Related ======= Related is a Redis-backed high performance graph database. Raison d'ĂȘtre ------------- Related is meant to be a simple graph database that is fun, free and easy to use. The intention is not to compete with industrial grade graph databases like Neo4j, but rather to be a replacement for a relational database when your data is better described as a graph. For example when building social software. Related is meant to be web scale, but ultimately relies on the ability of Redis to scale (using Redis cluster for example). Read more about the philosophy behind Related in the [Wiki]( Setup ----- Assuming you already have Redis installed: $ gem install related Or add the gem to your Gemfile. ```ruby require 'related' Related.redis = 'redis://.../' ``` If you are using Rails, add the above to an initializer. If Redis is running on localhost and on the default port the second line is not needed. Example usage ------------- ```ruby node = Related::Node.create(:name => 'Example', :popularity => 2.3) node.popularity = 100 node.attributes node.has_attribute?(:popularity) node.read_attribute(:popularity) node.write_attribute(:popularity, 50) node.persisted? node = Related::Node.find( node.destroy node.destroyed? node1 = Related::Node.create node2 = Related::Node.create rel = Related::Relationship.create(:friends, node1, node2, :have_met => true) n = Related::Node.find( nn = Related::Node.find(, n = Related::Node.find(, :fields => [:name]) nn = Related::Node.find(,, :fields => [:name]) ``` Nodes and relationships are both sub-classes of the same base class and both behave similar to an ActiveRecord object and can store attributes etc. To query the graph: ```ruby node.outgoing(:friends) node.incoming(:friends) node.outgoing(:friends).relationships node.outgoing(:friends).nodes node.outgoing(:friends).limit(5) node.outgoing(:friends).options(:fields => ..., :model => ...) node1.outgoing(:friends).relationships.find(node2) node1.path_to(node2).outgoing(:friends).depth(3) node1.shortest_path_to(node2).outgoing(:friends).depth(3) ``` To get the results from a query: ```ruby node.outgoing(:friends).to_a node.outgoing(:friends).count (or .size, which is memoized) ``` You can also do set operations, like union, diff and intersect: ```ruby node1.outgoing(:friends).union(node2.outgoing(:friends)) node1.outgoing(:friends).diff(node2.outgoing(:friends)) node1.outgoing(:friends).intersect(node2.outgoing(:friends)) ``` Relationships are sorted based on when they were created, which means you can paginate them: ```ruby node.outgoing(:friends).relationships.per_page(100).page(1) node.outgoing(:friends).relationships.per_page(100).page(rel) ``` The second form paginates based on the id of the last relationship on the previous page. Useful for cases where explicit page numbers are not appropriate. Pagination only works for relationships. If you want to access nodes directly without going through the extra step of iterating through the relationship objects you will only get random nodes. Thus you can use .limit (or .per_page) like this to get a random selection of nodes: ```ruby node.outgoing(:friends).nodes.limit(5) ``` The root node ------------- Related provides a special kind of node called the "root" node. It's always accessible using the `Related.root` helper and you can create a relationship between any node and the root node, which is useful if you want to easily access a set of nodes without knowing the IDs of those nodes. ```ruby Related::Relationship.create(:example, Related.root, node) Related.root.outgoing(:example) ``` You can even add attributes to the root node if you want. ```ruby = 'The root' ``` Properties ---------- All Node and Relationship attributes are stored as strings in Redis, but you can easily create your own subclass and define your own custom serialization behavior. You can either just override the getter and setter methods for the attribute you need to convert or you can use the `property` method to define the semantics and let Related do the conversion for you. ```ruby class Event < Related::Node property :title, String property :attending_count, Integer property :popularity, Float property :start_date, DateTime property :location do |value| "{value}" end end ``` An additional benefit of defining properties like this is that they get included when you serialize the object to JSON or XML even when the attribute hasn't been set. ```ruby event = Event.create(:title => 'Party!', :location => 'Stockholm') event.as_json # => {"title"=>"Party!","attending_count"=>nil,"popularity"=>nil,"start_date"=>nil,"location"=>""} ``` When querying the graph you may want the query to return the results as your custom model class instead of as a Related::Node or Related::Relationship. Related allows you to specify what model a specific node or relationship should be instantiated as based on its attributes. ```ruby Related::Node.find(..., :model => lambda {|attributes| attributes['start_date'] ? Event : Related::Node } ) node.outgoing(:attending).options( :model => lambda {|attributes| attributes['start_date'] ? Event : Related::Node } ) ``` Weight ------ All relationships have an associated weight on its incoming and outgoing links. By default the weight is set to the time when the relationship was created. That makes the result from a query that fetches relationships always sorted so that newer relationships appear first, which is nice. If you create a custom Related::Relationship sub-class you can define how the weight is generated for a relationship. ```ruby class Comment < Related::Relationship property :created_at, Time property :points, Integer weight do |direction| if direction == :in self.created_at elsif direction == :out self.points end end end ``` The weight is always an integer and is sorted in descending order. The weight for the links get updated every time the relationship is saved. So if you update the points for a Comment in the example above, the weight is automatically updated. You can access the weight and rank (0 based position) of a relationship like this: ```ruby comment.weight(:out) comment.rank(:in) ``` ActiveModel ----------- Related supports ActiveModel and includes some basic functionality in both nodes and relationships like validations, callbacks, JSON and XML serialization and translation support. You can easily extend your own sub classes with the custom ActiveModel functionality that you need. ```ruby class Like < Related::Relationship validates_presence_of :how_much validates_numericality_of :how_much after_save :invalidate_cache def invalidate_cache ... end end ``` Follower -------- Related includes a helper module called Related::Follower that you can include in your node sub-class to get basic Twitter-like follow functionality: ```ruby require 'related/follower' class User < Related::Node include Related::Follower end user1 = User.create user2 = User.create user1.follow!(user2) user1.unfollow!(user2) user2.followers user1.following user1.friends user2.followed_by?(user1) user1.following?(user2) user2.followers_count user1.following_count ``` The two nodes does not need to be of the same type. You can for example have a User following a Page or whatever makes sense in your app. Real-time Stream Processing --------------------------- When working with graphs you often want to take the rich and interconnected web of data and actually do something with it. Stream processing is a powerful and flexible way to do that. It allows you to implement complex graph algorithms in a scalable way that is also easy to understand and work with. Stream processing in Related works by defining a data flow that new or existing data will be streamed through. A data flow is triggered when a Relationship is created, updated or deleted. You setup data flows for different relationship types, so for example when a "friend" relationship between two nodes is created or updated that relationship will be automatically sent through the data flows you have defined for the "friend" type. A data flow can consist of one or more steps and can branch out in a tree. You define the steps for a data flow using a simple Hash syntax. ```ruby Related.data_flow :comment, Tokenize => { CountWords => { TotalSum => nil, MovingAverage => nil } } ``` In the example above a new comment will first sent to the Tokenize step that will split the comment text into words. The list of words will then automatically be sent to the CountWords step that will count the number of unique words. That number will then be sent to both the TotalSum step that adds the number to a global counter as well as the MovingAverage step that will calculate and store a moving average. The nil indicates the end of the data flow. You can define as many data flows for a relationship type as you want. A data flow step is simply a Ruby class that responds to the `process` message and takes a single argument that holds the input data. Any data yielded from the process method will be automatically sent to the next step in the data flow. The only limitation is that the data sent between steps is a Hash and only contains JSON serializable data. The first step in the data flow will receive the Relationship object that triggered it as a Ruby hash with all of its attributes. ```ruby class Tokenize def self.process(data) data['text'].split(' ').each do |word| yield({ :word => word }) end end end ``` To actually run the data flows you have defined you need to start one or more data flow workers. Related uses Resque which supplies persistent queues and reliable workers. If you don't have Resque required in your application Related will simply run the work flow directly in process instead which can be useful when testing, but is not recommended for production. To start a stream processor: $ QUEUE=related rake resque:work You can start as many stream processors as you may need to scale up. Development ----------- If you want to make your own changes to Related, first clone the repo and run the tests: git clone git:// cd related rake test Remember to install the Redis server on your local machine. Contributing ------------ Once you've made your great commits: 1. Fork Related 2. Create a topic branch - git checkout -b my_branch 3. Push to your branch - git push origin my_branch 4. Create a Pull Request from your branch 5. That's it! Author ------ Related was created by Niklas Holmgren ( and released under the MIT license.