require 'controlrepo/class' require 'controlrepo/node' require 'controlrepo/group' require 'controlrepo/test' class Controlrepo class TestConfig require 'yaml' attr_accessor :classes attr_accessor :nodes attr_accessor :groups attr_accessor :tests attr_accessor :environment def initialize(file, environment = 'production') begin config = YAML.load( rescue YAML::ParserError raise "Could not parse the YAML file, check that it is valid YAML and that the encoding is correct" end @environment = environment @classes = [] @nodes = [] @groups = [] @tests = [] config['classes'].each { |clarse| @classes << } config['nodes'].each { |node| @nodes << } config['groups'].each { |name, members| @groups <<, members) } # Add the 'all_classes' and 'all_nodes' default groups @groups <<'all_nodes',@nodes) @groups <<'all_classes',@classes) config['test_matrix'].each do |machines, roles| # TODO: Work out some way to set per-test options like idempotency @tests <<,roles) end end def pre_condition # Read all the pre_conditions and return the string spec_dir = puppetcode = [] Dir["#{spec_dir}/pre_conditions/*.pp"].each do |condition_file| puppetcode << end return false if puppetcode.count == 0 puppetcode.join("\n") end def r10k_deploy_local(repo = require 'controlrepo' tempdir = Dir.mktmpdir('r10k') repo.tempdir = tempdir # Read in the config and change all the directories, then create them r10k_config = repo.r10k_config r10k_config[:cachedir] = "#{tempdir}#{r10k_config[:cachedir]}" FileUtils::mkdir_p(r10k_config[:cachedir]) r10k_config[:sources].map do |name,source_settings| source_settings["basedir"] = "#{tempdir}#{source_settings["basedir"]}" FileUtils::mkdir_p(source_settings["basedir"]) # Yes, I realise this is going to set it many times repo.temp_environmentpath = source_settings["basedir"] end File.write("#{tempdir}/r10k.yaml",r10k_config.to_yaml) # Pull the trigger! Dir.chdir(tempdir) do `r10k deploy environment #{@environment} -p --color --config #{tempdir}/r10k.yaml --verbose` end # Return tempdir for use tempdir end def write_spec_test(location, test) # Use an ERB template to write a spec test template_dir = File.expand_path('../../templates',File.dirname(__FILE__)) spec_template ='./test_spec.rb.erb',template_dir)) randomness = (0...6).map { (65 + rand(26)).chr }.join File.write("#{location}/#{randomness}_#{test.to_s}_spec.rb",, nil, '-').result(binding)) end def write_acceptance_tests(location, tests) template_dir = File.expand_path('../../templates',File.dirname(__FILE__)) acc_test_template ='./acceptance_test_spec.rb.erb',template_dir)) File.write("#{location}/acceptance_spec.rb",, nil, '-').result(binding)) end def write_spec_helper_acceptance(location, repo) template_dir = File.expand_path('../../templates',File.dirname(__FILE__)) spec_heler_acc_template ='./spec_helper_acceptance.rb.erb',template_dir)) File.write("#{location}/spec_helper_acceptance.rb",, nil, '-').result(binding)) end def write_rakefile(location, pattern) template_dir = File.expand_path('../../templates',File.dirname(__FILE__)) rakefile_template ='./Rakefile.erb',template_dir)) File.write("#{location}/Rakefile",, nil, '-').result(binding)) end def write_gemfile(location) template_dir = File.expand_path('../../templates',File.dirname(__FILE__)) gemfile_template ='./Gemfile.erb',template_dir)) File.write("#{location}/Gemfile",, nil, '-').result(binding)) end def write_spec_helper(location, repo) environmentpath = repo.temp_environmentpath modulepath = repo.config['modulepath'] modulepath.delete("$basemodulepath")! do |path| "#{environmentpath}/#{@environment}/#{path}" end modulepath = modulepath.join(":") repo.temp_modulepath = modulepath # Use an ERB template to write a spec test template_dir = File.expand_path('../../templates',File.dirname(__FILE__)) spec_helper_template ='./spec_helper.rb.erb',template_dir)) File.write("#{location}/spec_helper.rb",, nil, '-').result(binding)) end def create_fixtures_symlinks(repo) FileUtils.mkdir_p("#{repo.tempdir}/spec/fixtures/modules") repo.temp_modulepath.split(':').each do |path| Dir["#{path}/*"].each do |mod| modulename = File.basename(mod) FileUtils.ln_s(mod, "#{repo.tempdir}/spec/fixtures/modules/#{modulename}") end end end # TODO: Work out the best way to format the output # TODO: Look into bundling bundler into the temp dir # TODO: Write task for beaker tests *brace yourself* Dont forget about the beaker file you have # TODO: Compare the outlout of the beaker helper that I wrote # with the output from the templated tests, us ethe better one # bearing in minf that beaker has logger options that could help end end