#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: UTF-8 require "fileutils" # resolve bin path, ignoring symlinks require "pathname" bin_file = Pathname.new(__FILE__).realpath # add self to libpath $:.unshift File.expand_path("../../lib", bin_file) require "bundler/setup" require_relative "../lib/stepmod/utils/terms_extractor" require "optparse" def log(message) puts "[stepmod-utils] #{message}" end options = {} OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{$0} [options]" opts.on( "-p", "--path STEPMOD_DATA_PATH", String, "Path to STEPmod data directory", ) do |path| options[:stepmod_dir] = path end opts.on( "-i", "--index INDEX_PATH", String, "Path to repository_index.xml", ) do |path| unless path.nil? options[:index_path] = Pathname.new(path).to_s end end opts.on( "-o", "--output INDEX_PATH", String, "Path to output directory", ) do |path| unless path.nil? options[:output_dir] = Pathname.new(path).to_s end end opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do puts opts exit end end.parse! stepmod_dir = options[:stepmod_dir] if stepmod_dir.nil? raise StandardError.new( "STEPmod data path not set, set with the `-p` option.", ) else log "STEPmod data path: `#{stepmod_dir}`" end default_index_path = File.join(stepmod_dir, "repository_index.xml") index_path = options[:index_path] || default_index_path if File.exist?(index_path) log "Repository index path: `#{index_path}`" else raise StandardError.new( "Index file not present at #{index_path}, set with the `-i` option.", ) end default_output_dir = File.join(File.expand_path("..", stepmod_dir), "output_yaml") output_dir = options[:output_dir] || default_output_dir unless File.directory?(output_dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(output_dir) end log "Output directory path: `#{output_dir}`" _general_concepts, resource_concepts, _parsed_bibliography, _part_concepts, part_resources, part_modules = Stepmod::Utils::TermsExtractor.call(stepmod_dir, index_path) def part_to_title(bibdata) { 41 => "Fundamentals of product description and support", 42 => "Geometric and topological representation", 43 => "Foundation representation", 44 => "Product structure, concept and configuration", 45 => "Material and other engineering properties", 46 => "Visual presentation", 47 => "Shape tolerance", 51 => "Mathematical representation", }[bibdata.part.to_i] || bibdata.title_en end # rubocop:disable Layout/LineLength IMAGE_REPLACEMENTS = { "image::eq01.gif[]" => "stem:[H(A,B) = max {h(A, B), h(B,A)}]", "image::eq02.gif[]" => "stem:[max_{a in A} { min_{b in B} d(a,b) }]", "image::vector_z_c.gif[]" => "stem:[bar z_{c}]", "image::one_direction_repeat_factor_expression.gif[]" => "stem:[I + k cdot R; k = -1, 1]", "image::two_direction_repeat_factor_expression.gif[]" => "stem:[I + k_1 cdot R_1 + k_2 cdot R_2; k_1, k_2 = -1, 0, 1, k^2_1 + k^2_2 != 0]", }.freeze TEXT_REPLACEMENTS = { ' (see Figure 2)' => "", ' (see Figure 3)' => "", }.freeze # rubocop:enable Layout/LineLength def replace_content(content) IMAGE_REPLACEMENTS.each_pair do |k, v| content.gsub!(k, v) end TEXT_REPLACEMENTS.each_pair do |k, v| content.gsub!(k, v) end content end def extract_bibliographies(concepts, bibliographies) concepts.each do |concept| sources = concept.default_lang.sources sources.each do |source| next if bibliographies[source.origin.text] bibliographies[source.origin.text] = { "type" => source.type, "origin" => { "ref" => source.origin.text, # "link" => source.origin.link, }, } end end end def extract_sections(concepts, container) concepts.each do |concept| domain = concept.default_lang.domain next if container[domain] container[domain] = { "domain" => domain, "title" => domain.split(":").last.strip, } end end yaml_outputs = { clause_4_sections: {}, clause_5_sections: {}, bibliographies: {} } part_resources.each do |(_bibdata, current_part_resources)| current_part_resources.save_to_files(output_dir) extract_sections(current_part_resources, yaml_outputs[:clause_4_sections]) extract_bibliographies(current_part_resources, yaml_outputs[:bibliographies]) end log "INFO: part_resources written to YAML files in #{output_dir}" part_modules.sort_by do |(bibdata, _part_modules_arm, _part_modules_mim)| bibdata.part.to_i end.each do |(_bibdata, part_modules_arm, part_modules_mim)| unless part_modules_arm.empty? part_modules_arm.values.map do |managed_concept| managed_concept.save_to_files(output_dir) extract_sections(managed_concept, yaml_outputs[:clause_5_sections]) extract_bibliographies(managed_concept, yaml_outputs[:bibliographies]) end end unless part_modules_mim.empty? part_modules_mim.values.map do |managed_concept| managed_concept.save_to_files(output_dir) extract_sections(managed_concept, yaml_outputs[:clause_5_sections]) extract_bibliographies(managed_concept, yaml_outputs[:bibliographies]) end end end log "INFO: part_modules written to YAML files in #{output_dir}" resource_concepts.save_to_files(output_dir) log "INFO: resource_concepts written to YAML files in #{output_dir}" extract_sections(resource_concepts, yaml_outputs[:clause_4_sections]) extract_bibliographies(resource_concepts, yaml_outputs[:bibliographies]) { clause_4_sections: "resource_sections.yaml", clause_5_sections: "module_sections.yaml", bibliographies: "bib.yaml" }.each_pair do |var, filename| path = File.join(output_dir, filename) File.write(path, yaml_outputs[var].values.to_yaml) log "INFO: #{var.to_s} written to #{path}." end