module Teacup # An interface to style views using the UIAppearance protocol. # # Work similarly as the Stylesheet class. # # @example # # do # # style UINavigationBar, # tintColor: UIColor.colorWithRed(0.886, green:0.635, blue:0, alpha: 1) # # end class Appearance < Stylesheet TeacupAppearanceApplyNotification = 'TeacupAppearanceApplyNotification' def self.apply NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter.postNotificationName(TeacupAppearanceApplyNotification, object:nil) end # Contains a list of styles associated with "containers". These do not get # merged like the usual `style` declarations. def when_contained_in @when_contained_in ||= [] end # disable the stylesheet 'name' parameter, and assign the "super secret" # stylesheet name def initialize(&block) NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter.addObserver(self, selector: :'apply_appearance:', name: UIApplicationDidFinishLaunchingNotification, object: nil) NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter.addObserver(self, selector: :'apply_appearance:', name: TeacupAppearanceApplyNotification, object: nil) super(&block) end def exclude_instance_vars @exclude_instance_vars ||= super + [:@when_contained_in] end # Styles that have the `when_contained_in` setting need to be kept separate def style(*queries) # do not modify queries, it gets passed to `super` if queries[-1].is_a? Hash properties = queries[-1] else # empty style declarations are allowed, but accomplish nothing. return end if properties.include?(:when_contained_in) # okay NOW modify queries queries.pop queries.each do |stylename| style = style.stylename = stylename style.stylesheet = self style.merge!(properties) when_contained_in << [stylename, style] end else super end end # This block is only run once, and the properties object from # when_contained_in is a copy (via, so we remove the # when_contained_in property using `delete` def apply_appearance(notification=nil) return unless run_block NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter.removeObserver(self, name:UIApplicationDidFinishLaunchingNotification, object:nil) NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter.removeObserver(self, name:TeacupAppearanceApplyNotification, object:nil) when_contained_in.each do |klass, properties| contained_in = properties.delete(:when_contained_in) contained_in = [contained_in] unless contained_in.is_a?(NSArray) # make a copy and add nil to the end contained_in += [nil] appearance = klass.send(:'appearanceWhenContainedIn:', *contained_in) Teacup.apply_hash appearance,, klass end styles.each do |klass, properties| appearance = klass.appearance Teacup.apply_hash appearance,, klass end end end end