<% @flash.each do |key, value| %>
<%= value %>
<% end %> <%= error_messages_for 'elt' %> <%= form_remote_tag( :update => 'eltSubs_'+@elt.parent_id, :url => { :action => 'create', :id => @elt.parent }, :position => 'bottom', :before => visual_effect(:BlindUp, 'eltNew_'+@elt.parent_id), :loading => "Element.show('eltSubs_#{@elt.parent_id}'); Element.show('eltSubsClose_#{@elt.parent_id}')") %> <%= hidden_field 'elt', 'parent_id' %>

<%= text_field 'elt', 'subject' %> <%= render :partial => '/help', :locals => { :divId => 'title'+@elt.parent_id, :content => ' This is the title of your proposition.
If you leave it as it is then it won\'t be displayed (recommanded if your text is short, like in a conversation). ' } %>

<%= text_area 'elt', 'body' %>
<%= submit_to_remote('Preview', 'Preview', :update => "eltNewPreview_"+@elt.parent_id, :url => { :action => "create", :id => @elt.parent, :submit => "preview" }, :loading => visual_effect(:BlindDown, 'eltNewPreview_'+@elt.parent_id)) %> <%= submit_tag 'Propose!' %> <%= render :partial => '/help', :locals => { :divId => 'body'+@elt.parent_id, :content => ' _emphasis_ *strong* -strike-through- +added+ ^sup^ ~sub~
bg. blockquote =>
"Google":http://google.com => Google
ordered list
# first item
# second item
# third item
    ordered list
  1. first item
  2. second item
  3. third item
unordered list
* item
* item
* item
Textile Reference ' } %>
<%= end_form_tag %>