=== 0.1.9 / 2009-06-13 * Upgraded to Hoe 2.0.0. * Use Hoe.spec instead of Hoe.new. * Use the Hoe signing task for signed gems. * Added the Agent#schemes and Agent#schemes= methods. * Added a warning message if 'net/https' cannot be loaded. * Allow the list of acceptable URL schemes to be passed into Agent.new. * Allow history and queue information to be passed into Agent.new. * Agent#start_at no longer clears the history or the queue. * Fixed a bug in the sanitization of semi-escaped URLs. * Fixed a bug where https URLs would be followed even if 'net/https' could not be loaded. * Removed Agent::SCHEMES. === 0.1.8 / 2009-05-27 * Added the Agent#pause! and Agent#continue! methods. * Added the Agent#running? and Agent#paused? methods. * Added an alias for pending_urls to the queue methods. * Added Agent#queue to provide read access to the queue. * Added Agent#queue= and Agent#history= for setting the queue and history. * Added Agent#to_hash which returns a Hash of the agents queue and history. * Made Agent#enqueue and Agent#queued? public. * Added more specs. === 0.1.7 / 2009-04-24 * Added Agent#all_headers. * Fixed a bug where Page#headers was always +nil+. * Spidr::Agent will now follow the Location header in HTTP 300, 301, 302, 303 and 307 Redirects. * Spidr::Agent will now follow iframe and frame tags. === 0.1.6 / 2009-04-14 * Added Agent#failures, a list of URLs which could not be visited. * Added Agent#failed?. * Added Agent#every_failed_url. * Added Agent#clear, which clears the history and failures URL lists. * Improved fault tolerance in Agent#get_page. * If a Network or HTTP error is encountered, the URL will be added to the failures list and the next URL will be visited. * Fixed a typo in Agent#ignore_exts_like. * Updated the Web Spider Obstacle Course with links that always fail to be visited. === 0.1.5 / 2009-03-22 * Catch malformed URIs in Page#to_absolute and return +nil+. * Filter out +nil+ URIs in Page#urls. === 0.1.4 / 2009-01-15 * Use Nokogiri for HTML and XML parsing. === 0.1.3 / 2009-01-10 * Added the :host options to Spidr::Agent#initialize. * Added the Web Spider Obstacle Course files to the Manifest. * Aliased Spidr::Agent#visited_urls to Spidr::Agent#history. === 0.1.2 / 2008-11-06 * Fixed a bug in Page#to_absolute where URLs with no path were not receiving a default path of /. * Fixed a bug in Page#to_absolute where URL paths were not being expanded, in order to remove .. and . directories. * Fixed a bug where absolute URLs could have a blank path, thus causing Agent#get_page to crash when it performed the HTTP request. * Added RSpec spec tests. * Created a Web-Spider Obstacle Course (http://spidr.rubyforge.org/course/start.html) which is used in the spec tests. === 0.1.1 / 2008-10-04 * Added a reader method for the response instance variable in Page. * Fixed a bug in Page#method_missing. === 0.1.0 / 2008-05-23 * Initial release. * Black-list or white-list URLs based upon: * Host name * Port number * Full link * URL extension * Provides call-backs for: * Every visited Page. * Every visited URL. * Every visited URL that matches a specified pattern.