require 'rails/generators' ## # EngineCartGenerator sets up an engine to # use engine_cart-generated test apps module EngineCart class InstallGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base def create_test_app_templates empty_directory EngineCart.templates_path empty_directory File.expand_path("lib/generators", EngineCart.templates_path) create_file File.expand_path("lib/generators/test_app_generator.rb", EngineCart.templates_path), :skip => true do <<-EOF require 'rails/generators' class TestAppGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base source_root "#{EngineCart.templates_path}" # if you need to generate any additional configuration # into the test app, this generator will be run immediately # after setting up the application def install_engine generate '#{EngineCart.current_engine_name}:install' end end EOF end end def ignore_test_app # Ignore the generated test app in the gem's .gitignore file git_root = (`git rev-parse --show-toplevel` rescue '.').strip # If we don't have a .gitignore file already, don't worry about it return unless File.exist? File.expand_path('.gitignore', git_root) # If the directory is already ignored (somehow) don't worry about it return if (system('git', 'check-ignore', TEST_APP, '-q') rescue false) append_file File.expand_path('.gitignore', git_root) do "\n#{EngineCart.destination}\n" end end def add_gemfile_include append_file "Gemfile" do <<-EOF # the below comes from engine_cart, a gem used to test this Rails engine gem in the context of a Rails app file = File.expand_path("Gemfile", ENV['ENGINE_CART_DESTINATION'] || ENV['RAILS_ROOT'] || File.expand_path("../spec/internal", __FILE__)) if File.exist?(file) puts "Loading \#{file} ..." if $DEBUG # `ruby -d` or `bundle -v` instance_eval else # we get here when we haven't yet generated the testing app via engine_cart gem 'rails', ENV['RAILS_VERSION'] if ENV['RAILS_VERSION'] if ENV['RAILS_VERSION'] && ENV['RAILS_VERSION'] =~ /^4.2/ gem 'responders', "~> 2.0" gem 'sass-rails', ">= 5.0" else gem 'sass-rails', "< 5.0" end end EOF end end end end