# frozen_string_literal: true module Decidim module Log # This class holds the logic to present a resource for any activity log. # It is supposed to be a base class for all other log renderers, as it defines # some helpful methods that later presenters can use. # # Most presenters that inherit from this class will only need to overwrite # the `action_string` method, which defines what I18n key will be used for # each action. Other methods that might be interesting to overwrite are those # named `present_*`. Check the source code and the method docs to see how they # work. # # See `Decidim::ActionLog#render_log` for more info on the log types and # presenters. # # Usage should be automatic and you should not need to call this class # directly, but here is an example: # # action_log = Decidim::ActionLog.last # view_helpers # => this comes from the views # BasePresenter.new(action_log, view_helpers).present class BasePresenter # Public: Initializes the presenter. # # action_log - An instance of Decidim::ActionLog # view_helpers - An object holding the view helpers at the render time. # Most probably should come automatically from the views. def initialize(action_log, view_helpers) @action_log = action_log @view_helpers = view_helpers end # Public: Renders the given `action_log`. # # action_log - An instance of Decidim::ActionLog.last # view_helpers - An object holding the view helpers at the render time. # Most probably should come automatically from the views. # # Returns an HTML-safe String. def present present_action_log end private attr_reader :action_log, :view_helpers alias h view_helpers delegate :action, to: :action_log # Private: Caches the object that will be responsible of presenting the space # where the action is performed. # # Returns an object that responds to `present`. def space_presenter @space_presenter ||= Decidim::Log::SpacePresenter.new( action_log.participatory_space, h, action_log.extra["participatory_space"] ) end # Private: Caches the object that will be responsible of presenting the resource # affected by the given action. # # Returns an object that responds to `present`. def resource_presenter @resource_presenter ||= Decidim::Log::ResourcePresenter.new(action_log.resource, h, action_log.extra["resource"]) end # Private: Caches the object that will be responsible of presenting the user # that performed the given action. # # Returns an object that responds to `present`. def user_presenter @user_presenter ||= Decidim::Log::UserPresenter.new(action_log.user, h, action_log.extra["user"]) end # Private: Presents the date the action was performed. # # Returns an HTML-safe String. def present_log_date h.content_tag(:div, class: "logs__log__date") do h.localize(action_log.created_at, format: :decidim_short) end end # Private: Presents the dropdown, if needed, to display the diff. # # Returns an HTML-safe String. def present_dropdown return h.content_tag(:div, "", class: "logs__log__actions") if present_diff.blank? h.content_tag(:div, class: "logs__log__actions") do h.content_tag( :a, "", class: "logs__log__actions-dropdown", data: { controls: "panel-#{h.dom_id(action_log)}" }, aria: { label: I18n.t("decidim.admin.dashboard.show.dropdown") } ) end end # Private presents the explanation of the action. It will # hold the author name, the action type, the resource affected # and the participatory space the resource belongs to. # # Returns an HTML-safe String. def present_explanation h.content_tag(:div, class: "logs__log__explanation") do I18n.t( action_string, **i18n_params ).html_safe end end # Private: Presents the contents of the log. # It holds the date of the action and the explanation. # # Returns an HTML-safe String. def present_content h.content_tag(:div, class: "logs__log__content") do present_dropdown + present_log_date + present_explanation end end # Private: Caches the object that will be responsible of presenting the diff # of the given action. # # Returns an object that responds to `present` and `visible?`. def diff_presenter @diff_presenter ||= Decidim::Log::DiffPresenter.new( changeset, view_helpers, action_log, show_previous_value?: show_previous_value_in_diff? ) end # Private: Presents the diff of the log, if needed # It holds the names of the attributes that have changed, # and the old and new values. # # Returns an HTML-safe String. def present_diff return "".html_safe unless has_diff? diff_presenter.present end # Private: Presents the log content with a default form. # # Returns an HTML-safe String. def present_action_log classes = ["logs__log"] + action_log_extra_classes.to_a h.content_tag(:div, id: "accordion-#{h.dom_id(action_log)}", class: classes.join(" "), data: { component: "accordion" }) do h.concat(present_content) h.concat(present_diff) end end # Private: Finds the name of the I18n key that will be used for the # current log action. # # Returns a String. def action_string case action.to_s when "create", "update", "delete" generate_action_string(action) else generate_action_string(:unknown_action) end end # Private: Generates the correct action string considering if # the space is present or not. # # action - A String with the name of the action # # Returns a String. def generate_action_string(action) string = if action_log.participatory_space.present? "#{action}_with_space" else action end "decidim.log.base_presenter.#{string}" end # Private: The params to be sent to the i18n string. # # Returns a Hash. def i18n_params { user_name: user_presenter.present, resource_name: resource_presenter.try(:present), space_name: space_presenter.present } end # Private: Calculates if the diff has to be shown or not. # # Returns a Boolean. def has_diff? diff_actions.include?(action.to_s) && action_log.version.present? end # Private: Lists the log actions for which the diff changeset should be # shown. # # Returns an Array of Strings. def diff_actions %w(update create) end # Private: Calculates whether the diff should show the previous value # or not, based on the current action name. # # Returns a Boolean. def show_previous_value_in_diff? action != "create" end # Private: Sets a default list of attributes to be rendered in # the diff, and how they should be rendered. Custom renderers # will probably want to overwrite this method to fulfill their # needs. # # When the value is `nil`, then it renders all fields. # # Returns a Hash or `nil`. def diff_fields_mapping nil end # Private: The I18n scope where the resource fields are found, so # the diff can properly generate the labels. # # Returns a String. def i18n_labels_scope; end # Private: Holds a list of extra classes to apply to the action log # HTML element. # # Returns an Array of Strings. def action_log_extra_classes return ["logs__log--deletion"] if action.to_s == "delete" [] end # Private: Calculates the changeset to be rendered. Uses the values # from the `diff_fields_mapping` method. # # Returns an Array of Hashes. def changeset Decidim::Log::DiffChangesetCalculator.new( action_log.version.changeset, diff_fields_mapping, i18n_labels_scope ).changeset end end end end