== Description
A command/task framework similar to rake and thor that opens your ruby universe to the commandline
and irb. For my libraries that use this, see {irbfiles}[http://github.com/cldwalker/irbfiles].
Works with Ruby 1.8.6 and 1.9.1.

Note: To read a linkable version of this README, {see here}[http://tagaholic.me/boson/doc/].

== Features
* Commands are just methods extended for a given object, the default being the top level object, main.
* Commands are accessible from the commandline (Boson::BinRunner) or irb (Boson::ConsoleRunner).
* Command libraries, which are just modules, are written in non-dsl ruby which allows for easy testing
  and use outside of boson (Boson::FileLibrary).
* Comes with default commands to load, search, list and install commands and libraries (Boson::Commands::Core).
* Commands can be full-blown commandline apps thanks to powerful options (Boson::OptionParser)
  and hirb's views.
* There are 5 default option types: boolean, array, string, hash and numeric. Custom option types
  can be defined to map to any Ruby class with one method (Boson::Options).
* Commands can have views toggled without adding view code to the original command (Boson::Scientist).
* Command libraries are social as a user can install them from a url and then customize command
  names and options without changing the original library.
* Namespaces are optional and when used are methods which allow for method_missing magic.

== Irb Example

To use in irb, drop this in your ~/.irbrc:
    require 'boson'

Having done that, let's start up irb:

  bash> irb
  Loaded library core
  Loaded library web_core

  # List default libraries
  >> libraries
  | name     | commands | gems | library_type |
  | core     | 6        |      | module       |
  | web_core | 3        |      | module       |
  2 rows in set

  # List default commands
  >> commands
  | full_name    | lib      | alias | usage                                      | description                                                                 |
  | usage        | core     |       | [name][--verbose]                          | Print a command's usage                                                     |
  | libraries    | core     |       | [query=''][--index] [--query_fields=A,B,C] | List or search libraries                                                    |
  | render       | core     |       | [object] [options={}]                      | Render any object using Hirb                                                |
  | load_library | core     |       | [library][--verbose] [--reload]            | Load/reload a library                                                       |
  | commands     | core     |       | [query=''][--index] [--query_fields=A,B,C] | List or search commands                                                     |
  | menu         | core     |       | [output] [options={}] [&block]             | Provide a menu to multi-select elements from a given array                  |
  | get          | web_core |       | [url]                                      | Gets the body of a url                                                      |
  | install      | web_core |       | [url][--force] [--name=NAME]               | Installs a library by url. Library should then be loaded with load_library. |
  | browser      | web_core |       | [*urls]                                    | Opens urls in a browser                                                     |
  9 rows in set

  # Boson commands can behave like shell commands:

  # Basic help
  >> commands '-h'
  commands [query=''][--index] [--query_fields=A,B,C]

  # Search the lib column for web
  >> commands 'web -q=lib' # or 'web --query_fields=lib'
  | full_name | lib      | alias | usage                        | description                                                                 |
  | get       | web_core |       | [url]                        | Gets the body of a url                                                      |
  | install   | web_core |       | [url][--force] [--name=NAME] | Installs a library by url. Library should then be loaded with load_library. |
  | browser   | web_core |       | [*urls]                      | Opens urls in a browser                                                     |
  3 rows in set

== Commandline Example

   # Just like in irb
    bash> boson libraries
    | name     | commands | gems | library_type |
    | core     | 6        |      | module       |
    | web_core | 3        |      | module       |
    2 rows in set

    # Let's install another library
    bash> boson install http://github.com/cldwalker/irbfiles/raw/master/boson/commands/public/irb_core.rb
    Saved to /Users/bozo/.boson/commands/irb_core.rb

    # Let's start irb ...
    bash> irb

    >> commands
    | full_name                     | lib      | alias      | usage                                      | description                                                                 |
    | usage                         | core     |            | [name][--verbose]                          | Print a command's usage                                                     |
    | libraries                     | core     |            | [query=''][--index] [--query_fields=name]  | List or search libraries                                                    |
    | render                        | core     |            | [object] [options={}]                      | Render any object using Hirb                                                |
    | load_library                  | core     |            | [library][--verbose] [--reload]            | Load/reload a library                                                       |
    | commands                      | core     |            | [query=''][--index] [--query_fields=A,B,C] | List or search commands                                                     |
    | menu                          | core     |            | [output] [options={}] [&block]             | Provide a menu to multi-select elements from a given array                  |
    | get                           | web_core |            | [url]                                      | Gets the body of a url                                                      |
    | install                       | web_core |            | [url][--force] [--name=NAME]               | Installs a library by url. Library should then be loaded with load_library. |
    | browser                       | web_core |            | [*urls]                                    | Opens urls in a browser                                                     |
    | irb_pop_workspace             | irb_core | popws      |                                            | Pops current workspace and changes to next workspace in context             |
    | irb_require                   | irb_core |            |                                            | Evals file like require line by line                                        |
    | public                        | irb_core |            |                                            | Works same as module#public                                                 |
    | private                       | irb_core |            |                                            | Works same as module#private                                                |
    | irb                           | irb_core |            |                                            | Starts a new workspace/subsession                                           |
    | irb_push_workspace            | irb_core | pushws     |                                            | Creates a workspace for given object and pushes it into the current context |
    | irb_load                      | irb_core |            |                                            | Evals file like load line by line                                           |
    | irb_change_workspace          | irb_core | cws        |                                            | Changes current workspace to given object                                   |
    | irb_source                    | irb_core | source     |                                            | Evals full path file line by line                                           |
    | irb_jobs                      | irb_core | jobs       |                                            | List workspaces/subsessions                                                 |
    | irb_fg                        | irb_core | fg         |                                            | Switch to a workspace/subsession                                            |
    | irb_help                      | irb_core | help       |                                            | Ri based help                                                               |
    | irb_kill                      | irb_core | kill       |                                            | Kills a given workspace/subsession                                          |
    | include                       | irb_core |            |                                            | Works same as module#include                                                |
    | irb_exit                      | irb_core | exit       |                                            | Kills the current workspace/subsession                                      |
    | irb_workspaces                | irb_core | workspaces |                                            | Array of workspaces for current context                                     |
    | irb_context                   | irb_core | conf       |                                            | Displays configuration for current workspace/subsession                     |
    | install_alias_method          | irb_core |            |                                            | Aliases given method, allows lazy loading of dependent file                 |
    | irb_current_working_workspace | irb_core | cwws       |                                            | Prints current workspace                                                    |
    28 rows in set

    # Sweet! Now we have a list and description of commands that come with irb.

== Creating Command Libraries
See Boson::FileLibrary or here[http://tagaholic.me/boson/doc/classes/Boson/FileLibrary.html].

== Todo
* More tests
* Making commands out of existing gems easier and more powerful
* Better local repositories, perhaps a BosonFile
* Consider managing extensions to core and standard libraries
* Consider dropping alias gem dependency if not using its full potential

== Bugs/Issues
Please report them {on github}[http://github.com/cldwalker/boson/issues].

== Motivation
My {tagging obsession}[http://github.com/cldwalker/tag-tree] from the ruby console.

== Links
* http://tagaholic.me/2009/10/14/boson-command-your-ruby-universe.html
* http://tagaholic.me/2009/10/15/boson-and-hirb-interactions.html
* http://tagaholic.me/2009/10/19/how-boson-enhances-your-irb-experience.html

== Acknowledgements
Boson stands on the shoulders of these people and their ideas:
* Yehuda Katz for inspiring me with Thor's power and elegant design
* Yehuda Katz and Daniel Berger for an awesome option parser (Boson::OptionParser)
* Dave Thomas for scraping a method's comments (Boson::CommentInspector)
* Mauricio Fernandez for scraping a method's arguments (Boson::ArgumentInspector)
* Chris Wanstrath for inspiring Boson's libraries with Rip's packages.