require 'open3' require 'thor' require 'cknife/config' require 'cknife/command_line' module CKnife class CKnifeMysql < Thor class_option :verbose, :default => false, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Show which commands are invoked, any input given to them, and any output they give back." no_tasks do def config @config ||= Config end def conf @conf ||= { :host => config[''] || "localhost", :port => config['mysql.port'] || 3306, :database => config['mysql.database'], :username => config['mysql.username'], :password => config['mysql.password'] } end def connection_options "--defaults-file=#{option_file} -h #{conf[:host]} -P #{conf[:port]} -u #{conf[:username]}" end def option_file @option_file ||= "my.cnf" end def command_line @command_line ||=, "[client]\npassword=\"#{conf[:password]}\"", self, options) end def mysql_easy "mysql #{connection_options} #{conf[:database]}" end end desc "console", "Launch mysql console." method_option :myfile, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => "Write my.cnf file if it doesn't exist." def console if !File.exists?(option_file) if !options[:myfile] say("You must prepare a #{option_file} file for this command, or use --myfile to have this tool create it for you. Alternatively, you can create a #{option_file} file with the myfile command and delete it later with the dmyfile command.") return end command_line.write_option_file end dc(mysql_easy) if options[:verbose] exec(mysql_easy) end desc "myfile", "Write a my.cnf file in $CWD. Useful for starting a mysql session on your own." def myfile command_line.create_opt_file("Connect command: #{mysql_easy}") end desc "dmyfile", "Delete the my.cnf file in $CWD, assuming it exactly matches what would be generated by this tool." def dmyfile command_line.delete_opt_file end desc "capture", "Capture a dump of the database to db(current timestamp).sql." def capture file_name = "db" +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S") + ".sql" if File.exists?(file_name) say("File already exists: #{file_name}.", :red) end command_line.with_option_file do |c| c.execute "mysqldump #{connection_options} #{conf[:database]} --add-drop-database --result-file=#{file_name}" do say("Captured #{file_name}.") end end end desc "restore", "Restore a file. Use the one with the most recent mtime by default. Searches for db*.sql files in the CWD." method_options :filename => nil def restore to_restore = options[:filename] if options[:filename] if to_restore.nil? files = Dir["db*.sql"] with_mtime = { |f| [f, File.mtime(f)] } with_mtime.sort! { |a,b| a.last <=> b.last } files = to_restore = files.last end if to_restore.nil? say("No backups file to restore. None given on the command line and none could be found in the CWD.", :red) return else if !yes?("Restore #{to_restore}?", :green) return end end command_line.with_option_file do |c| say("Doing restore...") c.execute("mysql #{connection_options} #{conf[:database]}", "source #{to_restore};") do say("Restored #{to_restore}") end end end end end