module WildcardMatchers class WildcardMatcher attr_reader :expectation, :errors attr_accessor :position def initialize(expectation = nil, position = ".", &block) @expectation = (block_given? ? block : expectation) @position = position end def ===(actual) @errors = [] wildcard_match_with_catch_exception(actual) errors.empty? end def self.check_errors(actual, expectation = nil, position = ".", &block) expectation = (block_given? ? block : expectation) matcher =, position) matcher === actual matcher.errors end protected # I'd like to use prepend def wildcard_match_with_catch_exception(actual) wildcard_match(actual) rescue => e errors.push "#{position}: <#{e.inspect}:#{e.message}> for expect #{actual.inspect} to #{expectation.inspect}" end def wildcard_match(actual) case expectation when self.class expectation.position = position expectation === actual errors.push(*expectation.errors) when Class # fo Array or Hash Class single_match(actual) when Proc # TODO: use sexp single_match(actual) when Array errors.push(*ArrayMatcher.check_errors(actual, expectation, position)) when Hash errors.push(*HashMatcher.check_errors(actual, expectation, position)) else if defined?(:"::RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Matcher") \ && ::RSpec::Matchers::DSL::Matcher === expectation \ && (expected = expectation.expected.first).is_a?(self.class) # if duplicated wildcard_match extract it expected === actual errors.push(*expected.errors) else single_match(actual) end end end def single_match(actual) unless expectation === actual errors << "#{position}: expect #{actual.inspect} to #{expectation.inspect}" end end end class ArrayMatcher < WildcardMatcher protected def wildcard_match(actual) unless actual and actual.is_a?(Array) errors << "#{position}: expect #{actual.inspect} to #{expectation.inspect}" return end if expectation.size === actual.size do |(e, a), i| errors.push(*self.class.superclass.check_errors(a, e, position + "[#{i}]")) end else errors << "#{position}: expect Array size #{actual.size} to #{expectation.size}" # TODO: diff-lcs end end end class HashMatcher < WildcardMatcher protected def wildcard_match(actual) unless actual and actual.is_a?(Hash) errors << "#{position}: expect #{actual.inspect} to #{expectation.inspect}" return end if (actual.keys - expectation.keys).size == 0 && (expectation.keys - actual.keys).size == 0 expectation.each do |key, value| errors.push(*self.class.superclass.check_errors(actual[key], value, position + "[#{key.inspect}]")) end else errors << "#{position}: expect Hash keys #{actual.keys} to #{expectation.keys}" #TODO: diff-lcs end end end end