module IsoDoc module Function module Table def table_title_parse(node, out) name ="./name")) or return out.p **{ class: "TableTitle", style: "text-align:center;" } do |p| name&.children&.each { |n| parse(n, p) } end end def thead_parse(node, table) thead ="./thead")) if thead table.thead do |h| thead.element_children.each_with_index do |n, i| tr_parse(n, h, i, thead.xpath(ns("./tr")).size, true) end end end end def tbody_parse(node, table) tbody ="./tbody")) || return table.tbody do |h| tbody.element_children.each_with_index do |n, i| tr_parse(n, h, i, tbody.xpath(ns("./tr")).size, false) end end end def tfoot_parse(node, table) tfoot ="./tfoot")) if tfoot table.tfoot do |h| tfoot.element_children.each_with_index do |n, i| tr_parse(n, h, i, tfoot.xpath(ns("./tr")).size, false) end end end end def table_attrs(node) width = node["width"] ? "width:#{node['width']};" : nil c = node["class"] bordered = "border-width:1px;border-spacing:0;" (%w(modspec).include?(c) || !c) or bordered = "" attr_code( id: node["id"], class: c || "MsoISOTable", style: "#{bordered}#{width}#{keep_style(node)}", title: node["alt"], ) end def tcaption(node, table) return unless node["summary"] table.caption do |c| c.span **{ style: "display:none" } do |s| s << node["summary"] end end end def colgroup(node, table) colgroup ="./colgroup")) or return table.colgroup do |cg| colgroup.xpath(ns("./col")).each do |c| cg.col **{ style: "width: #{c['width']};" } end end end def table_parse(node, out) @in_table = true table_title_parse(node, out) out.table **table_attrs(node) do |t| tcaption(node, t) colgroup(node, t) thead_parse(node, t) tbody_parse(node, t) tfoot_parse(node, t) (dl ="./dl"))) && parse(dl, out) node.xpath(ns("./note")).each { |n| parse(n, out) } end @in_table = false # out.p { |p| p << " " } end SW = "solid windowtext".freeze # def make_tr_attr(td, row, totalrows, cols, totalcols, header) # border-left:#{ ? "#{SW} 1.5pt;" : "none;"} # border-right:#{SW} #{col == totalcols && !header ? "1.5" : "1.0"}pt; def make_tr_attr(cell, row, totalrows, header, bordered) style = == "th" ? "font-weight:bold;" : "" cell["align"] and style += "text-align:#{cell['align']};" cell["valign"] and style += "vertical-align:#{cell['valign']};" rowmax = cell["rowspan"] ? row + cell["rowspan"].to_i - 1 : row style += make_tr_attr_style(row, rowmax, totalrows, header, bordered) header and scope = (cell["colspan"] ? "colgroup" : "col") !header && == "th" and scope = (cell["rowspan"] ? "rowgroup" : "row") { rowspan: cell["rowspan"], colspan: cell["colspan"], style: style.gsub(/\n/, ""), scope: scope } end def make_tr_attr_style(row, rowmax, totalrows, _header, bordered) bordered or return "" <<~STYLE.gsub(/\n/, "") border-top:#{ ? "#{SW} 1.5pt;" : 'none;'} border-bottom:#{SW} #{rowmax >= totalrows ? '1.5' : '1.0'}pt; STYLE end def tr_parse(node, out, ord, totalrows, header) c = node.parent.parent["class"] bordered = %w(modspec).include?(c) || !c do |r| node.elements.each do |td| attrs = make_tr_attr(td, ord, totalrows - 1, header, bordered) r.send, **attr_code(attrs) do |entry| td.children.each { |n| parse(n, entry) } end end end end end end end