require_relative './docker/server' require_relative '../os' require 'json' module EtFullSystem #!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true class DockerCommand < Thor desc "server", "Starts the full system server on docker or can handle other commands too" subcommand "server", ::EtFullSystem::Cli::Docker::ServerCommand desc "bootstrap", "Used by the docker-compose file (using sudo) - do not use yourself" def bootstrap Bundler.with_original_env do cmd = File.absolute_path('../../../shell_scripts/', __dir__) puts cmd exec(cmd) end end desc "setup", "Sets up the system for initial run - or after changing branches, adding gems etc.. in any of the services" def setup Bundler.with_original_env do gem_root = File.absolute_path('../../..', __dir__) cmd = "/bin/bash --login -c \"cd /home/app/full_system && et_full_system docker bootstrap && et_full_system local setup\"" compose_cmd = "GEM_VERSION=#{EtFullSystem::VERSION} docker-compose -f #{gem_root}/docker/docker-compose.yml run --rm et #{cmd}" puts compose_cmd exec(compose_cmd) end end desc "compose", "Provides access to the docker-compose command" def compose(*args) Bundler.with_original_env do gem_root = File.absolute_path('../../..', __dir__) cmd = "GEM_VERSION=#{EtFullSystem::VERSION} docker-compose -f #{gem_root}/docker/docker-compose.yml #{args.join(' ')}" puts cmd exec(cmd) end end desc "invoker", "Provides access to the invoker system running inside docker" def invoker(*args) Bundler.with_original_env do gem_root = File.absolute_path('../../..', __dir__) cmd = "GEM_VERSION=#{EtFullSystem::VERSION} docker-compose -f #{gem_root}/docker/docker-compose.yml exec et bash -lc \"invoker #{args.join(' ')}\"" puts cmd exec(cmd) end end desc "reset", "Bring down the server, remove all caches, rebuild the Dockerfile etc..." def reset Bundler.with_original_env do gem_root = File.absolute_path('../../..', __dir__) cmd = "GEM_VERSION=#{EtFullSystem::VERSION} docker-compose -f #{gem_root}/docker/docker-compose.yml down -v" puts cmd next unless system(cmd) cmd = "GEM_VERSION=#{EtFullSystem::VERSION} docker-compose -f #{gem_root}/docker/docker-compose.yml build --no-cache" puts cmd next unless system(cmd) self.class.start(['setup']) end end desc "update_service_url SERVICE URL", "Configures the reverse proxy to connect to a specific url for a service - note the URL must be reachable from the docker container and the server must be running" def update_service_url(service, url) Bundler.with_original_env do gem_root = File.absolute_path('../../..', __dir__) cmd = "/bin/bash --login -c \"et_full_system local update_service_url #{service} #{url}\"" compose_cmd = "GEM_VERSION=#{EtFullSystem::VERSION} docker-compose -f #{gem_root}/docker/docker-compose.yml exec et #{cmd}" puts compose_cmd exec(compose_cmd) end end desc "local_service SERVICE PORT", "Configures the reverse proxy to connect to a specific port on the host machine - the URL is calculated - otherwise it is the same as update_service_url" def local_service(service, port) update_service_url(service, local_service_url(port)) end desc "service_env SERVICE", "Returns the environment variables configured for the specified service" def service_env(service) Bundler.with_original_env do gem_root = File.absolute_path('../../..', __dir__) cmd = "/bin/bash --login -c \"et_full_system local service_env #{service}\"" compose_cmd = "GEM_VERSION=#{EtFullSystem::VERSION} docker-compose -f #{gem_root}/docker/docker-compose.yml exec et #{cmd}" puts compose_cmd exec(compose_cmd) end end private def host_ip result = JSON.parse `docker network inspect \`docker network list | grep docker_et_full_system | awk '{print $1}'\`` result.first.dig('IPAM', 'Config').first['Gateway'] end def local_service_url(port) case ::EtFullSystem.os when :linux, :unix "http://#{host_ip}:#{port}" when :osx "http://docker.for.mac.localhost" when :windows "" else raise "Unknown host type - this tool only supports mac, linux and windows" end end end end