#!/usr/bin/env bash if [[ -f /etc/rvmrc ]] ; then source /etc/rvmrc ; fi if [[ -f "$HOME/.rvmrc" ]] ; then source "$HOME/.rvmrc" ; fi if ! [[ "$rvm_path" =~ /rvm/?$ ]] ; then unset rvm_path if [[ "root" = "$(whoami)" ]] ; then rvm_path="/usr/local/rvm" else rvm_path="$HOME/.rvm" fi fi source scripts/utility source scripts/initialize # # Setup # item="$(tput setaf 2)* $(tput sgr0)" question="\n$(tput setaf 2)$(tput sgr0)" cwd=$(pwd) source_dir="${source_dir:-"$(dirname $0 | xargs dirname)"}" if [[ ! -d "$source_dir" ]] ; then unset source_dir ; fi source_dir="${source_dir:-$cwd}" # State what is required to use rvm echo -e "\n$(tput setaf 2)rvm$(tput sgr0) - shell scripts that allows a user to manage multiple ruby versions in their own account." echo -e "\n Prepairing $rvm_path ..." for dir_name in src scripts bin log archives config gems examples ; do mkdir -p "$rvm_path/$dir_name" done cp -f "$source_dir/README" "$rvm_path/" # # Scripts # echo -e "\n Installing rvm to $rvm_path/ ..." rm -rf $rvm_path/scripts # Clear the old scripts directory so that the old style rvm- scripts are cleared out. for dir_name in config scripts examples lib hooks ; do mkdir -p "$rvm_path/$dir_name" if [[ -d "$source_dir/$dir_name" ]] ; then cp -Rf "$source_dir/$dir_name" "$rvm_path" fi done ; unset dir_name if [[ ! -s "$rvm_path/config/user" ]] ; then echo '# Users settings file, overrides db file settings and persists across installs.' >> $rvm_path/config/user fi # # Bin Scripts # echo -e "\n Installing bin scripts to $rvm_path/bin ..." # Cleanse and purge... rm -f $rvm_path/bin/rvm ; rm -rf $rvm_path/bin/binscripts for file in rvm-prompt rvm rvmsudo ; do cp -f "$source_dir/binscripts/$file" $rvm_path/bin/ done chmod +x $rvm_path/bin/* # # RC Files # echo -e "\n Checking rc files ($rvm_rc_files) ..." if [[ "$rvm_loaded_flag" != "1" ]] ; then for rcfile in $(echo $rvm_rc_files) ; do if [[ ! -f $rcfile ]] ; then touch $rcfile ; fi if [[ -s "$HOME/.profile" ]] ; then if ! grep -q '.profile' "$rcfile" ; then echo " Adding 'if [[ -s \$HOME/.profile ]] ; then source \$HOME ; fi' to $rcfile." echo -e "\n# rvm-install added line:\nif [[ -s \$HOME/.profile ]] ; then source \$HOME/.profile ; fi\n" >> $rcfile fi fi if ! grep -q "scripts\/rvm" "$rcfile" ; then echo " Adding 'if [[ -s $rvm_path/scripts/rvm ]] ; then source $rvm_path/scripts/rvm ; fi' to $rcfile." echo -e "\n# rvm-install added:\nif [[ -s $rvm_path/scripts/rvm ]] ; then source $rvm_path/scripts/rvm ; fi\n" >> $rcfile fi done fi if [[ "root" = "$(whoami)" ]] ; then echo -e "\n Symlinking rvm to $rvm_symlink_path/rvm ..." mkdir -p $rvm_symlink_path ln -nfs $rvm_path/bin/rvm $rvm_symlink_path/rvm chmod +x $rvm_symlink_path/rvm fi # # System Checks # $rvm_path/scripts/notes echo -e " $item In order to use rvm the following line must occur in your shell's loading files, after all path/variable settings:" echo -e "\n if [[ -s $rvm_path/scripts/rvm ]] ; then source $rvm_path/scripts/rvm ; fi" echo -e "\n $item CLOSE THIS SHELL AND OPEN A NEW ONE in order to use rvm." echo -e "\n$(tput setaf 2)RTFM:\n $(tput sgr0) http://rvm.beginrescueend.com/ \n" echo -e "$(tput setaf 2)w⦿‿⦿t!$(tput sgr0)" echo -e "\n ~ Wayne\n" if [[ -x "$rvm_path/bin/rvm" ]] ; then "$rvm_path/bin/rvm" -v ; fi exit 0