module Picky # Module that handles object pool behaviour # for you. # module Pool class << self # Installs itself on a few internal classes. # # Note: If you need to run two consecutive queries, # this can't be used. # # TODO Also install calling release_all after each query. # def install Query::Token.extend self Query::Tokens.extend self Query::Combination.extend self Query::Combinations.extend self Query::Allocation.extend self Query::Allocations.extend self end # Initialise/Reset the pool. # def clear require 'set' @pools = end # Add a pooled class to the managed pools. # def add klass @pools << klass end # Releases all obtained objects. # def release_all @pools.each { |pool| pool.release_all } end end # Reset the pool. # self.clear def self.extended klass add klass class << klass # Initialise/Reset the class pool. # def clear @__free__ = [] @__used__ = [] end # Obtain creates a new reference if there is no free one # and uses an existing one if there is. # def new *args, &block unless reference = @__free__.shift reference = allocate end reference.send :initialize, *args, &block @__used__ << reference reference end # Releasing an instance adds it to the free pool. # (And removes it from the used pool) # def release instance @__free__ << instance # Note: This is relatively fast as there are often only # few instances in the used pool. @__used__.delete instance end # After you have called release all, you can't # use any reference that has formerly been obtained # anymore. # def release_all @__free__ += @__used__ @__used__.clear end # How many obtainable objects are there? # def free_size @__free__.size end # How many used objects are there? # def used_size @__used__.size end end # Initialize the pool. # klass.clear # Pooled objects can be released using # object.release # # Note: Do not use the object in any form after the release. # klass.send :define_method, :release do klass.release self end end end end