_lib = scala_base + "/lib/scala-library.jar" end def scalac(*args) options = Hash === args.last ? args.pop : {} rake_check_options options, :classpath, :sourcepath, :output, :scalac_args, :name files = args.flatten.each { |f| f.invoke if f.respond_to?(:invoke) }.map(&:to_s). collect { |arg| ? FileList["#{arg}/**/*.scala"] : arg }.flatten name = options[:name] || Dir.pwd return if files.empty? fail "Missing SCALA_HOME environment variable" unless ENV["SCALA_HOME"] fail "Invalid SCALA_HOME environment variable" unless ENV["SCALA_HOME"] cmd_args = [] use_fsc = !(ENV["USE_FSC"] =~ /^(no|off|false)$/i) classpath = classpath_from(options) scala_cp = [ classpath, FileList["#{scala_base}/lib/*"] ].flatten.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) cmd_args << "-cp" << scala_cp unless scala_cp.empty? cmd_args << "-sourcepath" << options[:sourcepath].join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) if options[:sourcepath] cmd_args << "-d" << options[:output].to_s if options[:output] cmd_args += options[:scalac_args].flatten if options[:scalac_args] cmd_args += files unless Rake.application.options.dryrun puts "Compiling #{files.size} source files in #{name}" if verbose puts (["scalac"] + cmd_args).join(" ") if Rake.application.options.trace if use_fsc system ([ENV["SCALA_HOME"]+"/bin/fsc"] + cmd_args).join(" ") else Java.wrapper do |jw| jw.import("").main(cmd_args) == 0 or fail "Failed to compile, see errors above" end end end end protected # :call-seq: # classpath_from(options) => files # # Extracts the classpath from the options, expands it by calling artifacts, invokes # each of the artifacts and returns an array of paths. def classpath_from(options) classpath = (options[:classpath] || []).collect Buildr.artifacts(classpath).each { |t| t.invoke if t.respond_to?(:invoke) }.map(&:to_s) end end # Scala << self # !! This is mostly a copy-paste Buildr:Java:CompileTask !! # # Wraps Scalac in a task that does all the heavy lifting. # # Accepts multiple source directories that are invoked as prerequisites before compilation. # You can pass a task as a source directory, e.g. compile.from(apt). # # Likewise, classpath dependencies are invoked before compiling. All classpath dependencies # are evaluated as #artifacts, so you can pass artifact specifications and even projects. # # Creates a file task for the target directory, so executing that task as a dependency will # execute the compile task first. # # Compiler options are inherited form a parent task, e.g. the foo:bar:compile task inherits # its options from the foo:compile task. Even if foo is an empty project that does not compile # any classes itself, you can use it to set compile options for all its sub-projects. # # Normally, the project will take care of setting the source and target directory, and you # only need to set options and classpath dependencies. See Project#compile. class ScalaCompilerTask < Rake::Task # Compiler options, accessible from CompileTask#options. # # Supported options are: # - warnings -- Generate warnings if true (opposite of -nowarn). # - deprecation -- Output source locations where deprecated APIs are used. # - source -- Source compatibility with specified release. # - target -- Class file compatibility with specified release. # - lint -- Value to pass to xlint argument. Use true to enable default lint # options, or pass a specific setting as string or array of strings. # - debug -- Generate debugging info. # - other -- Array of options to pass to the Scalac compiler as is. # # For example: # compile.options.warnings = true # compile.options.source = = "1.6" class Options include InheritedAttributes OPTIONS = [:warnings, :deprecation, :source, :target, :lint, :debug, :other] # Generate warnings (opposite of -nowarn). attr_accessor :warnings inherited_attr(:warnings) { verbose } # Output source locations where deprecated APIs are used. attr_accessor :deprecation inherited_attr :deprecation, false # Provide source compatibility with specified release. attr_accessor :source inherited_attr :source # Generate class files for specific VM version. attr_accessor :target inherited_attr :target # Values to pass to Xlint: string or array. Use true to enable # Xlint with no values. attr_accessor :lint inherited_attr :lint, false # Generate all debugging info. attr_accessor :debug inherited_attr(:debug) { Buildr.options.debug } # Array of arguments passed to the Scalac compiler as is. attr_accessor :other inherited_attr :other def initialize(parent = nil) #:nodoc: @parent = parent end attr_reader :parent # :nodoc: # Resets all the options. def clear() OPTIONS.each { |name| send "#{name}=", nil } end def to_s() #:nodoc: OPTIONS.inject({}){ |hash, name| hash[name] = send(name) ; hash }.reject{ |name,value| value.nil? }.inspect end # Returns Scalac command line arguments from the set of options. def scalac_args() args = [] args << "-nowarn" unless warnings args << "-verbose" if Rake.application.options.trace args << "-g" if debug args << "-deprecation" if deprecation args << "-source" << source.to_s if source args << "-target" << target.to_s if target case lint when Array args << "-Xlint:#{lint.join(',')}" when String args << "-Xlint:#{lint}" when true args << "-Xlint" end args.concat(other.to_a) if other args end end def initialize(*args) #:nodoc: super parent = Rake::Task["^scalac"] if name[":"] # Only if in namespace if parent && parent.respond_to?(:options) @options = else @options = end @sources = [] @classpath = [] enhance do |task| mkpath target.to_s, :verbose=>false Scala.scalac source_files.keys, :sourcepath=> { |source| }.uniq, :classpath=>classpath, :output=>target, :scalac_args=>options.scalac_args, :name=> # By touching the target we let other tasks know we did something, # and also prevent recompiling again for classpath dependencies. touch target.to_s, :verbose=>false end end # Source directories and files to compile. attr_accessor :sources # :call-seq: # from(*sources) => self # # Adds source directories and files to compile, and returns self. # # For example: # compile.from("src/scala").into("classes").with("module1.jar") def from(*sources) @sources |= sources.flatten self end # Classpath dependencies. attr_accessor :classpath # :call-seq: # with(*artifacts) => self # # Adds files and artifacts as classpath dependencies, and returns self. # # Calls #artifacts on the arguments, so you can pass artifact specifications, # tasks, projects, etc. Use this rather than setting the classpath directly. # # For example: # compile.with("module1.jar", "log4j:log4j:jar:1.0", project("foo")) def with(*specs) @classpath |= Buildr.artifacts(specs.flatten).uniq self end # The target directory for the generated class files. attr_reader :target # :call-seq: # into(path) => self # # Sets the target directory and returns self. This will also set the compile task # as a prerequisite to a file task on the target directory. # # For example: # compile(src_dir).into(target_dir).with(artifacts) # Both compile.invoke and file(target_dir).invoke will compile the source files. def into(path) path = File.expand_path(path.to_s) @target = file(path).enhance([self]) unless @target && @target.to_s == path self end # Returns the compiler options. attr_reader :options # :call-seq: # using(options) => self # # Sets the compiler options from a hash and returns self. # # For example: # compile.using(:warnings=>true, :source=>"1.5") def using(*args) args.pop.each { |key, value| options.send "#{key}=", value } if Hash === args.last args.each { |key| options.send "#{key}=", value = true } self end def timestamp() #:nodoc: # If we compiled successfully, then the target directory reflects that. # If we didn't, see needed? target ? target.timestamp : Rake::EARLY end def needed?() #:nodoc: return false if source_files.empty? return true unless File.exist?(target.to_s) return true if source_files.any? { |j, c| !File.exist?(c) || File.stat(j).mtime > File.stat(c).mtime } oldest = { |j, c| File.stat(c).mtime }.min return classpath.any? { |path| application[path].timestamp > oldest } end def prerequisites() #:nodoc: super + classpath + sources end def invoke_prerequisites() #:nodoc: prerequisites.each { |n| application[n, @scope].invoke } end # Returns the files to compile. This list is derived from the list of sources, # expanding directories into files, and includes only source files that are # newer than the corresponding class file. Includes all files if one or more # classpath dependency has been updated. def source_files() @source_files ||={}) do |map, source| raise "Compile task #{name} has source files, but no target directory" unless target target_dir = target.to_s if base = FileList["#{source}/**/*.scala"]. each { |file| map[file] = File.join(target_dir,".class")) } else map[source] = File.join(target_dir, File.basename(source).ext(".class")) end map end end def scala_lib Scala.scala_lib end end # ScalaCompilerTask end # Scala # Local task to execute the Scalac compile task of the current project. # This task is not itself a compile task. desc "Compile all scalac projects" Project.local_task("scalac") { |name| "Compiling scala sources for #{name}" } class Project # :call-seq: # compile(*sources) => CompileTask # compile(*sources) { |task| .. } => CompileTask # # The compile task does what its name suggests. This method returns the project's # CompileTask. It also accepts a list of source directories and files to compile # (equivalent to calling CompileTask#from on the task), and a block for any # post-compilation work. # # The compile task will pick all the source files in the src/main/scala directory, # and unless specified, compile them into the target/classes directory. It will pick # the default values for compiler options from the parent project's compile task. # # For example: # # Force target compatibility. # compile.options.source = "1.6" # # Include Apt-generated source files. # compile.from apt # # Include Log4J and the api sub-project artifacts. # compile.with "log4j:log4j:jar:1.2", project("api") # # Run the OpenJPA bytecode enhancer after compilation. # compile { open_jpa_enhance } # # For more information, see Scala::ScalaCompilerTask. def scalac(*sources, &block) task("scalac").from(sources).enhance &block end end # Project Project.on_define do |project| # Scalac runs after compile task (and therefore, after "prepare" and "resources") scalac = Scala::ScalaCompilerTask.define_task("scalac"=>[task("compile")]) project.path_to("src/main/scala").tap { |dir| scalac.from dir if File.exist?(dir) } scalac.into project.path_to(:target, "classes") project.recursive_task("scalac") project.enhance do |project| # This comes last because the target path may change. project.packages.each do |p| p.with if p.type == :jar p.classes = if p.type == :war end # Work-in-progress #project.task("eclipse").classpathContainers 'ch.epfl.lamp.sdt.launching.SCALA_CONTAINER' project.clean { verbose(false) { rm_rf } } end end end # Buildr