require 'elasticsearch' require 'hashie' require 'active_support/core_ext/module/delegation' require 'elasticsearch/model/version' require 'elasticsearch/model/client' require 'elasticsearch/model/adapter' require 'elasticsearch/model/adapters/default' require 'elasticsearch/model/adapters/active_record' require 'elasticsearch/model/adapters/mongoid' require 'elasticsearch/model/importing' require 'elasticsearch/model/indexing' require 'elasticsearch/model/naming' require 'elasticsearch/model/serializing' require 'elasticsearch/model/searching' require 'elasticsearch/model/callbacks' require 'elasticsearch/model/proxy' require 'elasticsearch/model/response' require 'elasticsearch/model/response/base' require 'elasticsearch/model/response/result' require 'elasticsearch/model/response/results' require 'elasticsearch/model/response/records' require 'elasticsearch/model/response/pagination' require 'elasticsearch/model/ext/active_record' if defined?(::Kaminari) Elasticsearch::Model::Response::Response.__send__ :include, Elasticsearch::Model::Response::Pagination::Kaminari end module Elasticsearch # Elasticsearch integration for Ruby models # ========================================= # # `Elasticsearch::Model` contains modules for integrating the Elasticsearch search and analytical engine # with ActiveModel-based classes, or models, for the Ruby programming language. # # It facilitates importing your data into an index, automatically updating it when a record changes, # searching the specific index, setting up the index mapping or the model JSON serialization. # # When the `Elasticsearch::Model` module is included in your class, it automatically extends it # with the functionality; see {Elasticsearch::Model.included}. Most methods are available via # the `__elasticsearch__` class and instance method proxies. # # It is possible to include/extend the model with the corresponding # modules directly, if that is desired: # # MyModel.__send__ :extend, Elasticsearch::Model::Client::ClassMethods # MyModel.__send__ :include, Elasticsearch::Model::Client::InstanceMethods # MyModel.__send__ :extend, Elasticsearch::Model::Searching::ClassMethods # # ... # module Model # Adds the `Elasticsearch::Model` functionality to the including class. # # * Creates the `__elasticsearch__` class and instance methods, pointing to the proxy object # * Includes the necessary modules in the proxy classes # * Sets up delegation for crucial methods such as `search`, etc. # # @example Include the module in the `Article` model definition # # class Article < ActiveRecord::Base # include Elasticsearch::Model # end # # @example Inject the module into the `Article` model during run time # # Article.__send__ :include, Elasticsearch::Model # # def self.included(base) base.class_eval do include Elasticsearch::Model::Proxy Elasticsearch::Model::Proxy::ClassMethodsProxy.class_eval do include Elasticsearch::Model::Client::ClassMethods include Elasticsearch::Model::Naming::ClassMethods include Elasticsearch::Model::Indexing::ClassMethods include Elasticsearch::Model::Searching::ClassMethods end Elasticsearch::Model::Proxy::InstanceMethodsProxy.class_eval do include Elasticsearch::Model::Client::InstanceMethods include Elasticsearch::Model::Naming::InstanceMethods include Elasticsearch::Model::Indexing::InstanceMethods include Elasticsearch::Model::Serializing::InstanceMethods end Elasticsearch::Model::Proxy::InstanceMethodsProxy.class_eval <<-CODE, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def as_indexed_json(options={}) target.respond_to?(:as_indexed_json) ? target.__send__(:as_indexed_json, options) : super end CODE # Delegate important methods to the `__elasticsearch__` proxy, unless they are defined already # class << self delegate :search, to: :__elasticsearch__ unless respond_to?(:search) delegate :mapping, to: :__elasticsearch__ unless respond_to?(:mapping) delegate :mappings, to: :__elasticsearch__ unless respond_to?(:mappings) delegate :settings, to: :__elasticsearch__ unless respond_to?(:settings) delegate :index_name, to: :__elasticsearch__ unless respond_to?(:index_name) delegate :document_type, to: :__elasticsearch__ unless respond_to?(:document_type) delegate :import, to: :__elasticsearch__ unless respond_to?(:import) end # Mix the importing module into the proxy # self.__elasticsearch__.class_eval do include Elasticsearch::Model::Importing::ClassMethods include Adapter.from_class(base).importing_mixin end end end module ClassMethods # Get the client common for all models # # @example Get the client # # Elasticsearch::Model.client # => # # def client @client ||= end # Set the client for all models # # @example Configure (set) the client for all models # # Elasticsearch::Model.client host: 'http://localhost:9200', tracer: true # => # # # @note You have to set the client before you call Elasticsearch methods on the model, # or set it directly on the model; see {Elasticsearch::Model::Client::ClassMethods#client} # def client=(client) @client = client end end extend ClassMethods class NotImplemented < NoMethodError; end end end