require 'optparse' require 'spectate' module Spectate SERVER_TYPES = %w[passenger thin mongrel webrick] PASSENGER_DEFAULTS = { 'rackup' => false, 'server' => 'passenger', 'host' => 'spectate.local' } RACKUP_DEFAULTS = { 'rackup' => true, 'host' => 'localhost', 'port' => 20574 } # Drives the 'spectate' command line utility. class Command extend Spectate::Ping # The primary event called by the command line def skip_server = false only_setup = false stop_server = false unless ARGV.empty? options = options.on("-d", "--directory", "=DIR", String, "Set base directory for support files (default is ~/.spectate)") do |val| Spectate::Config['basedir'] = val puts "Directory set to #{Spectate::Config['basedir']}" end options.on("--setup", "=TYPE", SERVER_TYPES, "Create the base directory and initialize config.yml with the given server type (#{SERVER_TYPES.join(', ')})") do |type| only_setup = true Spectate::Config['server'] = type case type when 'passenger': Spectate::Config.default(PASSENGER_DEFAULTS) else Spectate::Config.default(RACKUP_DEFAULTS) end end options.on("--host", "-h", "=NAME", String, "Set hostname or IP address for server access") do |host| Spectate::Config['host'] = host end options.on("--port", "-p", "=PORT", Integer, "Set port number for server access") do |port| Spectate::Config['port'] = port end options.on("--help", "-?", "--usage", "Displays this help screen") {|o| puts options.to_s; skip_server = true} options.on("--stop", "Stops the Spectate server if running") {stop_server = true} unparsed = options.parse(ARGV) end if only_setup Spectate::Config.generate_configuration else Spectate::Config.load_configuration if stop_server self.kill_server else self.ensure_server unless skip_server end end true rescue OptionParser::ParseError puts "Oops... #{$!}" puts options false rescue StandardError puts $! puts options false end private def self.ensure_server if ping puts "Spectate is already running!" else puts "Starting Spectate on #{Spectate::Config['host']}:#{Spectate::Config['port']}..." Dir.chdir Spectate::Config.basedir do |dir| system "rackup -D -o #{Spectate::Config['host']} -p #{Spectate::Config['port']} -P" end end end def self.kill_server() pidfile = File.join(Spectate::Config.basedir, '') pid = if File.exists?(pidfile) if pid and `ps x #{pid}` =~ /rackup.*-p #{Spectate::Config['port']}/ Process.kill("KILL",pid) and puts "Spectate stopped." File.delete(pidfile) else puts "Spectate wasn't running! (Or you're using Passenger, or your PID file is incorrect,\n or it's on a different server. In any case, you're on your own.)" end end end end