it: activerecord: models: user: 'user' users: 'users' attributes: user: first_name: "first name" last_name: "last name" email: "email" password: 'password' password_confirmation: 'password confirmation' authentication: admin_disabled_confirmation: 'you have stripped this user of the administrator privileges' admin_enabled_confirmation: 'you have empowered this user to be an administrator' create_account: 'create an account' disable_admin: 'disable' enable_admin: 'enable' forgot_password: "forgot your password?" login_confirmation: "You have been logged in!" login_now: "log in" logout: "log out" logout_confirmation: "You have been logged out!" name: 'name' not_registered: "you don't have an account yet?" password: request: a_new_one: 'Request a new Password' explanation: "Whether you forgot your password or you just want to change it, please give us your email address. We will send you an email with instructions on how to complete the two-click, 30 second process." password_reset_confirmation: "Your password has been successfully reset!" password_reset_email_subject: "Password reset" remember_me: "stay logged in" reset_instructions: "To reset your password, click or visit this link: %{reset_url} \n\nIf you did not request your password to be reset, please ignore this email. Your password will stay as it is." reset_password_email_sent_confirmation: "We have emailed you a link to reset your password." reset_your_password: "Reset Password" signup_confirmation: "Your account has been created and you have been logged in!" status: logged_in: 'You are logged in as' not_logged_in: 'You are not logged in' update_password: "Update Password" warning: email_or_password_invalid: "Email or password is invalid" login_needed: "You must be logged in to access this page. You have been redirected to the login form." no_such_email: "We do not have any accounts with the email you have provided." password_reset_expired: "Password reset has expired. There was a 24 hours grace period" restricted_access: "This section is reserved to the site's administrators. Contact the site owner if you would like access to be granted to you."