module Slinky module Server include EM::HttpServer INJECT_CSS ="#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/templates/inject.css") ERROR_CSS ="#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/templates/error.css") ERROR_HAML ="#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/templates/error.haml") ERROR_JS ="#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/templates/error.js") # Sets the root directory from which files should be served def self.dir= _dir; @dir = _dir; end # Gets the root directory from which files should be served def self.dir; @dir || "."; end def self.config= _config; @config = _config; end def self.config; @config || ConfigReader.empty; end def self.manifest= _manifest; @manifest = _manifest; end def self.manifest; @manifest; end # Splits a uri into its components, returning only the path sans # initial forward slash. def self.path_for_uri uri _, _, _, _, _, path, _, _ = URI.split uri path[1..-1] #get rid of the leading / end # Method called for every HTTP request made def process_http_request resp = begin path = Server.path_for_uri(@http_request_uri) rescue resp.status = 500 resp.content = "Invalid request" return end Server.process_path(resp, path).send_response end def self.process_path resp, path, pushstate = false file = manifest.find_by_path(path).first if file.is_a? ManifestDir file = manifest.find_by_path(path + "/index.html").first path += "/index.html" end resp.content_type MIME::Types.type_for(path).first.to_s if file # They're requesting the source file and we should not # compile it (but still process directives) compile = !(file.source.end_with?(path) && file.source) handle_file(resp, file, compile) elsif !pushstate && p = config.pushstate_for_path("/" + path) path = p[0] == "/" ? p[1..-1] : p self.process_path(resp, path, true) else not_found resp end resp end # Produces nice error output for various kinds of formats def self.format_error_output resp, mf, error resp.content = case when ".html" render(, errors: error.messages, css: ERROR_CSS) when ".css" resp.status = 200 # browsers ignore 500'd css INJECT_CSS.gsub("{REPLACE_ERRORS}", error.messages.join("\n").gsub("'", "\"")) when ".js" resp.status = 200 # browsers ignore 500'd js ERROR_JS .gsub("{REPLACE_CSS}", JSON.dump({css: ERROR_CSS.gsub("\n", "")})) .gsub("{REPLACE_ERRORS}", JSON.dump(error.messages)) else error.message end end # Takes a manifest file and produces a response for it def self.handle_file resp, mf, compile = true begin path = mf.process(nil, compile) serve_file resp, path.to_s rescue SlinkyError => e resp.status = 500 if self.config.enable_browser_errors format_error_output(resp, mf, e) else resp.content = e.message end e.messages.each{|m| $stderr.puts(m.foreground(:red)) } rescue => e resp.status = 500 format_error_output(resp, mf, "Unknown error handling #{mf.source}: #{$!}\n")) $stderr.puts("Unknown error handling #{mf.source}: #{$!}".foreground(:red)) end resp end # Serves a file from the file system def self.serve_file resp, path if File.exists?(path) && ! size = File.size(path) _, _, extension = path.match(EXTENSION_REGEX).to_a # File reading code from rack/file.rb path do |file| resp.content = "" while size > 0 part =[8192, size].min) break unless part size -= part.length resp.content << part end end else not_found resp end end # Returns the proper response for files that do not exist def self.not_found resp resp.status = 404 resp.content = "File not found\n" end end end